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Message to Beijing: This Super Hornet loves to jump

What's the point with your videos? :no: You are Chinese. You guys far worse...there are far worse documentaries of you guys boiling cats and dogs alive and drinking poop tea and bat soup, and worse. You even unleashed the Wuhan virus that came from eating bats on the world. lol wumao

Nobody can out do Indians .

They are not our pets. We don't give any AID, nor are they indebted to us for billions., nor do we operate off their sovereign lands. We have common goals and interests, two countries, the largest and the oldest democracies (w/ us also being the sole superpower globally) & now known as US-India Bhai Bhai.

Check the aid status before commenting. Yes the US can now operate from indian bases, ine reason that angered china. What u think all this modern weapons offer is for? Dont worry a puppy doesnt realize its a pet in the beginning.
well, we don't not how to sign surrender papers or learned the art of denying our soldiers deaths. we went into battle and annihilated up to 20X more in that war.

The day you govern enemy territory in its entirety half a continent way for 20+ years and face an opponent with over 15 times as much manpower as well as better equipment, only then can you berate Niazi's decision in 1971.

Casualty counts don't determine who wins wars pal, Bengalis were snuffed out by the thousands during Operation Searchlight. Didn't mean sh!t when the war ended.

Honestly, this American Empire has been the most pathetic of all the world powers throughout history. Sumeria, the Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt, the British Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Romans, the Mauryans, the Achaemenids, the Ummayads, etc were all far more respectable and contributing to humanity's positive development as a species than this shallow Starbucks-inspired cobble of random states that hasn't even ruled the world for a single century yet and loses military confrontations to peasants on a regular basis.

May Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva or whatever you may like to call the all-mighty relieve us from this disgusting aberration.
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Americans want someone to fight China for them and what better to use the
Indians as cannon fodder. LOL

When have the Americans used someone as cannon fodder in history ?

Any Chinese aggression will be serious and will have to be met by American intervention. Otherwise the mandarins in China will resort to more such actions. Otherwise we might pack up and retreat across the Pacific Ocean.
The day you govern enemy territory in its entirety half a continent way for 20+ years and face an opponent with over 15 times as much manpower as well as better equipment, only then can you berate Niazi's decision in 1971.

Casualty counts don't determine who wins wars pal, Bengalis were snuffed out by the thousands during Operation Searchlight. Didn't mean sh!t when the war ended.

Honestly, this American Empire has been the most pathetic of all the world powers throughout history. Sumeria, the Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt, the British Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Romans, the Mauryans, the Achaemenids, the Ummayads, etc were all far more respectable and contributing to humanity's positive development as a species than this shallow Starbucks-inspired cobble of random states that hasn't even ruled the world for a single century yet and loses military confrontations to peasants on a regular basis.

May Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva or whoever you may like to call the all-mighty relieve us from this disgusting aberration.

For the record the Indus Valley was never a regional power let alone a world power.

The American Empire provided you with free food to avoid famines in the 1960s
It is the only reason a lot of the world is not polishing Japanese or German boots for a living.

I won't talk about zillions of technological innovations out of America in the past 100 years. Not all are positive.
"German boots"

First ... it was the Russians who defeated the Germans

Second ... America continued Adolf's war
"May Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva or whoever you may like to call the all-mighty relieve us from this disgusting aberration"

For the record the Indus Valley was never a regional power let alone a world power.

Open a history book dummy, IVC was one of the (if not the) world's largest civilisations for thousands of years. The Rai dynasty, Karkota Empire, Hindu Shahis, Sikh Empire, etc were also all regional powers that came from the Indus Valley.

The American Empire provided you with

Decadent "morality", crushing of worker rights, unchecked capitalism, laziness, unhealthy food, etc. I'd rather it never existed.

It is the only reason a lot of the world is not polishing Japanese or German boots for a living.

Had they won, they would have eventually undergone the same reforms that many of the Allies did. And it's not as if the Allies didn't also inflict abhorrent war crimes (Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, the Bengal famine, etc). Nor was the US exactly spearheading things, that's a joke. Britain and the USSR played critical roles in the war, had they allied with the Axis instead you would have lost.
Open a history book dummy, IVC was one of the (if not the) world's largest civilisations for thousands of years. The Rai dynasty, Karkota Empire, Hindu Shahis, Sikh Empire, etc were also all regional powers that came from the Indus Valley.

There is no correlation between the IVC and all those empires. Being in the same region does not mean continuity. The IVC is a civilization whose language has not deciphered. There is no recorded history. No one knows why it went extinct. You cannot put it in the same league as Chinese, Roman, Greek, Egyptian or Sumerian civilizations.

Decadent "morality", crushing of worker rights, unchecked capitalism, laziness, unhealthy food, etc. I'd rather it never existed.

Tell us any civilization that does not have decadence. In capitalism and USA unions have the right to organize. Maybe not in countries run by the CCP. Unhealthy food is a choice.

Had they won, they would have eventually undergone the same reforms that many of the Allies did. And it's not as if the Allies didn't also inflict abhorrent war crimes (Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, the Bengal famine, etc). Nor was the US exactly spearheading things, that's a joke. Britain and the USSR played critical roles in the war, had they allied with the Axis instead you would have lost.

