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Michael Jackson Dies


Here's a link about his 1993 court case he had, case was about child molestation charges against M. J.

Michael Jackson Paid $15.3 M to Boy in '90s - ABC News

"Jackson agreed to set up a trust fund of $15,331,250 for the boy, Court TV reported, citing the document. The singer also agreed to pay $1.5 million to each of the boy's parents. In return, the family agreed not to pursue criminal charges against Jackson."

It just seems if your were innocent of the charges then there would be no need to pay out millions of dollars if the charges brought against you were baseless...
All of that doesn't have to do anything with the fact that the court found Michael "Innocent" on all "Ten" accounts of charges. The verdict was given by the jury. What does that have anything to do with the payment? Besides, in our modern times, everyone's looking for compensation that's exactly why the minimum settlement amount of any lawsuit is 10,000$. He probably paid the family off to shut their constant bickering.

No medical evidence, no legal evidence and no concrete evidence was found against Michael and therefore he was declared a free man. OJ on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.

By the way, The accusers didn't drop the charges. He wasn't found guilty in the "People Vs Jackson" trial.

Jackson not guilty on all counts - Michael Jackson Trial- msnbc.com

You are referring to his recent court case, I agree that the jury did declare he was not guilty, therefore I hold nothing against M.J for that case.

I am talking about the 1993-1994 court case, that is where the dirt lies. Everyone knows he was found not guilty on ten charges in his most recent court case...

Look at the link I showed you.


Here are some more links abut the 1993-1994 pay off my M.J...


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^ wasn't talking about the 1993 case.

Anyway, we're just going to waste time discussing the innocence of a person who isn't even breathing any more. Let's just remember him for his tremendous amount of contribution to the world of music. Because frankly, that's all that matters to me and pretty much everyone else in the world. Except for the mass media of course.
RIP what a Legend, I grew up listening to his music and am saddened on hearing his loss.
I'm not here to disrespect Michael Jackson.

But let me clear up some misconceptions.

"but if the court decided to drop the charges on him"

That's incorrect, the court did not drop the charges nor did they bring on the charges. Michael Jackson was acquitted not because he was innocent or not guilty but because he paid the plaintiff (the family of the molested boy who did file charges against M.J) millions of US Dollars to keep them silent and not bring on the charges.

I hope you know Michael Jackson paid million of dollars to the families of the plaintiffs who filed charges against him. He bought their silence, and their promise they would not pursue their allegations.

It seems if Michael Jackson knew he was 'not guilty' then there would have been no reason to pay the plaintiffs 20+ US Million and tell them to end their charges.

His case was settled outside of the court of law, through his personal money...This is what really happened.

"He was never found guilty by the American judicial system."

True, though it is also true that he avoided the American judicial process, and through his immense wealth paid off the plaintiffs with millions and millions of dollars to keep them silent, his child molestation case was settled out of court.

Yes he did have some court hearings at first and the jury found him "not guilty", but is is believed because the plaintiffs backed off their charges...

We have all read the papers & followed stories on him as they came & are abreast with the goings on.

Now that he is no more I feel he deserves respect for what he did to us all music lovers. Few of us can claim not to have danced to his music.

We accept crafty politicians & Generals as our national leaders fully in the knowledge that they were never up to any good..can we gracefully accept a legend who has passed away ?

Islamabad Mourns MJ​

June 26, 2009

ABC's Nick Schifrin reports from Islamabad:

For anyone who thinks Pakistan is completely consumed by bombs and bullets, that people here only think about terror and the Taliban, know that Michael was a god here, too.

Know that pirated Michael Jackson tapes used to be sold in the bazaar in Mingora, Swat, where the Pakistani army is currently fighting the Taliban. Know that an entire street culture exploded after “Thriller” hit Pakistani stores. Know that countless Pakistani musicians still emulate his sound, his moves, his fashion. Know that Pakistani children woke their parents up at 4:00 a.m. today to tell them, “Oh my god, he’s dead. Michael Jackson’s dead.” Know that there might have been a suicide bombing in Kashmir today and an attack against the military in the tribal areas, but private news channels devoted hours of coverage to the departed King of Pop.


“There are many people in Pakistan who don't know that the world is round but know who Michael is,” said Munizeh Sanai, the general manager of the country’s most popular English language radio station, City FM 89, which has been playing almost nothing but Jackson songs all day. “He is the only international, non-Indian artist that people from all walks of life connected with -- his style, his moves. This is mostly in urban Pakistan of course, but yeah -- if Michael had ever performed in Pakistan, it would have been the biggest concert the country has ever seen.”

For Pakistanis who grew up in the 80's, like Saqib Malik, a well known director here, Jackson was much more than an American artist. “He really popularized, at least in this generation, American pop culture,” Malik said. “He became an idea for anything that was western pop culture… He embodied, in terms of popular imagination, the best of what the west had to offer.”

