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Militants kill 12 military personnel in Egypt's Sinai

8.5m people:
6.4m jews by the halacha
0.4m jews not by halacha
0.15m druze
0.15 christian arabs
1.35m muslim arabs from them 0.3m bedouins
other small groups
do the math

Listen to me,jewish=people,religion,ethnic,culture......
there is no such a thing arab jew,stop with your imperialist ideology.

Why are you trolling?




Let me quote from the last link (2013 data).

  •  The Jewish population numbers approximately 6.042 million residents (75.3% of the total population); the Arab population numbers approximately 1.658 million residents (20.7%); and the population of “others,” referring to non-Arab Christians, members of other religions, and persons not classified by religion in the Ministry of the Interior, numbers 318,000 (4.0%)

    As for the rest of your post. You clearly did not read my post number 24. I have provided amble sources. You can keep living in the delusion of thinking that Israeli Arab Jews (over 50% of all Israeli Jews) being different from their Arab Muslim and Christian neighbors despite looking exactly the same and despite modern-day genetics proving otherwise. You can keep thinking than an average Israeli Yemenite Jew is different from a Muslim Yemenite genetically.

    You can also keep lying to yourself and pretending that Judaism was solely followed by ancient Semitic Israelites/Hebrews when we know that this is not correct as Judaism was also followed by other Semitic peoples.




    Also I know personally a few Israeli Jews of Arab descent who consider themselves as Arab Jews.


    Once again:

    Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

    Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.

    The best example of them today is in fact those guys and they look like your average Arab, funnily enough.

    Samaritans. Read about them.


    Sadly less than 1000 are left.

I am not the one being an "imperialist". You are the one denying your own ISRAELI data, accepted history and peoples own attachment to their own heritage.

And unlike you I do not wish to harm any Jews and believe that Israel should have a right to exist but so should Palestine. So who is the imperialist here? Arabs are not occupying any non-Arab land anywhere.
Why are you trolling?




Let me quote from the last link (2013 data).

  •  The Jewish population numbers approximately 6.042 million residents (75.3% of the total population); the Arab population numbers approximately 1.658 million residents (20.7%); and the population of “others,” referring to non-Arab Christians, members of other religions, and persons not classified by religion in the Ministry of the Interior, numbers 318,000 (4.0%)
In 2013 6.042 in 2016 6.4
The israeli data don't count you as a jew if your mother is not jewish by the halacha
In israel the term arab=every one who is not jewish.
  • As for the rest of your post. You clearly did not read my post number 24. I have provided amble sources. You can keep living in the delusion of thinking that Israeli Arab Jews (over 50% of all Israeli Jews) being different from their Arab Muslim and Christian neighbors despite looking exactly the same and despite modern-day genetics proving otherwise. You can keep thinking than an average Israeli Yemenite Jew is different from a Muslim Yemenite genetically.

    You can also keep lying to yourself and pretending that Judaism was solely followed by ancient Semitic Israelites/Hebrews when we know that this is not correct as Judaism was also followed by other Semitic peoples.




    Also I know personally a few Israeli Jews of Arab descent who consider themselves as Arab Jews.


    Once again:

    Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

    Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.
My friend you live in dreams,i explained it to you before,but it's ok,keep your narrative.

  • The best example of them today is in fact those guys and they look like your average Arab, funnily enough.

    Samaritans. Read about them.


    Sadly less than 1000 are left.
Samaritans are "kutim" ancient people from today iraq,the assyrians bring them to the land of israel 2700 years ago.

Daaaamm you are so ignorant,i start to believe to people here says that you are troll
My friend you live in dreams,i explained it to you before,but it's ok,keep your narrative.
Samaritans are "kutim" ancient people from today iraq,the assyrians bring them to the land of israel 2700 years ago.

Daaaamm you are so ignorant,i start to believe to people here says that you are troll


Yes, of course. Say that to the Israeli government whose sources I used, geneticists who have published countless of DNA tests that show that there is no difference between Arab Jews (Jews from Arab lands) and Muslim and Christian Arabs. Say that to the historians etc. who speak about what I have spoken about. In fact it is a consensus among historians all over the world.

Yes, of course.

The Samaritans (Samaritan Hebrew: שוֹמְרִים Samerim "Guardians/Keepers/Watchers [of the Law/Torah]", Hebrew: שומרונים‎‎ Shomronim, Arabic: السامريون‎‎ Samāriyyūn) are an ethnoreligious group of the Levant originating from the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.

Anyway you Jews claim to originate from modern-day Iraq yourself so how do Samaritans differ according to your own theory?

I will tell you how they differ. They have 1000 times more claim on Israel/Palestine than some supposed Jews from Eastern Europe.

In the real world:

Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.

There is nothing more to discuss and good luck trying to remove 21% of your population and 5 million (almost the entire population of Jews in Israel) Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

But, but I am not an anti-Arab I just want to deport Arabs from their lands. Good joke.

