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Meeting India's military challenge

Who needs the ppl of Azad kashmir..they r not even Kashmiris anyway..rather pakistanis settled in P-O-K.
What we want is that land occupied by them.They r free to live as Indians or we will be happy to give them a one way ticket to Pakistan(since u guys tell that u care abt Kashmiris and not their lands there will be no objection from ur side i guess)

So India is a land mafia. Thanks for the elaboration. All Pakistanis an Indian has accepted that they only want the land of Kashmir so they are in reality the land mafia.:azn: It doesn't requires rocket science to know who is the terrorist here. The people like Karthic or the one fighting against them.

Well keep dreaming you might be getting a lot of body bags but not Azad Kashmir.

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you know what Karthic Sri, u are so dam right our government has been spending over a billion dollars each year and still rising so that Kashmir wont become the next Afghanistan. you know what we should do ,each family who wants to go to their dear country Pakistan should be given at least 10 lakh each. and who wants to stay they are more than welcome. i know its a long shot may cost us our whole defense budget for the year but it is the best solution.
I have no idea why pakistan and pakistanis worry about Indian military.

these were few lines spilled by some pakistani members on this forum

1)indian military is nuts and cant be compared infront of highly professional pakistani military.
2)India cant even control those insurgencies on its own territory,how can it fight against pakistan?
3)IAF holds only junk fighters.and even a JF-17 can shoot down MKI,f-16 block 52 can easily take care of PAKFA which is just a 4.5 gen fighter with over spent budgets.
4)IN cant even stand a chance against PN.Agostas will sink down all the 130+ capital ships of IN.P-3C will hunt down IN nuclear subs and other 30+ year old D-E subs.
5) after all,india has to spread its resorces on two fronts considering china from NE,while pakistan can dedicate its half million high professional army to take care of India.
6)Last but not the least,Pakistan has more nukes and missiles inducted than compared to India.a single pakistani nuke can send India back to stone age.
And many more such lines.
In this case,It will be India that has to worry about pakistani military might,wonder why these authors worry about a tiny 3rd world military power like india?

Even pakistani Harpoons and chinese anti-ship missiles can sink a heavily guarded Indian carrier battle groups.with such capabilitites,Pakistan should be having a free run over India and India shivering of its own survival......lol
sorry to intrude..but can u pls elaborate on this..?

Caste-ism that is endemic to indian society (present within both muslim and hindu populations, but to a far larger percent in hindu society) is forbidden by the Prophet (pbuh) and the Qur'an too.
So India is a land mafia. Thanks for the elaboration. All Pakistanis an Indian has accepted that they only want the land of Kashmir so they are in reality the land mafia.:azn: It doesn't requires rocket science to know who is the terrorist here. The people like Karthic or the one fighting against them.

If the definition of a land mafia is - a country which wants to take possesion of its rightful property which is occupied by an enemy and is even willing to give citizenship to other ppl jus becoz they happen to be on its land---then definitely India is a land mafia...nd im damn proud of it.!!

nd BTW..the whole of the world is a land mafia..including Pakistan.

Well keep dreaming you might be getting a lot of body bags but not Azad Kashmir.:)

Scaring us huh....the last time i checked it was the terrorist scums that were utilising the body bags much more than our martyrs in IA...go figure.
Kashmir is a huge problem for India.

Let us be clear, however, that the problem is an internal matter.

Islam would liberate india from the evils of caste-ism, but that is a different topic altogether.

... and probably reunite India and Pakistan to a great Muslim State !:cheers:
... and probably reunite India and Pakistan to a great Muslim State !:cheers:

No, we do not need a muslim state.

I do not support the idea of a muslim state, politics and religion is a terrible mix in the current context.

Religion has its place in society, but not in the public forum.

I, like maulana azad believe in a secular india, a deeply secular india where religion is free, present and protected by the constitution but has absolutely no place in the government or public arena.
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Im glad you laugh while our indian bretheren suffer in the cess pool of caste-ism.

I think he was laughing for Maryan's point because laughter was not a sensible reaction to your post.

Anyway, coming back to the point, the caste system by itself is not something that is glorified in the Hindu religion. It was a very organized and structured way of classifying people in a society. The idea was to use people's core competency to distinguish them in society. Over time, a corruption of that system led people to link it to the birth of a person to discriminate against. For that matter, there is a lot Islam can teach Hinduism. Similarly, there is a lot Islam can learn from Hinduism as well. As long as people respect other religions, the earth would be a safer place.
Anyway, coming back to the point, the caste system by itself is not something that is glorified in the Hindu religion.

If at all sanatana dharma could be called a religion, in the truest sense it is an exemplary way of life, one I have great respect for.

It was a very organized and structured way of classifying people in a society. The idea was to use people's core competency to distinguish them in society. Over time, a corruption of that system led people to link it to the birth of a person to discriminate against.

This is hogwash. The caste system was discriminatory at its very core, and had nothing to do with core competencies.

You were born into a caste, you did not join a caste based on your core competency.

For that matter, there is a lot Islam can teach Hinduism. Similarly, there is a lot Islam can learn from Hinduism as well. As long as people respect other religions, the earth would be a safer place.

Without a doubt, I agree wholeheartedly that indian muslims would do well to absorb some of the perspectives of the Bhagvad Geeta and Vedas.
I don't know why Indians aren't allowed to say Inshallah, there are more Muslims in India than in Pakistan, therefore if anyone is being disloyal to their religion it is the Pakistanis.

Exactly my friend. I am not a muslim but in India we believe in all religions so I can say the name of god as I like. I don't know why some people have problem with that.
Kashmir is an integral part of India and no point in getting into senseless never ending debates.Trajectories of both countries will settle the issue.

Oh really? That integral part of India where you commit rapes and mass murders? Come get it, you won't meet just soldiers. I'd rather die than have Kashmir under an Indian flag (as a Kashmiri).
Who needs the ppl of Azad kashmir..they r not even Kashmiris anyway..rather pakistanis settled in P-O-K.
What we want is that land occupied by them.They r free to live as Indians or we will be happy to give them a one way ticket to Pakistan(since u guys tell that u care abt Kashmiris and not their lands there will be no objection from ur side i guess)

I can trace my history past the Maharaja of Kashmir, all my family are from Kashmir. Also please show me some proof of your accusation.
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