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Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

I am sure you are not pleased with what's happening in Pakistan at the moment - this extremism has a source and this source is that region - India and Pakistan needs to do the same thing and that is to eradicate these elements from that region - it's not India's fault if Pakistan treats them as a strategic asset and Afghanistan as a strategic space against India. India is doing the right thing here and that is trying to bring some development in Afghanistan. Pakistan is not.

If you imagine it as getting an advantage over Pakistan then you have a very myopic vision of the issue. Stability in that region is beneficial for all Afghanistan and it's neighbors.

you are right in saying that i dont like the way things are going in my country and i agree that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of just the region but in the interest of the world and as far as helping Afghanistan is concerned Pakistan has done more than what GOI has done in terms of investments it has ''liberated'' it once during the Soviet invasion and India was silent on the matter, actually the long history and the complex nature of Pak-Indo relation is responsible for for the suspicion with respect to GOI mantaining a presence in Afghanistan, imagine of Pakistan declares that it is sending troops to Bangladesh for ''assistance'' or some other purpose the GOI would be just as if not more suspicious towards our intentions
you are right in saying that i dont like the way things are going in my country and i agree that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of just the region but in the interest of the world and as far as helping Afghanistan is concerned Pakistan has done more than what GOI has done in terms of investments it has ''liberated'' it once during the Soviet invasion and India was silent on the matter, actually the long history and the complex nature of Pak-Indo relation is responsible for for the suspicion with respect to GOI mantaining a presence in Afghanistan, imagine of Pakistan declares that it is sending troops to Bangladesh for ''assistance'' or some other purpose the GOI would be just as if not more suspicious towards our intentions

Helping Afghanistan can have totally tow different meanings for you and for the Afghans or other countries even the US, I'll tell you why...

You helped them liberate from Soviet Invasion - I agree, but the mistake committed was not in disbanding the Mujaheddin and converting them into or let them convert into the Taliban covertly. The Taliban imposed the worst rule in Afghanistan ably supported by Pakistan - you could argue that Afghanistan under taliban was very peaceful but the world's extremists and fundamentalists gained sanctuary there which is the reason for current chaos - including the WOT.

In all a good gesture turned ugly because of treating them as a strategic asset to control Afghanistan and use them against India.

In present times Afghanistan - Practically everybody's on the same page with concerns of Afghanistan returning back to what happened in the 90's, Pakistan could have gained much credit by going against the Taliban and AQ with support of international forces - Pakistan did but not fully - the segregation of the good and the bad taliban and whom to go after and whom to not has resulted in no definite solution and no definite future for AFG.

India most likely would not send its forces to Afghanistan for the simple reason that Pakistan will not like it.
Helping Afghanistan can have totally tow different meanings for you and for the Afghans or other countries even the US, I'll tell you why...

You helped them liberate from Soviet Invasion - I agree, but the mistake committed was not in disbanding the Mujaheddin and converting them into or let them convert into the Taliban covertly. The Taliban imposed the worst rule in Afghanistan ably supported by Pakistan - you could argue that Afghanistan under taliban was very peaceful but the world's extremists and fundamentalists gained sanctuary there which is the reason for current chaos - including the WOT.

In all a good gesture turned ugly because of treating them as a strategic asset to control Afghanistan and use them against India.

In present times Afghanistan - Practically everybody's on the same page with concerns of Afghanistan returning back to what happened in the 90's, Pakistan could have gained much credit by going against the Taliban and AQ with support of international forces - Pakistan did but not fully - the segregation of the good and the bad taliban and whom to go after and whom to not has resulted in no definite solution and no definite future for AFG.

India most likely would not send its forces to Afghanistan for the simple reason that Pakistan will not like it.

i agree that a mistake was committed a grave one at that but as far as Pakistan going against the Taliban following the USSR's retrival the fact is that would have been a grave mistake because the world would not be at our corner and the support would have been just moral at best so I sure as hell am glad we didnt go against them at that time, proper rehabilation was needed but no point in contemplating what should have been done.....and you are wrong in assuming that the only reason GOI will not send troops or any personnel to India just because it would **** GOP off, the most likely reason is the lack of resources, will and the probability that it will not be fruitful ( seeing the fate the US has come to), if it was viable for GOI then it would sure as heavens march into Kabul....
i agree that a mistake was committed a grave one at that but as far as Pakistan going against the Taliban following the USSR's retrival the fact is that would have been a grave mistake because the world would not be at our corner and the support would have been just moral at best so I sure as hell am glad we didnt go against them at that time, proper rehabilation was needed but no point in contemplating what should have been done.....and you are wrong in assuming that the only reason .

Good points there, But Pakistan could have dismantled the Taliban groups and turned them towards peaceful or social activities or nation building - this would have been much more beneficial other than going at them militarily - we definitely have learned that the biggest military's have been unable to take them down and it would be naive to think that Pakistan could have done it - they would have turned against you as many factions presently have.

