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Militants hiding in Pakistan might plan attack on US: Bush



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Mar 27, 2008
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WASHINGTON: US President George W. Bush has said durng TV nterview that, it seems that if United Sates of America is attacked once again like 9/11, it would be the work of militants hiding inside Pakistan.
Ok so they are letting everyone know in advance that the next major false flag attack will have it's patsies in FATA and NWFP because an excuse is needed to send US troops there.
I suppose the CIA is behind these reports and we must believe them, because the CIA is never wrong they always have the right and accurate intellengence. Remember guys this is the same agency which said Saddam had weapons of mass destrustion.
I suppose the CIA is behind these reports and we must believe them, because the CIA is never wrong they always have the right and accurate intellengence. Remember guys this is the same agency which said Saddam had weapons of mass destrustion.

Yes but Saddam did gas 10000 Kurds in one go. Is that not WMD ? As regards Iraq and Saddam we know how easily USA demolished them with one hand tied behind their back so I would be very worried if they say the next terror plot against them will comes from Pakistan. I hope that never happens as it would lead to world chaos and this time I doubt USA will land any troops to control the areas having learnt its lessons in Iraq. They will just bomb the targets they feel from where the threat came and sadly accept for Russia and China no one can do anything about it.

Yes but Saddam did gas 10000 Kurds in one go. Is that not WMD ? As regards Iraq and Saddam we know how easily USA demolished them with one hand tied behind their back so I would be very worried if they say the next terror plot against them will comes from Pakistan. I hope that never happens as it would lead to world chaos and this time I doubt USA will land any troops to control the areas having learnt its lessons in Iraq. They will just bomb the targets they feel from where the threat came and sadly accept for Russia and China no one can do anything about it.


Look AN! i dont want to go into an unwanted debate but we all know how many WMDs were found in iraq. Anyways lets not got there and coming back to the last part of your post, well we can do nothing if they(US) has already made up its mind that pakistan will be behind the next attack that happens in the US. True russia and china cannot do anything about it yet, there are far too busy with their economic development in case of china and as for russia they are trying to acquire their respect back as a world power. So all attentions are focused there.However attacking pakistan will make sure one thing that US just made another enemy and that too which has nuclear weapons. You see all we need is a cause, a reason to shift our strategic doctrine from india towards the US. Obiviously we cant challenge them conventionally but we would want to hit them with something they will gonna remember for many generations to come. So far the american main land has never been targeted, that sense of security will be washed away from the minds of the americans for generations to come. Obiviously we wouldnt survive either considering the repercussions of that attack however US will also never be the same. and lets not forget the huge blow that it will cause to the world economy. So lets just hope and pray that things dont turn out the way it seems they will.
God Bless Pakistan:pakistan:
:sniper:we also not afghani or iraqi pakistani nation also know very well to welcome US troops in fata .i persnali think no one go live from our country if he enter as an enemy.india US or any one.:pakistan:
:sniper:we also not afghani or iraqi pakistani nation also know very well to welcome US troops in fata .i persnali think no one go live from our country if he enter as an enemy.india US or any one.:pakistan:

Keep up these intelligent and intellectual posts and maybe G Bush will start quivering in his boots and get scared and stop the drone attacks in FATA etc.

WASHINGTON: US President George W. Bush has said durng TV nterview that, it seems that if United Sates of America is attacked once again like 9/11, it would be the work of militants hiding inside Pakistan.

i think its a political ploy to ensure that the new govt in pakistan does not change/alter its on-going campaign on the WoT.
Bush calls Fata most dangerous region -DAWN - Top Stories; April 13, 2008

Bush calls Fata most dangerous region

By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, April 12: President George Bush has said that Pakistan, and not Afghanistan or Iraq, is now the most likely place where a plot could be hatched to carry out any 9/11-type attack in the US.

In an interview with ABC News, Mr Bush described the tribal region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border as one of the most dangerous areas in the world today where “Al Qaeda had established safe havens and was plotting attacks against the United States”.

Asked to comment on an assessment of US intelligence reports that if there was another 9/11 plot being hatched, it was probably in Afghanistan and Pakistan and not in Iraq, Mr Bush said: “I would say not in Afghanistan. I would say in... .”

The interviewer interrupted him and asked “Pakistan?”

“Yes. Probably true,” responded Mr Bush. “And, you know, all the more reason to have the capacity to listen to … terrorists making phone calls. That’s why we need to have this Fisa law,” which allows phone tapping.

“We’re still under threat, and we’re still pressuring terrorists. And we’ve been pretty successful at bringing to justice the number-three person in Al Qaeda, with Pakistan’s help, by the way,” he added.

