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Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

Can any one explain what was the purpose of India's 2 billion dollar's contribution (which mainly was spent on road constructon and facility building) to Afghanistan?
My point is " Stop dreaming that somehow a few thousands marines can do the job backed by some drones and CIA network ( God knows who will support them though ) when more than a million coalition soldiers couldn't meet their objectives in Afghanistan in 10 years and now are packing their bags " ... :lol:

Yes they are , outside Kabul , the situation is very different ... The coalition controls the border areas and major cities , that we know for sure , but the other parts are controlled by Talibans and assorted warlords ... The US had drones for the last 10 years , I am not seeing Taliban eliminated from that country , all I see are the Americans desperately negotiating with Taliban offering them different options which have been refused ... So , what am I to deduce from that ? :azn: A victory ?

Taliban in 72 percent of Afghanistan

The findings by the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS) come in the wake of a series of critical reports on Western-led military and development efforts to put an end to the seven-year Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.

While the trends in the ICOS report reflected prevailing sentiment on Afghanistan, many of its findings appeared flawed and contained some glaring errors, security analysts said.

“The Taliban now have a permanent presence in 72 percent of the country,” ICOS said in the report.

The report defines a permanent presence as an average of one or more insurgent attacks per week over the entire year.

According to ICOS, a ‘permanent presence’ then would include many areas of the country where the Taliban traditionally launch a large number of attacks in the spring and summer ‘fighting season’, before melting away during the harsh winter months.

Taliban In 72 Percent Of Afghanistan, Think Tank Says

This isn't a sports match that pressure will quickly build on Taliban to prove themselves and it wont be hard since majority of the troops would have left , different warlords will fight with each other as predicted and country will descend into what it was ... Objectives met , would you say ? :azn:

Do you consider an isolated house with no fighters to be most secured ? Because that is where Osama was ...

They are giving a hard time to Americans and ANA as we speak , so if they have targets now , the situation will only improve for them ...

If you consider that Americans somehow spent trillions and lost thousands just to kill a man who was a nobody at the time of his death since he wasn't controlling the Al Qaeda and living his life in isolation then the US media has successfully fooled you too ... What happened to the objectives of " completely eliminating Taliban " , " establishing a central Govt in Kabul that can control the country properly and protect itself " , " making it a secure country " and " making the region secure " ?

I don't know that if you are not understanding it or don't want to understand it :D

It is avg Pak opinion that US lose war in AF. I don't wana talk on that.
Just tell me one thing will Talibs be able to roam around like they used to do before US come ???
Situation for them will be same. Just there won't be any big deployment. But striking powe will always be there. :D

So even without US in Afagan Talibs have to keep low and can't openly do things. That's my point. AFAIK it has nothing to do with region. US is looking after its own interest and so will be ANA so will be Pak and so will be India. Just everybody's tools will be different

Can any one explain what was the purpose of India's 2 billion dollar's contribution (which mainly was spent on road constructon and facility building) to Afghanistan?

Trade development and bilateral relation developments.
Afganistan is a full of Natural resources. This investment will help us to develop things there and use the resources with Afagnistan.

It's strategic location is also important in policital calculations.
Can any one explain what was the purpose of India's 2 billion dollar's contribution (which mainly was spent on road constructon and facility building) to Afghanistan?

Natural resources are a big attraction, with a developing economy we need resources and with Afghanistan's abundant resource the country is a prime location to get material from. Though the problem is getting the material to India, by helping build a train and road route from Afghanistan to Iran India plans to get the materials to India. We gotta invest if we want the benefits.
I don't know that if you are not understanding it or don't want to understand it :D

It is avg Pak opinion that US lose war in AF. I don't wana talk on that.
Just tell me one thing will Talibs be able to roam around like they used to do before US come ???
Situation for them will be same. Just there won't be any big deployment. But striking powe will always be there. :D

So even without US in Afagan Talibs have to keep low and can't openly do things. That's my point. AFAIK it has nothing to do with region. US is looking after its own interest and so will be ANA so will be Pak and so will be India. Just everybody's tools will be different

I dont know if you even know what are you discussing here , dear :azn:

No its not average opinion in my country , its what it is looking from facts , the reality on ground and reports from Western think tanks ... Looking US asking Taliban to settle down and talk offering them positions in the Govt and a role in the country hardly seems like a victory ...

As per the reports I posted earlier , Taliban are controlling 72% of the country ... Have I said that Taliban will be able to do whatever they want like before ? Go , read my earlier posts , I said that a battle for power will ensue among different warlords and country will descend into civil war like before ... Did you read that ? :no:

Without a big deployment , there is no hindrance , if they are present in majority parts of the country as per the reports and attacking the coalition and ANA alike now , whats stopping after coalition leaves the country ? Some drones ? Solution for everything according to you ?

It doesn't matter what Taliban do , seriously ... Because they are just one for the several hundred militias , nothing else ... Will they ascend to power ? I do not know ... But looking at the state of affairs where US is offering them part in Afghan Govt , you can use your mind and think where it is all headed ... It had everything to do with region and the country itself , the war has terribly gone wrong for the US ... Americans came here with much bigger plans than you can comprehend but all they have now is a face saving exit - no long term protection of their interest w.r.t. China and Russia ...

That is an excerpt from an earlier post of yours ...

Do you want to say these Talibs are roaming around the area like they are wondering on beach ??? Not exactly they are hiding in holes waiting for US to go away.

Have you got the answer now ? Even the Americans admit that themselves majority parts are still under the control of Taliban , not the coalition and by no chance the Afghan Govt ...
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Can any one explain what was the purpose of India's 2 billion dollar's contribution (which mainly was spent on road constructon and facility building) to Afghanistan?