GOI will not send troops or any personnel to India just because it would **** GOP off, the most likely reason is the lack of resources, will and the probability that it will not be fruitful ( seeing the fate the US has come to), if it was viable for GOI then it would sure as heavens march into Kabul...

You can add difficulties in supplying them as one of the reasons too, but the biggest reason would be to avoid GOP getting alarmed - it would be counter productive.
Good points there, But Pakistan could have dismantled the Taliban groups and turned them towards peaceful or social activities or nation building - this would have been much more beneficial other than going at them militarily - we definitely have learned that the biggest military's have been unable to take them down and it would be naive to think that Pakistan could have done it - they would have turned against you as many factions presently have.

You can add difficulties in supplying them as one of the reasons too, but the biggest reason would be to avoid GOP getting alarmed - it would be counter productive.

yes it would raise alarm bells all over the country if GOI went into Afghanistan and this is the last thing that either of the countries need especially when we have the ever elusive peace in sight and our leaders are exchanging visits, if this truly is the reason then I applaud GOI for showing restraint in such a volatile time.....
Under UN mandate, Pak & Indian forces work together in Afghan.
Ahh.... but that's utopia !
Natural resources are a big attraction, with a developing economy we need resources and with Afghanistan's abundant resource the country is a prime location to get material from. Though the problem is getting the material to India, by helping build a train and road route from Afghanistan to Iran India plans to get the materials to India. We gotta invest if we want the benefits.

Sounds great, but If US leaves then who is going to protect, what you have said???? or even better the strategic planning that went on the Indian side of investment....
It is My statement dude :D

Yes, but the perception in the US administration has been equal of your specific statement.

The United States and other donors are in the process of completing various infrastructure
projects—particularly those for water, power, and roads. To prevent a severe economic downturn as international donors scale back their involvement, U.S. officials also hope to draw on Afghanistan’s vast mineral and agricultural resource, as well as its small but unexplored and
potentially significant hydrocarbon resources. U.S. officials also seek greater Afghanistan
integration into regional trade and investment patterns. Persuading Afghanistan’s neighbors to
support Afghanistan’s stability instead of their own particular interests has been a focus of U.S.
policy since 2009, but with mixed success.
:P to transport bhelpuri and dossa

You know What is so funny, that has already happened, but there is more to come beside just Dosa.....

Trade development and bilateral relation developments.
Afganistan is a full of Natural resources. This investment will help us to develop things there and use the resources with Afagnistan.

It's strategic location is also important in policital calculations.

So were is the disagreement.........
Sounds great, but If US leaves then who is going to protect, what you have said???? or even better the strategic planning that went on the Indian side of investment....

I highly doubt US is going to remove all its forces, plus the only security option is the Afghan army itself, I understand that its not the best option, but it is all we got. The only thing we can hope for is a stabilized Afghanistan.
I highly doubt US is going to remove all its forces, plus the only security option is the Afghan army itself, I understand that its not the best option, but it is all we got. The only thing we can hope for is a stabilized Afghanistan.

And which Country is the question isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan is willing and standing at the door step to make this possible, but the problem has become more complicated after OBL, he actually messed it up by going global......

So again what is India's role, does it take advantage to the situation or sit and wait for others to take advantage!!!!!!!!!
We deployed mig 29s in tajikistan. They can't do zilch. Their f16 are a/b variant mostly, so how the hell do you expect them to retaliate. Even our m46 155mm metamorphosis (go ahead type in m46 + ofb + 155mm in google images) and 155mm 45 cal bofors are bettr.
And which Country is the question isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan is willing and standing at the door step to make this possible, but the problem has become more complicated after OBL, he actually messed it up by going global......

So again what is India's role, does it take advantage to the situation or sit and wait for others to take advantage!!!!!!!!!

Taking advantage of situations rather than spear heading them.

indian foreign policy seems to be one of piggy backing :laugh:
Taking advantage of situations rather than spear heading them.

indian foreign policy seems to be one of piggy backing :laugh:

Interesting, Piggybacking, Lets see what it really means and how it fits Pakistan:

1. Piggybacking (security), when an authorized person allows (intentionally or unintentionally) others to pass through a secure door
2. Piggybacking, a practice in which a person with bad credit uses the seasoned trade line of credit of someone else
3. Piggy-back (law), shareholder selling rights
Piggybacking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's take number 1, allowed US coalition force to pass thru Pakistan.
Let's take number 2, Pakistan gets great donations from US, which was used as military build up, and breezes thru IMF Loan at Zardari's beginning tenure!!!!!!!!!!
Let's take number 3, allowing US to come to your land and to fly drons, from your land and to attack into your land.

Whom is playing the piggy back?????
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