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Mi-28 For Pakistan - Russia Agrees

well your wrong again india does not has any problem with what pakistan get from russia ///// look at who started the thread and on what link ;)

as for your nations current state of affirs and its future well that is non of owr concern but then again internet wrriors from your nation and ... khair jane do u know what i mean :)

have a great day ... cheers mate

nobody even mentioned india until the little indian trolls invaded the thread.. starting with the typical culprit kamoun 13 kid.
Thanks for the info sir!
And by the way i think 600$ million is affordable even if its propagated upto 1$ billion still it will be within our range. Dont you think,

A billion dollar is a lot of money, no doubt. Pakistan has a different mechanism for funding large defence procurements. Government sets aside money for these projects apart from Defence Budget. This mechanism our Indian friends don't understand. That is why they make noise that your budget is so short how can you afford this and that weapon and then.....bam A new weapon appears with our forces. I am in no way implying we have unlimited money to buy weapons...but we have enough ways and means to arrange money for our critical needs. For example money for our nuclear program development is not published publicly. Our problem is not less money, our problem is inefficient use of money especially in public sector. But when it comes to critical defense requirement, we can always arrange money from our resources.

your reply (pakistan should first buy oil and gas for its people.) was on Topic?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
yes it was on topic as you dont have money still talking about mi28

Who said that we don't have Money? if we didn't we would have been defaulted by now.... Did heard the News about that? NO... Our reserves Increased from 6 Billion to more then 15 Billlion $ GDP increasing Stock Exchange increasing so don't worry about about Pakistan we are buying Mi-35 will but Mi-28 subs from china VN-1 from china and some more slowly
Who said that we don't have Money? if we didn't we would have been defaulted by now.... Did heard the News about that? NO... Our reserves Increased from 6 Billion to more then 15 Billlion $ GDP increasing Stock Exchange increasing so don't worry about about Pakistan we are buying Mi-35 will but Mi-28 subs from china VN-1 from china and some more slowly
if thats the case i take back my remarks and good luck with all that you mentioned.
Not necessarily better but Russia can choke us in case of conflict with India. Entire fleet will come to a grinding halt for shortage of spares. Not a good idea!

I think this would hold true for any and every procurement we or anybody makes. Let it be hypothetical but can China not choke us if it wants to or would actions of Turkey not hurt in case Europe goes against us? India too had this concern about Russia and went to procure European hardware for MMRCA for the sake of diversity.

The most reliable and dependable equipment is the one that you make yourself - but if some hardware if procured externally, It will nevertheless contain a degree of risk. However sense of security only comes when every aspect of insecurity is addressed and sorted out and you can trust PA and PAF who would be making these important decisions.
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Newspaper says Mi 35 its good but pakistan should now wake up india is blocking pak from usa china our main suppliers modi visits to china should be taken seriously india is making probleums in region
I know about the Mi 35 but i ask how many number you have already inducted so far,NONE

so when you will have your entire fleet of MI 35 India would phase out its mi 35 even Vietnam will phase out these obsolete crap.

As far as Mi 28 is concerned again you have only $15 billion so i would call it just a dream like your earlier J 10B even that i am sure Modi would do to stop when he visit Russia

India does not operate Mi 35M, it operates Mi 24's, you are confusing the two, Mi 35M was a newer version and its production started in 2005, India bought Mi 24's in 1980's and 1990's, vietnam and other countries phased out Mi 24 , Russians are still using Mi 35's, its relatively newer version, 10 years old, its just like chinook , which was introduced in 1960's, but today no one uses the old version.
India does not operate Mi 35M, it operates Mi 24's, you are confusing the two, Mi 35M was a newer version and its production started in 2005, India bought Mi 24's in 1980's and 1990's, vietnam and other countries phased out Mi 24 , Russians are still using Mi 35's, its relatively newer version, 10 years old, its just like chinook , which was introduced in 1960's, but today no one uses the old version.
i am no expert in aviation but i know indian Hinds are highly upgraded may be @Abingdonboy can shed more light on this.
How Can You Stop IA cold start invasion with Mi35 Are u referring to re enforcement ? And if it's a air raid in terror operation Mi28 should be used . After air strike for combing operation Mi35 can be used for transferring reinforcement .

There are several tactics in which even utility helos armed with ATGMs are used to stop invading enemy armor and UK is best example for that. Mi-35 is much better then those although they will be force multipliers with front line attack helos, also Mi-35s can deploy recce teams armed with ATGMs to provide data and take out target of opportunity.

Mi-28 is a heavy attack helicopter while Mi-35 is a medium attack helicopter. So there is no need for T-129 here.

Your post shows you don't even know where Mi-35 stands and what is major defference in between front line attack helos and a support armed multipurpose helo. PAA need 100+ dedicated attack helos and one type will now be good to have, 2 types will be better as it will allow versatility in operations.
we need long range sams after this deal is done

z10 needs to mature first, but that would be the best helicopter to get in the future

i have a strong feeling that the deal for the helicopters, block2 jf17 and j10b will be signed on Republic day/March 23
Oh bhai J10 deal was done and dusted quite a while ago
Dear if rumors are true then PAF may still be going for 1 or 2 squadrons of new F-16s from US, which means there may be no new jets from Russia in near future.
dear main ya keh raha hn k china ny 48 su 36 liaye hain russia sy last year deal hui hai dekh to lay main kis cheez pe reply kia tha phr apni tqreer krna yaha

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