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Message to Beijing: This Super Hornet loves to jump

They still got bled by a thousand cuts, I care not for a tally of the number of battles each side won
well, we don't not how to sign surrender papers or learned the art of denying our soldiers deaths. we went into battle and annihilated up to 20X more in that war. :azn:
Basically, most fighter jet aircraft can take off ramp but at what payload?

It loses all meaning if u can take off from ramp at 20% of your payload only for a carrier ops.

Yes, General Beast, please do tells us your intel on the payload and package. Surely, you have that intel. Perhaps you can advise the Indians and us to learn from the vaunted J15 aircraft that is working out so well for your aircraft carrier :no:

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Under what assumptions is the F-18 block 3 superior? Under the assumption the USAAF is actually able to safe gaurd its carrier strike group and gain air superiority? Under the assumption the USAAF is battling for air superiority in the pacific while facing an adversary who is equally matched (in the pacific atleast).

Comparing 2 fighters head to head is something fan boys engage in. In the real world there are way to many factors to take into consideration but at the end of the day it would be hard to say who is better than the other because they have never really engaged eachother.

In recent modern history we have seen top notch Chinese weaponery face off against Russian weaponery on only 2 occasions.

1. Sudan Vs South Sudan: Where sudanese T-85 chinese tanks faced Russian T-72 tanks. End result was 4 T-72s destroyed while 0 losses for the T-85.

2. India vs Pakistan: Where Chinese JF-17 block 2 faced off against Russian Mig-21 and Su-30mki with 2 losses for Russian aircraft and 0 losses for JF-17.

In both cases of modern history the Chinese weaponery outclasses Russian weaponery, which is something American intelligence and western media has even taken notice of. Even taking the weapons into consideration is not fair because you also have to look at the moral and training of the soldiers operating the weaponery. I have not even included the fact that Chinese are building and exporting UCAV droves that have been responsible for decimating Russian tanks in Libya. I have yet to see Russian weapons decimating any Chinese made weapons in recent modern history. If you have sources or info please share rather than speculating whose better than the other. Lets talk facts.

Comparing aircraft designed for the same platforms and operations is absolutely the smart thing to do. While you are comparing Sudan, a country that runs a military/militia made up of street gangs, as some enlighten case study on weaponry - that's a very wumao thing to do. :yes4:

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Wumao, calm down; we won't jail you for your anti-American stance; you are still free to live in OUR Democracy. But do continue to think I'm Indian, every living second if possible because I see how it pisses you off.
Indian t
Wumao, calm down; we won't jail you for your anti-American stance; you are still free to live in OUR Democracy. But do continue to think I'm Indian, every living second if possible because I see how it pisses you off.
AND THANK YOU for your tax dollars that go towards our anti china policy, every day!
Indian troll bot PRETENDS to be American. lol. I am not anti-American but Anti-DELUSIONAL INDIANS troll bots like you. Your Indian troll bots keeps returning to this forum after getting banned. That shows how desperate your troll bots are. Keep your DELUSIONAL MESSAGES and PROPAGANDA to your Indian forum.
Dumb article seen to be written by a kid or indian. Mocking russian weapons not knowing india operates Su30 and other russian weapons. US as usual petting its new puppy to go for china.
They are not our pets. We don't give any AID, nor are they indebted to us for billions., nor do we operate off their sovereign lands. We have common goals and interests, two countries, the largest and the oldest democracies (w/ us also being the sole superpower globally) & now known as US-India Bhai Bhai.
well, we don't not how to sign surrender papers or learned the art of denying our soldiers deaths, we went into battle and annihilated up to 20X more in that war. :azn:

Yes, General Beast, please do tells us your intel on the payload and package. Surely, you have that intel. Perhaps you can advise the Indians and us to learn from the vaunted J15 aircraft that is working out so well for your aircraft carrier :no:

When you have to post a 2.5 year article to get your point across, and that article is sourced from SCMP a tabloid with a reputation for getting everything laughably wrong, you probably already knew you lost the argument before writing anything didn't you?

Indians are hopeless.
Indian t

Indian troll bot PRETENDS to be American. lol. I am not anti-American but Anti-DELUSIONAL INDIANS troll bots like you. Your Indian troll bots keeps returning to this forum after getting banned. That shows how desperate your troll bots are. Keep your DELUSIONAL MESSAGES and PROPAGANDA to your Indian forum.

You are seditious and anti-American, always speaking up against our interests and for China. And we will still not act like China and jail you. You are welcome to stay in-country and welcome to use our flag to gain prestige among your Chinese families.

I got banned because I put a Winnie the pooh pic of Xi up. We know why that happens here, and one has to take it w/ the territory. Yes, when it comes to you, to keep you perpetually pissed, think of me an Indian, all day, all night lol wumao
When you have to post a 2.5 year article to get your point across, and that article is sourced from SCMP a tabloid with a reputation for getting everything laughably wrong, you probably already knew you lost the argument before writing anything didn't you?

