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Militants kill 12 military personnel in Egypt's Sinai

I dont know in which world you live.

Israeli settlement blocks beyond the green line are violations of United Nations Resolutions. Palestinians have accepted State of Israel not on 1948 borders but 1967 borders .

Egypt, GCC, Turkey, Jordan and India have always stand for Independent Palestine state with (Al QUDS) East Jerusalem as their Capital .

Do you not understand English or was what I wrote that hard to understand? I simply do not understand your reaction. Must be some kind of misunderstanding from your part because it makes no sense whatsoever.

Also thank you for teaching an Arab that has followed Arabic politics closely for 15+ years the basics. Could have not survived without it.
Too much trolling for me to reply to it, I am afraid. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway almost 25% of Israel's population is Arab (Muslim and Christian) and over 50% of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews who are not any different genetically from their Arab Muslims and Christian counterparts. Arabic is already an official language in Israel and most of your cuisine that you call Israeli is in fact Arabic cuisine.
First:15% are arab muslims-1.35 millions.there is more 150,000 christians arabs(arameans,maronites)1-2%+15=16-17%.
There is no thing like "arab jew" never was,never will,it's like to say "arab turk"/"arab persian",don't try to steal jews identity!!
Arabic is an official language since the british mandate,it's not new.it stayed like that because jews wanted to be kind.
There is no realy israeli cuisine,the cuisine in israel is worldwide cuisine,the food jews bring with them from other places.
As for Palestine, I can assure you that there will be a future country called Palestine. They already control areas inhabited by them (West Bank and Gaza) and Israel cannot steal that land.
HHhhhhh,israel took a puppets and gave them to rule on the arabs in judea&samaria&gaza.
the idea was - Israel needs a sucker, which will revel in this headache, until we decide how to get rid of them.
It wasn't successful.

Anyway you appear to be an anti-Arab Jew (from Azerbaijan) but that is not the case with all Jewish users here that one can have good and serious debates with.
I'm definitely not anti arab,and i was born ,and live in israel

I dont know in which world you live.

Israeli settlement blocks beyond the green line are violations of United Nations Resolutions. Palestinians have accepted State of Israel not on 1948 borders but 1967 borders .

Egypt, GCC, Turkey, Jordan and India have always stand for Independent Palestine state with (Al QUDS) East Jerusalem as their Capital .
There is no violations here,but there is a narrative about violations.
UN is corrupt organization with automatic block against israel.it is not reliable "source".

United Nations is an International platform where all nations sit and raise issues linked to thier Soveriginity and Territorial Intergity.

Republic of India should get Permanent UNSC seat.
United Nations is an International platform where all nations sit and raise issues linked to thier Soveriginity and Territorial Intergity.

Republic of India should get Permanent UNSC seat.
It doesn't contradict what I said before
State of Israel is under violations of UN resolutions.
Abba eban:"If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."
First:15% are arab muslims-1.35 millions.there is more 150,000 christians arabs(arameans,maronites)1-2%+15=16-17%.
There is no thing like "arab jew" never was,never will,it's like to say "arab turk"/"arab persian",don't try to steal jews identity!!
Arabic is an official language since the british mandate,it's not new.it stayed like that because jews wanted to be kind.
There is no realy israeli cuisine,the cuisine in israel is worldwide cuisine,the food jews bring with them from other places.

HHhhhhh,israel took a puppets and gave them to rule on the arabs in judea&samaria&gaza.
the idea was - Israel needs a sucker, which will revel in this headache, until we decide how to get rid of them.
It wasn't successful.

I'm definitely not anti arab,and i was born ,and live in israel

There is no violations here,but there is a narrative about violations.

Are you sure?

21% of all Israelis are Israeli Arabs.


I don't know which world you live in but we Arabs (at least 99% of all Arabs) do not distinguish between Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Jewish Arabs, Atheist Arabs etc. It is not like I would stop being an Arab just because I could theoretically convert to some kind of traditional African religion.