It is not only the well-heeled here who knew who he was, either. Cooks, drivers, guards -- Pakistan’s middle class, most of whom don’t speak English -- have been talking about Jackson’s death all day, aware not only because his face has been on local television, but also because of Jackson’s own presence within Pakistani culture. Back when there were no private news channels and all televisions were tuned to the sole, state-run channel, almost everyone in the country watched a skit show called “Fifty-Fifty,” basically the equivalent of Saturday Night Live in its heyday. One of the all-time great scenes is being passed around today via You-Tube: a skit featuring Ismail Tara, one of Pakistan’s most famous comics in the 80s, dancing to the sounds of Billy Jean. His props include a couple of suitcases, a pan, and a pair of very tight pants.

“Michael impacted us on every level. He transcended everything -- countries, religion, boundaries, everything,” said Mashaal Gauhar, a self-professed “huge” Jackson fan and the editor of a business magazine in Islamabad.

Jackson’s popularity, perhaps, was particular in Pakistan because he was not white, or because he had done work in the developing world, or because, much later, he converted to Islam. Or perhaps, as Malik suggested, because the persona he played in his videos was “A guy on the street, trying to find his identity. That made him instantly appealing to everyone here.”

But in Pakistan, like everywhere else across the world, it was the music that people loved. It was the bootlegged records and tapes of Beat It and Thriller, the VHS copies of the Thriller music video, that cemented Jackson as an icon in Pakistan.

I posted a note on Facebook earlier today asking whether Pakistan was upset about Jackson’s death. After an American friend wrote that he thought any kind of outpouring of emotion would be unlikely, a Pakistani friend of mine countered: “Make no mistake -- we might be Pakistan. But we moonwalked as much as you did.”
Michael Jackson 'converts to Islam and changes name to Mikaeel'

Michael Jackson has reportedly become a Muslim and changed his name to Mikaeel.

By Graham Tibbetts

Published: 9:35AM GMT 21 Nov 2008

The singer, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, converted to Islam in a ceremony at a friend's house in Los Angeles.

He is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated.

According to The Sun, the ceremony took place while Jackson, 50, was recording an album at the home of Steve Porcaro, a keyboard player who composed music on his Thriller album.

The former Jackson 5 star was counselled by David Wharnsby, a Canadian songwriter, and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who have both converted.

A source said Jackson had appeared a "bit down" and added: "They began talking to him about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea.

"An imam was summoned from the mosque and Michael went through the shahada, which is the Muslim declaration of belief."

Last year his brother, Jermaine Friday, suggested Jackson would convert having taken an interest in Islam since Friday's conversion in 1989.

"When I came back from Mecca I got him a lot of books and he asked me lots of things about my religion and I told him that it's peaceful and beautiful," said Friday.

"He read everything and he was proud of me that I found something that would give me inner strength and peace.

"I think it is most probable that Michael will convert to Islam.

"He could do so much, just like I am trying to do. Michael and I and the word of God, we could do so much."

Michael Jackson 'converts to Islam and changes name to Mikaeel' - Telegraph
He was never found guilty by the American judicial system. Recently, the same judicial system threw OJ Simpson in jail for life because he was found guilty for his actions committed decades ago. So yes, if Michael was guilty, he wouldn't have been a free man. Who knows what he did, but if the court decided to drop the charges on him then who exactly are we to judge his moral character?

are u aware that the molestation case in 1993 was settled outside the court? then later another case however the jury found jackson not guilty BUT two of them later changed their mind. I am saying this with authority that i just saw it on msnbc yesterday in a program to pay tribute to M.Jackson here in US. I have couple of links below check that out if u could.

Jury Views Michael Jackson TV Documentary - Oddities News - redOrbit

2 jurors say they regret Jackson's acquittal - Michael Jackson Trial- msnbc.com
“There are many people in Pakistan who don't know that the world is round but know who Michael is,” said Munizeh Sanai
i think the miss is totally consumed by the City FM shyt!

a Pakistani friend of mine countered: “Make no mistake -- we might be Pakistan. But we moonwalked as much as you did.”

Oh yo baby! Yes we did!:lol:
Michael Jackson’s death stuns fans in twin cities

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Afshan S. Khan & Khalid Iqbal


Shining his single white glove and moon walking on stage would no longer fascinate his crazy fans, as Michael Jackson silently passed away in Los Angeles on Thursday.

The ‘King of Pop’ collapsed at his rented mansion and was rushed to medical facility by paramedics before being pronounced dead on Thursday.

Although he was an America pop star, but his popularity surpassed geographical boundaries as he remained in the limelight for his immense contribution to the music industry.

