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Migrant Crisis : Refugees start arriving in Germany after Hungary ordeal

I am not really a fan of UKIP. In the immediate future, no major party can talk about kicking anyone out but in the future, who knows? The thing is, this migrant crisis will make Europe a lot more unstable so the political climate might change drastically in the coming decade.

Not a fan but Farage certainly talks more sense than any of other leaders. His speeches in the EU parliaments are hilarious. The one about the EU army against Russia was particularly funny.

Anyway, we can only wait and watch, I fear for those who will suffer from both sides due to these insane policies.
Correction. That's what they hope, well the silly leaders do anyway. UK is a fine example of reality - where second generation Muslims are more orthodox / radical than their immigrant parents.

All this means the rise of the anti-immigrant right is inevitable, maybe apart from Germany.
Ur correct but what I meant here is theior kids r theior assets by large they will contribute work tax theior is no harm in it what u pointing is cultural issues .not all Brit kids r orthodox compare to thrior parents like any religion they r like hardliners to liberal u can find such issue in America or other Christian nations too .
Does Europe (Germany/France/UK) has so much of Jobs ? What these people gonna do there ?

If i tell you that a single French is struggling with fiding a job,you think that they could find one ? Anyway,they want to join countries like Germany and Uk (that do offer some good welfare...) that have better economies and not an high unemployment rate compared to us.
Not a fan but Farage certainly talks more sense than any of other leaders. His speeches in the EU parliaments are hilarious. The one about the EU army against Russia was particularly funny.

Anyway, we can only wait and watch, I fear for those who will suffer from both sides due to these insane policies.
He has interesting opinions but in later stages of election campaign, he appeared to me as someone who was trying to exploit problems with immigration for his entire election campaign while ignoring other issues.

Yes, same with me.
If i tell you that a single French is struggling with fiding a job,you think that they could find one ? Anyway,they want to join countries like Germany and Uk (that do offer some good welfare...) that have better economies and not an high unemployment rate compared to us.

Thanks for answering. I just wanted to know about employment opportunities. I have some friends studying in Europe and they told me it is too difficult to get a job after you are done with your Bachelors/Masters. I mean jobs related to the field they are studying. If that is the case then these people will be a liability on tax payers. Welfare funds are ok but how long can it go ?
here ends the peaceful days in Germany

I have a doubt . Why these refugees are giing to western countries . Why not islamic countries like Pakistan Saudi iran . I know Egypt helps Syrians a lot I worked with more than 4 Syrians . Turkey is also doing their part I guess as lots of praises for turkiya too . But these refugees targets west . And why all want west to accommodate them when muslim world shows blind eye ?

What is the position of Pakistan ? Why dont they take some refugees for some times ?
I have a doubt . Why these refugees are giing to western countries . Why not islamic countries like Pakistan Saudi iran . I know Egypt helps Syrians a lot I worked with more than 4 Syrians . Turkey is also doing their part I guess as lots of praises for turkiya too . But these refugees targets west . And why all want west to accommodate them when muslim world shows blind eye ?

What is the position of Pakistan ? Why dont they take some refugees for some times ?
are you lost your brain ? pakistan is world number one refugee host you want us take more ?


Look at the conscience of the western countries. A picture has moved them and they have felt obliged. But just look at the callous and inconsiderate attitude of the rich Arab countries at the other hand.

The graphic below shows that. Those who claim to be Muslim lack compassion, which is one of the basic tenet of Islam.

no of refugees taken by Muslim.jpg
Only outcome of this is massive rise of far-right and another possible holocaust. When that comes these idiotic leftists are equally responsible for what happened.

The crazy minority thinks it can speak for us,the majority.Consequences will be dire.
The crazy minority thinks it can speak for us,the majority.Consequences will be dire.

Your time will be much better spent on improving yourself than blaming all ills on non-EU immigration. The numbers of non-EU immigrants have now dropped to a trickle at least in the UK.

And do you know the amount of crime like rape and murder that EU immigrants have committed in the UK?
Your time will be much better spent on improving yourself than blaming all ills on non-EU immigration. The numbers of non-EU immigrants have now dropped to a trickle at least in the UK.

And do you know the amount of crime like rape and murder that EU immigrants have committed in the UK?

