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Michael Jackson Dies

CNN) -- Michael Jackson, the show-stopping singer whose best-selling albums -- including "Off the Wall," "Thriller" and "Bad" -- and electrifying stage presence made him one of the most popular artists of all time, died Thursday, CNN has confirmed.

Michael Jackson, shown in 2008, was one of the biggest pop stars in history.

He was 50.

He collapsed at his residence in the Holmby Hills section of Los Angeles, California, about noon Pacific time, suffering cardiac arrest, according to brother Randy Jackson. He died at UCLA Medical Center.

Lt. Fred Corral of the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office said an autopsy would probably be done on the singer Friday, with results expected that afternoon.

"Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color," the Rev. Al Sharpton said. "To say an 'icon' would only give these young people in Harlem a fraction of what he was. He was a historic figure that people will measure music and the industry by."

Jackson's blazing rise to stardom -- and later fall from grace -- is among the most startling of show business tales. The son of a steelworker, he rose to fame as the lead singer of the Jackson 5, a band he formed with his brothers in the late 1960s. By the late '70s, as a solo artist, he was topping the charts with cuts from "Off the Wall," including "Rock With You" and "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough."

In 1982, he released "Thriller," an album that eventually produced seven hit singles. An appearance the next year on a Motown Records 25th-anniversary special cemented his status as the biggest star in the country. Timeline: The life of Michael Jackson »

For the rest of the 1980s, they came no bigger. "Thriller's" follow-up, 1987's "Bad," sold almost as many copies. A new Jackson album -- a new Jackson appearance -- was a pop culture event. iReport: Share your memories of Michael Jackson

The pop music landscape was changing, however, opening up for rap, hip-hop and what came to be called "alternative" -- and Jackson was seen as out of step.

His next release, 1991's "Dangerous," debuted at No. 1 but "only" produced one top-ranking single -- "Black or White" -- and that song earned criticism for its inexplicably violent ending, in which Jackson was seen smashing car windows and clutching his crotch.

Michael Jackson, pop music legend, dead at 50 - CNN.com

The above article was written by an ignorant retard.

First of all, the Jackson five were not created by Michael Jackson...he was introduced into it as he got older, and only afterwards became the star attraction.

Secondly, Black and White does not have a violent ending. The author must be confused with the ending to the song Dangerous, if I remember correctly. The video was edited anyway, so it wasn't much of an issue. Certain Hip Hop artistes have made worse videos, which are not shown on any tv stations, except maybe in HOlland, Belgium, etc.

Thirdly, Dangerous had a number of number one singles...

Including the title song "Dangerous", "Who is it?", "Remember the time" and a few others that I need to think to remember.

What a load of crap some journalists write. Sometimes I think I could do a better job myself.
i have noticed some members are confused about whether he had converted to islam or not. the answer is no as far as i m concerned because his brother is the one who is converted to islam and according to him he said that his brother (michael jackson) might become muslim soon. So may be he had converted to islam before he got died and may be not, but it will be much clearer when he will be burried.

Michael Jackson Songs Thanks to Allah

TThz-pxrPlQ[/media] - Give Thanks to Allah Muslim Song sounds like Michael Jackson!

Artist - Michael Jackson
Album - Various Songs
Lyrics - Give Thanks To Allah

"Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.

Allahu Ghafor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikona hua Razikona wahoa ala kolli sheiin kadir

Allah is Ghafor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is our creater, he is our soustainer and he is the one who has power over all. "

Click here

I personally am sad to hear shocking news today !

This nasheed is not by Michael Jackson, its by Zain Bhikha, he sounds a lot like Michael Jackson. However, there's many articles that say Michael Jackson has converted to Islam months ago. Allah knows if its true.

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I grew up on MJ songs when I was at school in the 1980's. This is really a sad day for me. Brings back a lot of memories.
Micheal Jackson converted to Nation of Islam, a group that says that Allah was incarnated in the form of Wallace Fard, according to Wikipedia....if Wikipedia is lying abt this, then i dunno...but for now, it seems quite a bit heretical for them to claim such ideas....
Nation of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beliefs and theology of the Nation of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont think thats true. His brother, Jermaine Jackson, converted to Islam after his trip to Bahrain. Nation of Islam is a group organized by some African Americans (its not known in Bahrain)...some of them in Nation of Islam believe only colored skin people can be Muslims, and we all know that is not true.
Jermaine Jackson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In an interview, Jermaine Jackson talked about Michael Jackson's interst in Islam. He said he was very close to conversion...I dont know if Michael Jackson actually converted or not.

He was a legend and the world will never forget him.

I grew up hearing his songs..!!! Its very sad to know that he is no more...!! May his soul rest in peace..!
Los Angeles County Coroner Fred Corell last night confirmed that Jackson had died of heart failure at 2.26pm local time.

Last night it was suspected his collapse could have been caused by an overdose of painkiller.

An Emergency Room source at UCLA hospital said Jackson aides told medics he had collapsed after an injection of potent Demerol — similar to morphine.

A Jacko source said: “Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing.

“His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped.

“His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called which got there in eight minutes “But found he was in full respiratory arrest, no breathing and no pulse. They started full CPR and rushed him to hospital
Michael Jackson's last moments | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

R.I.P may you find ever lasting peace and thank you for your music you were the best.
I Admit M.Jackson was a Legend at the same time he was also an a$$h0le. But at the end of the day all i can say is " May he R.I.P"
So, a legendary life ends like this.

There is time for every task, there is a task for every time.
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

A poem dedicated to legand . i think he gave us lot of joy, from those moon walk to uttering those lyrics in our bathroom as kid. Or learning those breakdance moves.

those saving in our goodluck - to buy the audio tape.
--- he was a person who deserved way more love than the hate he got from the world. Misunderstood and wrongly projected.
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