Indians are hopeless.

Yes, everyone is wrong. We should believe a wumao over any news organization. Of course, you come from that beacon of free press and credibility called CCP, Globaltimes, and their state-run media. You guys stole the J15 designs from Russians and EVEN they are laughing at you failing in spite of it:no:

You are seditious and anti-American, always speaking up against our interests and for China. And we will still not act like China and jail you. You are welcome to stay in-country and welcome to use our flag to gain prestige among your Chinese families.

I got banned because I put a Winnie the pooh pic of Xi up. We know why that happens here, and one has to take it w/ the territory. Yes, when it comes to you, to keep you perpetually pissed, think of me an Indian, all day, all night lol wumao

Yes, everyone is wrong. We should believe a wumao over any news organization. Of course, you come from that beacon of free press and credibility called CCP, Globaltimes, and their state-run media. You guys stole the J15 designs from Russians and EVEN they are laughing at you failing in spite of it:no:

Oh Indian TROLL BOT boy. Which of the 750 fake PROPAGANDA media are you working for? Your interest PRETENDING to be AMERICAN and NOT INDIAN does not work here.

Oh Indian TROLL BOT boy. Which of the 750 fake PROPAGANDA media are you working for? Your interest PRETENDING to be AMERICAN and NOT INDIAN does not work here.

wuamao, are YOU really trying to talk about "propaganda" being Chinese fella yourself? :no: You guys wrote the book on propaganda and brainwashing. Your people are brainwashed with propaganda from their cradle to the grave. You even go beyond propaganda and try to kidnap, kill, or threaten Chinese in other countries.

Inside China's audacious global propaganda campaign

wuamao, are YOU really trying to talk about "propaganda" being Chinese fella yourself? :no: You guys wrote the book on propaganda and brainwashing. Your people are brainwashed with propaganda from their cradle to the grave. You even go beyond propaganda and try to kidnap, kill, or threaten Chinese in other countries.

Inside China's audacious global propaganda campaign

Sorry I don't post any CCP news, I only post credible and trust FOREIGN INTERNATIONAL NEWS media. Unlike you DELUSIONAL INDIAN TROLL BOTS only read ZEE NEWS, REPUBLIC WORLD, ANI, INDIA TODAY, AND WION etc. Then you spread your INDIAN PROPAGANDA everywhere.
So America is pressing India to import another set of dated aircraft (that wasnt even designed for the purpose) and even this Indian troll realizes how bad that looks, so he has to cope with framing it under his completely unsubstantial troll fuming how much worse Chinas naval aviation force and waving some hyperbolic and fabricated American state propaganda about China citing yet another American state propaganda mouthpiece again citing random rumors of Taiwanese aka American proxy state propaganda shills from Twitter citing American state propaganda again in the usual American propaganda telphone game to fabricate shit just to talk down on China as he runs of his dirty mouth about media integrity.

Sorry I don't post any CCP news, I only post credible and trust FOREIGN INTERNATIONAL NEWS media. Unlike you DELUSIONAL INDIAN TROLL BOTS only read ZEE NEWS, REPUBLIC WORLD, ANI, INDIA TODAY, AND WION etc. Then you spread your INDIAN PROPAGANDA everywhere.

okay wumao. :wave:



LOL Wumao, people in glass houses should NOT throw stones ...that's pretty weird but people from china, who eat bats, cats, dogs, and DRINK POOP TEA should be last one talking about the absurd eating and drinking habits of others.



So America is pressing India to import another set of dated aircraft (that wasnt even designed for the purpose) and even this Indian troll realizes how bad that looks, so he has to cope with framing it under his completely unsubstantial troll fuming how much worse Chinas naval aviation force and waving some hyperbolic and fabricated American state propaganda about China citing yet another American state propaganda mouthpiece again citing random rumors of Taiwanese aka American proxy state propaganda shills from Twitter citing American state propaganda again in the usual American propaganda telphone game to fabricate shit just to talk down on China as he runs of his dirty mouth about media integrity.


even the Russians are laughing at your J15 which you stole/copy and tried to paste from them

LOL Wumao, people in glass houses should NOT throw stones ...that's pretty weird but people from china, who eat bats, cats, dogs, and DRINK POOP TEA should be last one talking about the absurd eating and drinking habits of others.

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Speaking of poop and urin
LOL Wumao, people in glass houses should NOT throw stones ...that's pretty weird but people from china, who eat bats, cats, dogs, and DRINK POOP TEA should be last one talking about the absurd eating and drinking habits of others.

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Speaking of Indian poop and urine. There are documentaries about Indian's hobbies.

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