Trade development and bilateral relation developments.
Afganistan is a full of Natural resources. This investment will help us to develop things there and use the resources with Afagnistan.

It's strategic location is also important in policital calculations.

Afghanistan post Taliban was a devastated land, India went purely on humanitarian basis so that some part of Afghan life could be rebuilt, trade and natural resources was an after thought - because aid does not run a country, economy does and long term benefits for Afghan comes from their involvement in trade and industry.

India is genuinely interested to see development in Afghanistan and to avoid terrorists taking over that part of the world again.
Can any one explain what was the purpose of India's 2 billion dollar's contribution (which mainly was spent on road constructon and facility building) to Afghanistan?

our strategic interests mate.afghanistan has a strategic location connecting it to central asia.

Afghanistan post Taliban was a devastated land, India went purely on humanitarian basis so that some part of Afghan life could be rebuilt, trade and natural resources was an after thought - because aid does not run a country, economy does and long term benefits for Afghan comes from their involvement in trade and industry.

India is genuinely interested to see development in Afghanistan and to avoid terrorists taking over that part of the world again.

india is not that naive my friend.terrorism and our strategic and economic reasons both are equally important.

That is an excerpt from an earlier post of yours ...

Have you got the answer now ? Even the Americans admit that themselves majority parts are still under the control of Taliban , not the coalition and by no chance the Afghan Govt ...

Western links and experts said Ameriacan didnt win the war, but they never said they lose it. This statement has been debated to death so lets skip it.

Lets wait and watch
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The world's biggest democracy doesn't have a military presence in any other country either. So that's not really a boasting point for afghanistan

The US is not going back because it was defeated by the afghan militants. They are going back because there is no reason to stay there anymore. They drove the Taliban out of power, reduced them to being terrorists who occasionally blast a bomb, decimated the al Qaeda network that operated with Afghanistan as its base. Established a favorable government there. Its not like there are pitched battles there everyday between the superpower and the afghan militants. The militants are really no match for the americans, soldier to soldier. The combat effectiveness of a US marine or army or green beret unit is simply out of their league. Make no mistake, the US is leaving because their business there is done. They are leaving on a time table set by themselves, at a time and in a manner the decide. Not by the enemy. And the Taliban will not return to power - the US has enough and more resources to ensure that that doesn't happen.

the mere survival of a guerrilla movement is its victory, the people fighting the US and allies are not just the taliban or al qaeda or some other terrorist faction most are just everyday Afghans fighting to avenge a loved one killed in the blind bombing initiated after 9 11, or some one who is fighting for some other personal reason such as his mother, sister or wife ''maltreated'' during a raid or some thing like that, the writ of the US and allies is only barely limited to Kabul and adjoining areas and its bases where they are holed up the rest of the country is not governed by anyone but local war lords and tribal cheifs.....
Afghanistan post Taliban was a devastated land, India went purely on humanitarian basis so that some part of Afghan life could be rebuilt, trade and natural resources was an after thought - because aid does not run a country, economy does and long term benefits for Afghan comes from their involvement in trade and industry.

India is genuinely interested to see development in Afghanistan and to avoid terrorists taking over that part of the world again.

mate there is no room for sentiment in statecraft and chants like friendship deeper than sea etc are only good for post dialogue press conferences etc same goes for the ''humanitarian support'' etc, the GOI invested money, provided support etc only to tip the scale in its favor and for nothing else because a pro India Afghanistan massively puts Pakistan at a disadvantage and would mean a limited strategic victory for GOI but the victory I am talking about has gotten more elusive since the US decided to pull out and time doesnt allow me to go into depth into the matters but by no means did India do a ''humanitarian deed'' in Afghanistan it would be naive to think so
our strategic interests mate.afghanistan has a strategic location connecting it to central asia.

india is not that naive my friend.terrorism and our strategic and economic reasons both are equally important.

Both gets achieved only when there is writ in Afghanistan, the fundamentalists are reduced in power and the people are given some sort of a life to remove them from extremism - initial investments were to stabilize Afghanistan -which is much appreciated by Afghans and their Government -India is probably the most liked country in Afghanistan at the moment.
mate there is no room for sentiment in statecraft and chants like friendship deeper than sea etc are only good for post dialogue press conferences etc same goes for the ''humanitarian support'' etc, the GOI invested money, provided support etc only to tip the scale in its favor and for nothing else because a pro India Afghanistan massively puts Pakistan at a disadvantage and would mean a limited strategic victory for GOI but the victory I am talking about has gotten more elusive since the US decided to pull out and time doesnt allow me to go into depth into the matters but by no means did India do a ''humanitarian deed'' in Afghanistan it would be naive to think so

I am sure you are not pleased with what's happening in Pakistan at the moment - this extremism has a source and this source is that region - India and Pakistan needs to do the same thing and that is to eradicate these elements from that region - it's not India's fault if Pakistan treats them as a strategic asset and Afghanistan as a strategic space against India. India is doing the right thing here and that is trying to bring some development in Afghanistan. Pakistan is not.

If you imagine it as getting an advantage over Pakistan then you have a very myopic vision of the issue. Stability in that region is beneficial for all Afghanistan and it's neighbors.
we can arm them to the teeth..would you like that??? :azn:

I think Americans armed them enough to the point of bullet proof underwear.

@topic Will be the worst decision ever by india if they deploy forces in Afghanistan. Americans with all their might are running with tails b/w their legs. A civil war is inevitable so pakistan should just seall off Pak-Afghan border despite afghan and US yapping. Till today i dont understand why afghans and US are against sealing off and mining of the border.
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