I am afraid that you are wrong. In Arabia alone there were ARAB Jewish kingdoms from Yemen to Northern KSA. There were whole Arab tribes who converted to Judaism.




Also if what you say is true why is there no physical/genetic difference between Arab Jews (Jews from the Arab world) and local Arab Muslims and Christians?

Do you think that an Yemeni Jew (500.000 Yemeni Jews in Israel alone) for instance is any different from an Muslim Yemeni genetically? If so you live in another world.

No it stayed like that because a large percentage of the population (in fact a majority under British rule) was Arabic-speaking. Including all the Arab Jews (or what you call Mizrahi) who spoke Arabic as their mother tongue.

Yes, I know, but many of your compatriots try to claim Arab dishes (that existed for centuries if not millennia before the foundation of modern-day Israel) as Israeli.

Good luck "getting rid" of millions upon millions of Palestinians who live in their own lands in the West Bank and Gaza. Or even those Israeli Arabs (21%) who live INSIDE Israel.

You are definitely not anti-Arab but you just want to deport and harm Arabs that live in Palestine. Makes no sense.

Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples that lived in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs and other Semites of the region. Extinct of today but their ancestors can be found among modern-day Jews, Arabs and other Semitic-speaking peoples of the region.

The best example of them today is in fact those guys and they look like your average Arab, funnily enough.

Samaritans. Read about them.


Sadly less than 1000 are left.

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Are you sure?

21% of all Israelis are Israeli Arabs.

8.5m people:
6.4m jews by the halacha
0.4m jews not by halacha
0.15m druze
0.15 christian arabs
1.35m muslim arabs from them 0.3m bedouins
other small groups
do the math
I don't know which world you live in but we Arabs (at least 99% of all Arabs) do not distinguish between Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Jewish Arabs, Atheist Arabs etc. It is not like I would stop being an Arab just because I could theoretically convert to some kind of traditional African religion.

I am afraid that you are wrong. In Arabia alone there were ARAB Jewish kingdoms from Yemen to Northern KSA. There were whole Arab tribes who converted to Judaism.




Also if what you say is true why is there no physical/genetic difference between Arab Jews (Jews from the Arab world) and local Arab Muslims and Christians?

Do you think that an Yemeni Jew (500.000 Yemeni Jews in Israel alone) for instance is any different from an Muslim Yemeni genetically? If so you live in another world.

No it stayed like that because a large percentage of the population (in fact a majority under British rule) was Arabic-speaking. Including all the Arab Jews (or what you call Mizrahi) who spoke Arabic as their mother tongue.

Yes, I know, but many of your compatriots try to claim Arab dishes (that existed for centuries if not millennia before the foundation of modern-day Israel) as Israeli.

Good luck "getting rid" of millions upon millions of Palestinians who live in their own lands in the West Bank and Gaza. Or even those Israeli Arabs (21%) who live INSIDE Israel.

You are definitely not anti-Arab but you just want to deport and harm Arabs that live in Palestine. Makes no sense.

Jewish = follower of Judaism. Can be of any ethnicity and skin color as we also see in Israel today.

Hebrew/Israelite = ancient Semitic peoples living in modern-day Israel/Palestine. Closely related to neighboring Semitic Arabs.

Listen to me,jewish=people,religion,ethnic,culture......
there is no such a thing arab jew,stop with your imperialist ideology.
Abba eban:"If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."

Still State of Israel is under violations of UN Resolution because of the blocks beyond the green line.
Still State of Israel is under violations of UN Resolution because of the blocks beyond the green line.
The green line has no connection to the "settlements".
The green line is not a border.
The green line is the ceasefire line between israel&jordan from 1948 war.
The green line has no connection to the "settlements".
The green line is not a border.
The green line is the ceasefire line between israel&jordan from 1948 war.

Just go and read UN resolutions against State of Israel.
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