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Mexicans are Indians from India

Given how much the world was manipulated and how much knowledge was stolen and such flimsy premises theories were built on, I have a much healthier dose of skepticism than you guys who buy everything the Europeans put on your plate.

And the answer is what? tell the native Americans we are appropriating their identity?

They had their OWN culture, OWN civilization. Their OWN unique identity.

Just because you have an aversion to everything European, doesn't mean you set out to appropriate other cutures on the flimsiest of evidences.

Even the Europeans never attempted this.
And to hold on to this view even with the new revelations of genetics which says the last human migration happened 40,000 years ago and people across India have been mixing, but apparently Dravidian and Sanskrit languages which are less older than that time, are different branches. Grow a brain guys.
who comes up with this stuff.....and who takes interest in such a topic on a defense forum

you people in this thread are strange

what in God's name were you doing in Tijuana

To drop my wife at the airport so she can fly out to see her family in michoacan.
isn't he saying Sanskrit is our common language?
I found it easy to learn latin,(italian,romanian, spanish,portugese)( talk to me in romanian and see).due to me cross referencing words with sanskrit.
Thank god i had SANSKRIT as my subject in junior College otherwise fools would have made me feel sanskrit learning was for nothing!
And to hold on to this view even with the new revelations of genetics which says the last human migration happened 40,000 years ago and people across India have been mixing, but apparently Dravidian and Sanskrit languages which are less older than that time, are different branches. Grow a brain guys.

And yet, Indians here jump here at the spurious mention of Aryan Invasion theory, but has no problem appropriating a whole set of people, each tribal group with their own unique culture and identity, each nation their own unique origin.

This is some A level hypocrisy here people.
Good luck understanding Swahili or Mandarin on the basis of your knowledge in Sanskrit. :enjoy:

Is it just me or do I find it hypocritical when Indian the go onto vociferously defend Aryan migration instead of invasion theory?

I wonder what the Mexicans feel about this?
And it is really a sad thing that you want to appropriate Native Americans to our ethnic fold.
The Mayans were expert Pyramid builders. There you have Egyptian similarity. It is possible that the mayans also discovered the concept of Zero and were excellent astronomers.
The Aztecs, The Mayans, The Incans all had their own origin stories, their own unique cultures.

Again self-contempt for oneself shows. Claiming origin of mankind in Africa does not hurt you, you don't come up with theories like how man could have been seeded in different places simultaneously. You are willing to grant a non open ocean going country like Spain could sent a rickety ship and that could find shore in South America, but god forbid an Indian does it.

The amount of "my people are good for nothing" attitude that has taken hold in you is a shame really.

Sites after sites of similarities have been shown, but no you need more proof, and some 2 para of National Geographic vomit is enough to prove the Europeans were there in North America.

It is possible that the mayans also discovered the concept of Zero and were excellent astronomers.
Yeah it is possible Mayans also discovered Zero, but according to @Indischer our scientists who worked in isolation could not have come up with composites for their aircrafts, they just emulated the whites.
Is it just me or do I find it hypocritical when Indian the go onto vociferously defend Aryan migration instead of invasion theory?

I wonder what the Mexicans feel about this?

Such theories won't be entertained anywhere outside India. I was one of those who strongly supported the Aryan Migration theory, saying no proof existed to validate a supposed invasion. I stand by the same premise here too.
And the answer is what? tell the native Americans we are appropriating their identity?
They had their OWN culture, OWN civilization. Their OWN unique identity.
Just because you have an aversion to everything European, doesn't mean you set out to appropriate other cutures on the flimsiest of evidences.
Even the Europeans never attempted this.

Appropriating identity? Like your Europeans did when they claimed they were Aryans? Like your Europeans did when they tried to prove that Hinduism was an European religion? Your Gods the Europeans the the foremost stealers of culture. What we are doing is only trying to set right what was wrong.

If so much of image proofs is not sufficient to prove the linkages, then you are a hopeless case anyways.
And yet, Indians here jump here at the spurious mention of Aryan Invasion theory, but has no problem appropriating a whole set of people, each tribal group with their own unique culture and identity, each nation their own unique origin.

This is some A level hypocrisy here people.
Yes it is UNTILL hypocrites like you stop wearing Indian flags and stop talking on Indian Issues thanks!
on theory, but has no problem appropriating a whole set of people, each tribal group with their own unique culture and identity, each nation their own unique origin can fight so... why associate yourselves with us? SAFETY IN NUMBERS?
Yeah it is possible Mayans also discovered Zero, but according to @Indischer our scientists who worked in isolation could not have come up with composites for their aircrafts, they just emulated the whites.

Well, almost none of the materials or processes or technologies used in our industries are propreitary. Add to this the fact that whatever cutting edge research happens in India is on the basis of the modern study curriculum, which is again a 'Western' concept.

Appropriating identity? Like your Europeans did when they claimed they were Aryans? Like your Europeans did when they tried to prove that Hinduism was an European religion? Your Gods the Europeans the the foremost stealers of culture. What we are doing is only trying to set right what was wrong.

If so much of image proofs is not sufficient to prove the linkages, then you are a hopeless case anyways.

Precisely! It hurts when someone else tries to usurp our culture or belittle our achievements, isn't it? The premise of this thread is doing exactly the same. Only this time, we're the usurpers.
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