Going by what the Germans and Japanese did it is wishful thinking. UK and USSR could not beat Germany with American help. USA could beat the Nazis without Soviet help (read: Atom bomb)

Speaking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki there is no reason why American soldiers should die without a good reason. Giving piss poor job by the British Indian Army against the Japanese you have no right to comment otherwise.
LOL Wumao, people in glass houses should NOT throw stones ...that's pretty weird but people from china, who eat bats, cats, dogs, and DRINK POOP TEA should be last one talking about the absurd eating and drinking habits of others.

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I immediately recognized that last guy because I'm a UFC fan. That's Lyoto Machida a Brazilian and his father is Japanese and mother is Portuguese-Italian. No relation to China at all.

Typical Indian using tabloid sources and posting fake pictures. Even your national media posts WhatsApp rumors as fact, literally worse than the British tabloids you just used as 'sources' lmaooo.
There is no correlation between the IVC and all those empires. Being in the same region does not mean continuity. The IVC is a civilization whose language has not deciphered. There is no recorded history. No one knows why it went extinct. You cannot put it in the same league as Chinese, Roman, Greek, Egyptian or Sumerian civilizations.

It is my occupation to know these things.

We have genetic evidence from the IVC and it's not Indian. Shocker right.

The genetic ancestry so far shows the genetic relatives to the IVC were a hybrid group of ancient Iranian farmers mixed with Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers.

Sure some of modern India today has this DNA, but so does it from every group that conquered the subcontinent.
You may have our flag but don't know our history, culture, or our resolve. We fight our own battles - and we've always led the fight
You jumped in WW2 when Russia already had Hilter forces to smithereens. You did fight Soviet Union with Pakistani and Afghans proxies, you only bombed Iraq when allied forces joined you. You Invaded Afghanistan and Iraq when allied forces joined your hands. So yeah your history, resolve and culture - Sit down !
It is my occupation to know these things.

We have genetic evidence from the IVC and it's not Indian. Shocker right.

The genetic ancestry so far shows the genetic relatives to the IVC were a hybrid group of ancient Iranian farmers mixed with Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers.

Sure some of modern India today has this DNA, but so does it from every group that conquered the subcontinent.

Assuming what you said is true nothing you said contradicts what I said

" There is no correlation between the IVC and all those empires. Being in the same region does not mean continuity. The IVC is a civilization whose language has not deciphered. There is no recorded history. No one knows why it went extinct. You cannot put it in the same league as Chinese, Roman, Greek, Egyptian or Sumerian civilizations."

On a side note "Iranian" did not exist during the IVC days. There is nothing "Southeast Asian" in genetics.
Didn’t disagree with whatever point you made about relations to civilizations. There’s scant evidence of IVC having had much with early states.

On a side note "Iranian" did not exist during the IVC days. There is nothing "Southeast Asian" in genetics.

Yes there is for the latter (for the former it just refers to the modern-day area not PIE-descendants) idk why you’d state something with so much confidence when it’s a basic fact that there were SE Asian hunter-gatherers? Maybe this isn’t a subject area where you should act so confident?

In this study, Reich, post-doctoral scientist Vagheesh Narasimhan, and Niraj Rai, who established a new ancient DNA laboratory at the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences in Lucknow, India, and led the preparation of the samples, screened 61 skeletal samples from a site in Rakhigarhi, the largest city of the IVC. A single sample showed promise: it contained a very small amount of authentic ancient DNA. The team made over 100 attempts to sequence the sample. Reich says: "While each of the individual datasets did not produce enough DNA, pooling them resulted in sufficient genetic data to learn about population history."

There were many theories about the genetic origins of the people of the IVC. "They could resemble Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers or they could resemble Iranians, or they could even resemble Steppe pastoralists--all were plausible prior to the ancient DNA findings," he says.

The individual sequenced here fits with a set of 11 individuals from sites across Iran and Central Asia known to be in cultural contact with the IVC, discovered in a manuscript being published simultaneously (also led by Reich and Narasimhan) in the journal Science. Those individuals were genetic outliers among the people at the sites in which they were found. They represent a unique mixture of ancestry related to ancient Iranians and ancestry related to Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers. Their genetic similarity to the Rakhigarhi individual makes it likely that these were migrants from the IVC.

Reich is the foremost leader in archaeogenetics and is widely considered by his peers to be at the bleeding edge of the science and the knowledge we are deriving from it. But it doesn’t take any of that to know there was such thing as SE Asian hunter gatherers lmao.
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There is no correlation between the IVC and all those empires. Being in the same region does not mean continuity.

You're such an idiot, I mentioned the Indus Valley which is a region. And yes, they do have continuity, these successive dynasties were all descended from IVC and all genetically as well as culturally similar to one another.

You cannot put it in the same league as Chinese, Roman, Greek, Egyptian or Sumerian civilizations.

You're barking mad, this is regularly done and will continue to occur.

Tell us any civilization that does not have decadence.

Yours has more than most.

Going by what the Germans and Japanese did it is wishful thinking.

Considering what the Allies did, one would have been fair to say the same at the time.

Speaking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki there is no reason why American soldiers should die without a good reason.

No reason why Japanese civilians should die in the place of armed combatants, or are you going to suggest that killing civilians is justified during warfare (in which case, you can't complain about 9/11)?

Giving piss poor job by the British Indian Army against the Japanese you have no right to comment otherwise.

Both the British and the Japanese fielded soldiers from the Indian sub-continent in Burma, the fact that you don't know this yet again shows your ignorance on the matter but then again you couldn't even spell "Nathan" properly.

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