The news about his sudden death was quite shocking for his fans around the world, including Pakistan, despite the fact that he was leading a comparatively quite life and preparing for his comeback in England for his much-publicised concerts.

Pakistan’s famous pop singer Zohaib Hassan told ‘The News’ that the death of Michael Jackson is a big loss to pop music. “There is no doubt that the life of Michael Jackson was full of confrontations but overall he was a marvellous singer, writer and music director,” he added.

Jawad Ahmed, another Pakistani singer, was of the view that he was the ‘King of Pop Music’. “He was not only famous in Europe but in Asian countries, including Pakistan. Pop music lovers can never forget him,” he added.

Music director Sohail Rana said that Michael Jackson was a trendsetter in pop music industry. He gave a new style to pop singing. He said that he was an all-rounder in music world because he was a good dancer and was famous for his moon walking around the world.

Naseer Alam Khan, an entrepreneur, said: “It was a complete shocker for me as I idolised him all my life. His life had certain bad patches because of a few court cases, but his fantastic music always stayed close to the hearts of his fans. His second album ‘Thriller’ was a complete knockout and I still remember copying his moon walking style and his dancing in my schooldays. His hat, glasses, sequenced white glove and white socks would no longer sway with the rhythm and we will miss him tremendously.”

Shabbir Hussain said that he never believed in any cases that sprung against him every now and then and he strongly believed that he was innocent, but now he’s gone and we are left with his legacy as he truly stirred the souls of his fans through his music.

Michael Jackson was a pop star and a great entertainer. Being the seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of ‘The Jacksons’ and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to mostly as the ‘King of Pop’ in subsequent years, his 1982 ‘Thriller’ is the world’s best-selling record of all time and four other solo studio albums are also among the world’s best-selling records: ‘Off the Wall’ (1979), ‘Bad’ (1987), ‘Dangerous’ (1991) and ‘History’ (1995).

Michael Jackson’s death stuns fans in twin cities


ARTICLE (June 28 2009): He recorded the best-selling album in history. For a time, he pulled down 50 million dollars a year, with an overall worth reported at 750 million dollars.Yet when he died Thursday, Michael Jackson was deeply in debt. Three decades of extravagant living and legal fees from two high-profile scandals left the pop superstar owing as much as 500 million dollars, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Jackson, who passed suddenly at age 50, sold more than 750 million records world-wide. He generated enormous wealth from his concert tours and catalogue holdings, but didn't know how to spend wisely. "There was no planning in terms of allocations of how much he should spend," Alvin Malnik, a lawyer and former financial adviser to Jackson, told The New York Times in 2006. "Millions of dollars annually were spent on plane charters, purchases of antiques and paintings."

Jackson did make one very shrewd business decision: in 1985 he paid 47.5 million dollars to acquire ATV Music, which owned the rights to 251 songs John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote with The Beatles. In 1995, he sold half of the catalogue ownership to Sony for 150 million dollars, but both halves remained under joint management by Sony/ATV, including Jackson's own music.

Jackson's stake in the catalogue at the time of his death was estimated at 1 billion dollars, Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who has worked with Jackson and his family, told Bloomberg financial news service.

The Sony deal had helped the King of Pop maintain financial security through the late 1990s and into the 21st century, The Wall Street Journal reported, despite an expensive lifestyle that included high-class hotel fees for the singer and his entourage, impulsive purchases of art and antiques and lavish gifts for friends like actress Elizabeth Taylor.

Diminished album sales took their toll as well.His 1982 album Thriller sold more than 100 million copies. By 2001, Invincible sold only 6 million copies, and cost Jackson 25 million dollars to produce. Jackson also incurred massive settlement and legal fees stemming from two separate accusations of child-molestation.

In 1993, a 13-year-old boy claimed Jackson molested him while he had been a guest at the singer's Neverland ranch in California. Jackson vehemently denied the accusations, but is believed to have paid a 20-million-dollar out-of-court settlement to the boy accuser to head off a criminal case against him.

In 2003, Jackson was charged with intoxicating and sexually abusing a boy who had said in a documentary that he would sometimes share a bed with Jackson. He was cleared of all charges in 2005 after a high profile four-month trial. Reports of Jackson's financial troubles began to surface in 2006. He closed the main house of Neverland ranch as a cost-cutting measure, but repeatedly failed to pay interest on the 24.5 million dollars he owed on the property. A last-minute refinancing agreement narrowly saved Neverland from public auction in 2008.

In April Jackson abruptly cancelled an auction of his personal memorabilia, including the crystal-covered glove he wore in the hit music video for Billie Jean and numerous musical awards. Auctioneers estimated that the 1,390 items could have raised between 10 and 20 million dollars to help Jackson pay down the debt on Neverland.