Was I talking about the UK ?Ofcourse that once you remove borders our own criminals went to greener pastures but that's not the ideea.You just can't compare EU immigrants with non EU like the ones we see today.There are 2,5-3 million Romanians in the West.Leaving aside gypsies which actually are a good example of non Europeans not integrating even after being here for centuries,where did you see Romanians rioting,Romanians living in ghettos,Romanians on welfare in their majority,Romanians creating Romanian only zones and destroying whole neighborhoods ? There are 3 million Polish people in the West...the same for them ?

In the end i don't care what Germany does but when a pencil pusher drafts a paper which says Romania=7000 refugees in 2015,God knows how many more next year and so on because if you don't shut the gates they'll keep coming,i do have a problem.Germany practically invited them and now screams about redristibuting them.

If you don't like what i'm saying check murder rates by regions,country....we're importing from the worst

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Good but they are afghans . Do u see any Syrians ? Anyways its up to you
so you want whole world refugees in pakistan ? is thier any other country of humans on earth or only pakistan left ? PLUS pakistan is far away from this war zone . make civil war in india we will open doors for you
Refugees start arriving in Germany after Hungary ordeal - Al Jazeera English

Refugees start arriving in Germany after Hungary ordeal
Austria and Germany open their borders to thousands of refugees who have been stranded in Hungary.
05 Sep 2015 17:33 GMT | Humanitarian crises, Europe, Refugees, Hungary

The first of thousands of exhausted refugees expected to arrive in Germany within days have started to arrive in the German city of Munich after boarding special trains from Austria's Vienna.

Around 1,600 people who were trying to reach western Europe but spent the past few days trapped in Hungary have arrived in Munich since early Saturday morning.

By the end of the day, 3,000 people were expected to have arrived in the city.

The refugees were being taken to an accommodation centre in Munich for registration but could be distributed to shelters elsewhere in Germany in coming days.


A refugee boy tries on a security officer's cap after arriving in Germany [Reuters]
Austria's interior ministry arranged the transport after the refugees were bussed to the border by the Hungarian government, which gave up trying to stop them under pressure from the sheer numbers reaching its frontiers.

The ministry said about 4,000 people had arrived in Austria on Saturday and the number was expected to reach 10,000 by the end of the day.

Once they reached the Austrian border, the refugees, many of them from Syria, were whisked by train and shuttle bus to Vienna, where many said they still wanted to continue on to Germany.

After days of confrontation and chaos, Hungary's government deployed the buses to take more than 1,000 refugees, including disabled people and family groups, who had set off by foot on Friday from Budapest down the main highway to Vienna.

Austria said it had agreed with Germany that it would allow the refugees access, waiving the rules of an asylum system brought to breaking point by Europe's worst refugee crisis in decades.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) praised the two countries for their "political leadership based on humanitarian values".

'Refugees welcome'

Wrapped in blankets and sleeping bags against the rain, long lines of weary refugees, many carrying small, sleeping children, climbed off buses on the Hungarian side of the border and walked into Austria, receiving fruit and water from aid workers. Waiting Austrians held signs that read, "Refugees welcome".

Tension rises on Greek island overwhelmed by refugees
"Because of today's emergency situation on the Hungarian border, Austria and Germany agree in this case to a continuation of the refugees' journey into their countries," Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said on his Facebook page.
For days, Hungary has cancelled all trains going west to Austria and Germany, saying it is obliged under EU rules to register all asylum seekers, who should remain there until their requests are processed.

Many refugees refused, determined to get to the richer countries of northern and Western Europe, mainly Germany.

"The government has not commented on why they changed their mind over the issue yet," Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom, reporting from the highway leading to the Hungarian-Austrian border, said on Budapest’s decision to let refugees go to Austria.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from outside Budapest, said some people were worried the police were luring them into a trap with the buses but they were so exhausted after hours of walking that they boarded them.

Traffic built up on the highway as cars crossing the border were being searched as a result of measures taken after dozens of refugees were found dead on a truck last week.

Meanwhile, European foreign ministers and officials gathered in Luxembourg on Saturday to discuss the massive influx of migrants and refugees in countries across Europe.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday she was still aiming to balance her country's budget, despite an expected 800,000 refugees expected to arrive in Germany this year at a cost of $11 billion.


The Hungarian government deployed buses to ferry refugees to the Austrian border [AP]
Hungary has emerged as the main entry point for refugees reaching the EU by land across the Balkan Peninsula.
More than 140,000 people have been recorded entering Hungary so far this year through the EU's external border with Serbia, where Hungary's government is building a 3.5m wall.

this is why we should SALUTE the fuhrer of EU. EU worths only the Deutschland and without Deutschland, EU = Doucheland. well, they already are, though :D
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