Mr Bush said the threat from Al Qaeda elements hiding in Pakistan also justified his efforts to increase the size of the US army and the Marine Corps.

Asked if he saw the next 9/11 coming from the region which included Afghanistan and Pakistan, why did he not send more troops to Afghanistan, Mr Bush said: “Because they (Al Qaeda) are not in Afghanistan. And if they were in Afghanistan, they’d be routed out of Afghanistan. We’ve got plenty of firepower to take on Al Qaeda cells in Afghanistan.”

“Then why is Admiral Mike Mullen so worried about that area?” he was asked.

“We’re all concerned about the area,” said Mr Bush. “This is the area in which Al Qaeda had had safe havens before. And any time you can find instability or anytime you can find vacuums, we’ve got to worry about it.”

Mr Bush said that in Afghanistan, the US was part of a larger coalition, which included its Nato allies who promised to send more troops to the country at a recent conference in Bucharest, Romania.
Keep up these intelligent and intellectual posts and maybe G Bush will start quivering in his boots and get scared and stop the drone attacks in FATA etc.


these attacks also i 100% shore that pak gov allow them for do that.other wise they cant do that:hitwall:
these attacks also i 100% shore that pak gov allow them for do that.other wise they cant do that:hitwall:

So US takes permission from Pakistan before the launch these attacks ?

If Yes why did the brave Gen M allow such attacks ?

Lastly what can PAF do to stop them ?


Personally I am happy that Pakistan is on the US side on the WOT since its a matter of time OBL will force his views of Islam on the Pakistanis too.

The USA is evidently building its case against Pakistan, in the hope that after few months of media trial, and after the USA public is assured that a direct attack on Pakistan was unavoidable... they'll be allowed to target PAK using one excuse or the other.

Musharraf since 9/11 (almost 7 years) has been effectively controlling the desire of USA to attempt a direct attack inside PAK. For that, we have 80,000 of our troops inside NWFP and NOT giving USA any excuse to operate directly.

USA is only concerned in uprooting those militants that cause a threat to their Caspian Gas & Oil pipeline and disrupt the supplies. It's their desire to create & protect a SAFE PASSAGE for their Caspian Sea Gas & Oil pipeline, passing through Afghanistan and ending in Gwadar (Oil) and Multan (Gas). For that militants are no-no!

Pakistan has to fastly eradicate those militants:

1- To avoid militancy inside PAK and stop the trend of suicide bombings (rounding up these militants would have caused the bombings anyway).
2- To avoid making NWFP a safe haven for militants (Uzbeks, Chechans, Arabs & AFghans)
3- To avoid the aspiring USA to take this matter directly into their hands.

No political or military leader, can directly CONFRONT the USA knowing the consequences. Only a traitor, with the intention of having PAK hit by USA & allies, will give idiotic statements like Imran Khan (he also has a british ex-wife to escort him back to UK)

Pakistan's UTMOST INTEREST is to save itself from direct wrath of USA & corrupt allies. Secondly, save PAK from the militancy drive & suicide bombings of Baitullah Mehsud and Fazalulah. Parallel, strengthening of our Economy.

Pkaistan is no China, that can fight off USA aggression. Nor, do we have Oil to sustain the effects of war. Let us NOT remain in fancy illussions, and let's be realistic!

We have the best of leader Musharraf, the best of COAS General Kiyani and the best of Parliament (choke)!
International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing

Written by Afreen Baig

Pakistan First : International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing

When President Musharraf took over, Pakistan was on the verge of default and bankruptcy, with less than a billion dollars in its foreign reserves and 65% of the revenues being spend on debt servicing. The external debt had grown from $ 18 billion in 1988 to become $ 38 billion in 1999. Pakistan was also being tagged as a terrorism supporting state, due to persistent Indian efforts.

The timing coincided with the great game that was about to take place on the map of the worlds. The US had drawn up plans to somehow secure the Oil fields of the Caspian Sea region that competes in scale with the riches of Saudi Arabia. In 2010 they are expected to yield 3.2 billion barrels of crude oil per day, in addition to 4.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year. The shortest and safest route for the oil pipeline was designed, starting from the Central Asian states through Afghanistan and ending in Baluchistan. The Afghanistan war was implemented to give success and prominence to the US conglomerate Unocal Corporation over the Argentinean conglomerate Bridas, and wipe out the obstinate Taliban.

September 11 was a planned tragedy converted into an opportunity for the USA and its regional dominance.

For that plan to be executed safely, the USA needed a destabilized Pakistan, a Pakistan full of political circus and corrupt leaders. Corrupt Pakistani leaders who would prefer US regional dominance, in return for some billion $$$ bucks tucked away in their foreign banks.