Yes, of course. Say that to the Israeli government whose sources I used, geneticists who have published countless of DNA tests that show that there is no difference between Arab Jews (Jews from Arab lands) and Muslim and Christian Arabs. Say that to the historians etc. who speak about what I have spoken about. In fact it is a consensus among historians all over the world.

Yes, of course.

The Samaritans (Samaritan Hebrew: שוֹמְרִים Samerim "Guardians/Keepers/Watchers [of the Law/Torah]", Hebrew: שומרונים‎‎ Shomronim, Arabic: السامريون‎‎ Samāriyyūn) are an ethnoreligious group of the Levant originating from the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.

Anyway you Jews claim to originate from modern-day Iraq yourself so how do Samaritans differ according to your own theory?

I will tell you how they differ. They have 1000 times more claim on Israel/Palestine than some supposed Jews from Eastern Europe.

In the real world:

Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.

There is nothing more to discuss and good luck trying to remove 21% of your population and 5 million (almost the entire population of Jews in Israel) Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

But, but I am not an anti-Arab I just want to deport Arabs from their lands. Good joke.

Arabs and Indians are close to each others and they do have similar traditions and cultures .

Yes, of course. Say that to the Israeli government whose sources I used, geneticists who have published countless of DNA tests that show that there is no difference between Arab Jews (Jews from Arab lands) and Muslim and Christian Arabs. Say that to the historians etc. who speak about what I have spoken about. In fact it is a consensus among historians all over the world.

Yes, of course.

The Samaritans (Samaritan Hebrew: שוֹמְרִים Samerim "Guardians/Keepers/Watchers [of the Law/Torah]", Hebrew: שומרונים‎‎ Shomronim, Arabic: السامريون‎‎ Samāriyyūn) are an ethnoreligious group of the Levant originating from the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.

Anyway you Jews claim to originate from modern-day Iraq yourself so how do Samaritans differ according to your own theory?

I will tell you how they differ. They have 1000 times more claim on Israel/Palestine than some supposed Jews from Eastern Europe.

In the real world:

Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.

There is nothing more to discuss and good luck trying to remove 21% of your population and 5 million (almost the entire population of Jews in Israel) Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

But, but I am not an anti-Arab I just want to deport Arabs from their lands. Good joke.

Cairo: An Egyptian Army Brigadier General was killed on Friday by three terrorists outside his house in the country's North Sinai governorate, army spokesman said in a statement.

"Brigadier General Hisham Mohamed Mahmoud was killed by three terror militants outside his house in the North Sinai city of al-Arish," Xinhua news agency quoted the spokesman as saying in the statement on his facebook page.

"Such cowardly and desperate acts will not discourage the armed forces to do their sacred mission of protecting the Egyptian people," the spokesman added.

Earlier on Friday, an Egyptian judge escaped a car explosion in Cairo's eastern district of Naser City.

An interior ministry official said the judge was not harmed and there were no casualties.

Some local media reported the judge was involved in one of the trials of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi.


First Published: Saturday, November 5, 2016 - 03:17

First Published: Friday, November 25, 2016 - 04:03
Cairo: Eight soldiers have been killed in a car bomb attack by "armed terrorists" targeting a checkpoint in Egypt's restive North Sinai province, the army said.

"A group of armed terrorists attacked the army checkpoint yesterday using a 4x4 vehicle with high explosive materials," military spokesperson Brigadier General Mohamed Samir said in a statement.

"Eight soldiers were killed during the attack. The army exchanged fire with the terrorists killing three of them and injuring others. The armed forces are currently continuing searching area for terrorists," Samir said.

Egypt's North Sinai has witnessed many violent attacks by militants in the last few years and since the January 2011 revolution that toppled the ex-president Hosni Mubarak.

The attacks targeting police and military increased after the ouster of Islamist ex-president Mohamed Morsi in 2013 by military following massive protests against his rule.

Over 700 security personnel have been reported killed since then. The military has launched security campaigns in the area, arrested suspects and demolished houses that belong to terrorists, including those facilitating tunnels leading to the Gaza Strip.


By Khaled al-Jayoushi


At least 13 militants were killed in Egyptian airstrikes in the restive Sinai Peninsula late Sunday, according to a local security source.

Apache helicopter gunships raided hideouts of alleged militants in southern Arish city in northern Sinai, the source said anonymously because he was unauthorized to speak to media.

The attack injured 10 other militants and destroyed a number of motorbikes and vehicles used by the militants, the source said.

Earlier Sunday, a roadside bomb killed a policeman and injured an army soldier in Arish.

Since mid-2013, when Mohamed Morsi -- Egypt’s first freely-elected president -- was ousted in a military coup, hundreds of Egyptian security personnel deployed in Sinai have been killed amid an ongoing militant insurgency.

The Egyptian security forces, meanwhile, continue to wage a fierce campaign -- involving elements from both the police and the army -- against what they describe as Sinai-based "terrorist groups".

Egypt’s army-backed authorities say they are battling the Welayat Sinai (Province of Sinai) group, which is said to have links to the Daesh terrorist organization.
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