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Memoirs of a (Pakistani) Hindu girl

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i am impressed by few intelligent pakistanis here in the thread ! and would say that it is due to people like you , hope is still alive for you and us that humanity will prevail over religion someday ! i hope soon but do not expect in next 20 yrs !
We are going a full circle here. The extremists think that by forcing others they will have achieved something that Pakistan never had. In my mind, the people of Pakistan will reject their version too just like Zia's cosmetic efforts failed. But for this to fail, the people first have to see it and experience it. What I know for sure, and most Pakistanis may not agree with me, is that Pakistan needs something like the Turkish model. Have Islam in our lives but not to the extent that everyone else is being forced fed the same or in the manner its being done in Pakistan. Proselytizing is not a problem by itself, but it should be limited to conveying the message and if someone tells you to get out of their face, you must!

One other thing, there has to be a compelling moment where people will react to the extremist ideology (not to be confused with the mainstream Islamic ideology, which has been a part of our lives for the past 60+ years). I am not sure what this compelling event will be, but I know that most people in Pakistan are seriously upset with the murder of Salman Taseer and things like this are slowly eroding the support of the Islamist parties.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are theocratic Islamic states, but the minorities don't feel as choked there as they do in Pakistan, and the reason for this is that the governments moderate the leeway given to their people in these countries. In Pakistan, our government is hapless, helpless and clueless, thus individuals like the local village mullah become the government!

How did Zia's efforts fail? Today Pakistan is more intolerant than it was two decades ago. I can say this with personal experience.
If you advocate people waiting more and more till the Islamists put more and more pressure till the society erupts against this, would it not already have become more radicalized?
I firmly believe the takfiri have achieved their high water mark "moment" the wave will only decline from now on - the reason being they themselves through their stupidity and ruthless actions have destroyed even the small amount of sympathy they had.

Religion though important must be exercised as a personal matter, like the Quaid said - it is no business of the state.

Like the visuals in the national anthem, just as we are children of the same God, all the people who live on this land - are children of the same motherland, without exception. Talk is cheap - we must make this a reality, the vast majority of the people - agree to the same.
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Someone should really do something about Dawn News this news network has been publishing divisive and vitriolic propaganda articles that are designed to undermine Pakistan and it's efforts to progress. These people not only exaggerate the stories they report but editorialize the story.
She came from a poor family. That was the main problem. Rich hindus in Pakistan do not get discriminated against. I had hindu frineds in karachi and of their father owned a jewelery shop and another a famous sweet shop. They were quite happy to live in karachi. We all went together and had fun.
The problem here is that any poor family will get victimized for different reasons. Shias, ahmadis, christians and even SUNNNIS if they are poor will face problems. But there are many rich shias, ahmaidis, christians living a happy life in Pakistan. They are in the govt depts and big business men. Zardari is a shia, our former PM yousuf Raza Gilani was a shia, Benazir was a shia. I can give many examples of minorities who are rich and powerful. Now why arent these shias doing something to help the mionirities?
I am not saying what is happening is right, but lets not blame the whole society for the injustice by a few mullahs and their henchmen.
Majoirty of Pakistanis condemn this shameful act and if I was there and this was happening in front of my eyes I would have dared to stop it.
which list ??:girl_wacko:

.....i said i like mujhajirs and biharis tooo .they are same people ....kiya galat kaha mene .....:angry:

I think the list being referred to is on post #64 of this thread. I saw it a while back, so don't worry behan. Don't let anyone bother you.
I think the list being referred to is on post #64 of this thread. I saw it a while back, so don't worry behan. Don't let anyone bother you.

but iska mere comment se kiya taluk ..i support biharis :cry::cry:

and jis comments mein jinxed bihari k liye bolty hein mene kabi bhi uss par agree naee kiya na he....na he thanx behja he ....dousren matlab k comments par mein agree karty hun jinxed se jo wo over all india k liye bolty he and also im not racist :cry::cry:
but iska mere comment se kiya taluk ..i support biharis :cry::cry:

I don't know. It's fine though, just let it go. :) Your new avatar is funny. :P

and jis comments mein jinxed bihari k liye bolty hein mene kabi bhi uss par agree naee kiya na he....na he thanx behja he ....dousren matlab k comments par mein agree karty hun jinxed se jo wo over whole india k liye bolty he and also im not racist :cry::cry:

It's fine, I have read her posts, they are really entertaining & hilarious. :lol: Anyway, just forget about this problem, if someone annoys you, simply report their post. ;)
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