The USA supported President Musharraf thinking that he would heed to the US regional aspirations, but it dawned upon them only 3 years back that Musharraf had double crossed them.

President Musharraf took all this time to strengthen and revive Pakistan’s ailing economy and outdated Military. The USA could never have imagined that under Musharraf’s leadership, Pakistan would have started large scale manufacturing and serial production of Al-Khalid Tanks, Ballistic missiles, Agosta (French) Submarines, and JF-17 Thunder Jets.

And, above all a National Command Authority was formed to implement plans related to KRL (Khan Research Labs) and PAEC (Pak Atomic Energy Commission), including development and employment of Pakistan’s strategic assets. The whereabouts of our Nuclear bombs and Warheads are now unknown to any corrupt politician.

Under President Musharraf, Pakistan was converted into a stable and viable economy. Our $75 billion economy of 1999 grew at 6%-8%, to become a $160 billion economy at the start of 2007.

His infrastructure development vision initiated 6 Motorways and several Highways. He constructed 4 Dams. 18 Public Universities are already functioning and 9 Engineering Universities are under construction. Exports increased from a stagnated $ 7.6 billion in 1999, to become $ 18 billion in 2007.

Major ambitious mega projects like GWADAR (a Port on the Straits of Hormuz), a $90m Sust Dry port in Gilgit, Saindak project, Rekodiq project (world’s top 7th copper reserves & 20 million ounces of gold), Marble production, Coal mining projects, Mineral mining & quarrying, etc. are unprecedented in Pakistan’s History.

But, some US think tanks remain suspicious of PAK-China GWADAR project, and term it as an intentional large Naval base for the Pakistani and Chinese Aircraft carriers and Submarines. 40% of the world’s oil supply passes through the Straits of Hormuz. The Chinese overlooking the straits is an alarming situation for both, the US and India.

China also rushed to complete a $100 billion deal with Iran, in February 2006; to develop the Yadavaran Oil field in Southern Iran. Sinopec will get in exchange, 10 million tonnes of Liquefied Natural Gas FREE till next quarter century. The Yadavaran can produce as much as 300,000 barrels of oil per day. Sinopec will hold 51% stake and India’s Oil & Gas Corp. will hold 29%.

To top this all, Pakistan is pursuing the Iran-PAK-India gas pipeline. Currently, the countries in dire need of Gas & Oil are the developing 3rd world countries, averaging 6% GDP growth. Who will the USA sell its Caspian Sea gas reserves to, if the major regional markets of South Asia are out??

The US mega game plan to lay the oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea reserves to Gwadar and supplying oil from Iraq’s reserves, will both fall in limbo.

The USA remains apprehensive and deeply troubled. Their great game can only be accomplished if the honest and loyal-to-country Musharraf is toppled, and the corrupt lots of politicians are brought back. The USA wants free and unrestricted access to Pakistan including Gwadar, which under President Musharraf is impossible.

Plans are now underway to topple President Musharraf’s progressive government and instead install a corrupt and pro-American government, and all in the name of democracy, freedom of media and protection of civil rights! These impressive agitations that come out of no-where and are usually headed, organized and funded through ex-ISI Hameed Gul (who openly boasts that he created the IJI) are covert operations to undergo Regime Change of President Musharraf. The latest idea floated being that of the ex-Servicemen, of whom many rejected going against the government.

Currently China, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, understanding the regional politics are steadfast behind President Musharraf. The USA having failed to introduce Democracy or any system in Afghanistan and Iraq, is trying to shift its total failure unto Pakistan. The US Media has already started blaming Pakistan for failure of its ‘War on Terror’, and they’re further rousing suspicions about our Nuclear Assets.

We need to support President Musharraf for a stronger, secure and stable Pakistan !
So US takes permission from Pakistan before the launch these attacks ?

If Yes why did the brave Gen M allow such attacks ?

Lastly what can PAF do to stop them ?


Personally I am happy that Pakistan is on the US side on the WOT since its a matter of time OBL will force his views of Islam on the Pakistanis too.


yes its happen with GOV of pak permission

they will from gen.m for his long life gov sport

who paf stop them when gov order to not stop them .same paf stop them so many times in past.

i am sad for pak is side of US:pakistan:
yes its happen with GOV of pak permission

they will from gen.m for his long life gov sport

who paf stop them when gov order to not stop them .same paf stop them so many times in past.

i am sad for pak is side of US:pakistan:

Do you think you could make your posts in Urdu or Pushto because I don't think anyone understands what you are trying to say in English. :hitwall:
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