In March the singer announced a comeback with a series of "curtain call" shows that were to be held at the O2 Arena in London in July. Some doubted whether theaormer superstar could still draw the crowds, but enormous demand for tickets eventually extended the run from 10 shows to 50 shows. Critics claimed that Jackson would only perform in London to rebuild his battered finances. It just might have worked.

Andy Goldberg adds: Bright yellow police lines stretched across the street Friday where Michael Jackson lived, and died, a day earlier.But the hordes of fans they were meant to keep at bay were nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a handful of Jackson devotees sitting around on the grass verges of the swanky Beverly Hills neighbourhood where the pop idol lived his final days in a rented mansion.

A crushed hat and home-made sequinned glove lay next to a lamppost. Journalists hoping for a story outnumbered the Jackson fans hoping to pay him tribute. Throughout the day however a stream of sightseeing vans bussed curious tourists to see the macabre site of Jackson's demise, much to the chagrin of the millionaire residents of area.

"My friends will be really impressed," bragged Kevin Fritsche, 18, of Cologne, Germany. He was in the western US on a summer holiday with his family. But before they headed off in their rented minivan to see the excesses of America in Las Vegas they decided to "be a part of history," Fritsche said.

"I wasn't a great fan of his. I liked his music but I didn't like him too much. Still, this is something really big," Fritsche told dpa. Such sentiments seemed typical of many of the people who flocked to the landmarks associated with Jackson. At the UCLA hospital where he was pronounced dead, most of the pilgrims at the ad-hoc Jackson shrine on Friday were hospital patients in their gowns and staff in their overalls, who stopped to see what the commotion was about.

At ground zero of the Jackson memorial site, his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, hundreds of people waited in line to pay their respects. But few of them were from Los Angeles. Most seemed to be tourists who felt lucky to have their visits coincide with the demise of the greatest star in recent history.

In contrast to the scenes in London and Tokyo, where fans gathered in their hundreds to sing Jackson's songs and pay tribute to his life, most of those gathered in Los Angeles were "accidental mourners," as one local Angeleno put it. "There's no question that in his time Michael Jackson was the world's greatest superstar," said pop culture professor Cherie Paris. "But my sense is that people here became so jaded about his incessant weirdness. They were still fascinated by his personality, but the admiration was largely absent."

Even Jackson impersonator Hector Ruiz, who gave countless interviews to the press at the Hollywood pavement star and displayed a rather lame moonwalk, seemed more pathetic than respectful. Jackson would likely rather have cancelled a concert that to be seen in the cheaply-sewn black costume worn by Ruiz, not to mention the cheap plastic baubles draped all over his jacket or the plaster stuck on his nose that seemed to mock Jackson.

"I never stopped believing in him and I never will," declared Ruiz. But a moment later he contradicted himself, and revealed the distance that many Americans had come to feel from the former king of pop. "I was thinking of taking the glove off," he said, referring to his plans to stop impersonating Jackson. "People made fun of me."
Ujar Gaya woh baagh jis ke lakh maali thai
Mar gaya sikandar jis ke haath haali thai


So that means Michael Jackson did not have any property left and only debt or he did have property and the debts could be repaid by selling some of his property?

What are his actual assets somebody know it?
Been playing all of Michael's music, I grew up with his music, I can't say much other than the fact that this makes me sad, what a shame.
So much talent, so much influence in the music world, a superstar who died because he was so powerful in this music, yet this power, this fame, the media, his status, it was destructive, it was his undoing, it killed him.
You keep wondering, everytime you hear his music, you wonder..why..? Why so fast..why did it have to end here..? Such greatness, such talent, magnificent.

To a person who is truly a legend in my eyes, yes sometimes he was a weirdo, but I have a strong feeling that all the tabloids and media litterally controlled his life, they never left him alone, he never found the peace of mind.

He was someone who had the ability to capture the hearts and minds of people, to capture their imaginations and their dreams.
Take it easy MJ, you're one of a kind, truly, and i'll always be playing your music, especially this summer, never gets old, true legends never die. :tup:

MJ unleashed secret feelings living inside of people..
For the fans..and the people who don't know him really well, here you go:
:cry: Rest in peace..perhaps now will you get the respect and dignity you deserved all along.

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Michael Jackson's LAST Dress Reharsal, Tuesday NIGHT Dress reharsal, he died on Thursday

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Michael Jackson - You Rock My World

This song is one of my favorites.

Thanks alot for the video Durran3, I saw his rehersal on TV.
It's such a shame, I still can't get over it, it hurts.
The papers destroyed him, he was an easy target.
Having a hard time not to cry sometimes when I look back at this performances and shows, knowing he isn't there anymore.
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