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Meeting India's military challenge

Busted.The raja of kashmir legally signed the instrument of acession to India so legally ur sitting on Indian land in the name of P-O-K.

Similarly abt Kashmiris ..They werent a part of ur country in the first place and so they r none of ur business....:lol:

Who cares about that dumb raja. People rejected his stupid decision and so as us. And as I said their is no such thing as legal when it comes to Kashmir for India.

As far as being business as you are crying about about the so called *** it automatically becomes our business.

Until you need a visa to enter kashmir (unless you are a terrorist) its upto us what to do and when to do. The day you don't need visa to enter kashmir we'll talk further .. Till then KhudaHafiz !! :D
No its not hypocrisy. That is for the Saudis to figure out on their own. With Kashmir, it is a disputed state between two countries, and as such governance of this state can be questioned, so the comparison is not apt.

Pakistan government makes a point of not interfering in the issues with governance in India proper.

If I take your logic, then we should start questioning what folks are doing in the Netherlands and any other place with Monarchy. The Saudis are going to counter your point saying they have a majlis-e-shura (which is the parliament for them).

Please see the sequence of discussion that led to the example of Saudi Arabia.....

Originally Posted by Areesh
No they are not causing fitna or fisad based on the fact that the legitimate government you are talking about was imposed on them by force. They weren't given their right to decide what they want. They were forced to remain in Indian dominion with tyranny and brutality. So they are struggling against tyranny which is totally acceptable according to Islam and which is totally Islamic.

Indian Muslim had stated that it was unislamic of the Kashmiris to cause "Fasad and Fitna" since according to Islam, the people have to assimilate under the government and state as long as religious freedom is provided and there is no persecution of Islam......

Areesh had countered with the above bolded.....

Saudi Arabia is an apt example as the government as per Areesh's claim has been forced on the Arabians in those lands, hence an illegitimate government as well.....
Kashmiri's as a people have more freedom in every regard compared to a Saudi.....religious or otherwise....
So my case stands......
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Pakistan's only interest lies in the rivers flowing from Kasmir. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

If Pakistan can secure her river flow, by whatever means (war or water accord), She does not care for what happens to Kashmiris.

The guys in the GHQ were never interested in Kashmiris but only Kashmir. The same goes for me.

Hum nay theka to naheen uthaya hua saari umma ka. We want security of our WATER RESOURCES. PEOPLE should never be a priority of a state.

As far as the the civivlians go, they have always been fooled by the uniformed men.

This mentality is just not restricted to Pakistan; in almost all countries the cvilians (who have never touched a gun in their whole lives) are WAR MONGERERS.

My cousin in the armed forces and he literally laughs at the BLOGGERS indulging in the WAR OF WORDS.
Who cares about that dumb raja. People rejected his stupid decision and so as us. And as I said their is no such thing as legal when it comes to Kashmir for India.

When u dont care abt that "DUMB" raja...why the hell should we ever give a sh** to u..?
It not for u ppl to decide which is legal and which is not..?
Lord Mountbatten decided it lastly and according to him "Whomever the Raja accedes to" they r the legal..
So wether u like it or not we r the legal owners of All Kashmir

As far as being business as you are crying about about the so called *** it automatically becomes our business.


My question wat r u going to abt it....My answer is U can do nilch abt it.
Pakistan's only interest lies in the rivers flowing from Kasmir. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

If Pakistan can secure her river flow, by whatever means (war or water accord), She does not care for what happens to Kashmiris.

The guys in the GHQ were never interested in Kashmiris but only Kashmir. The same goes for me.

Hum nay theka to naheen uthaya hua saari umma ka. We want security of our WATER RESOURCES. PEOPLE should never be a priority of a state.

As far as the the civivlians go, they have always been fooled by the uniformed men.

This mentality is just not restricted to Pakistan; in almost all countries the cvilians (who have never touched a gun in their whole lives) are WAR MONGERERS.

My cousin in the armed forces and he literally laughs at the BLOGGERS indulging in the WAR OF WORDS.

Straight from the horses mouth.
Every one knows wat Pakistan wants in Kashmir..They jus want to consolidate their hold on the rivers and secure their water resources.
and I respect that.
So since a Pakistani himself has admitted..MY CASE RESTED
When u dont care abt that "DUMB" raja...why the hell should we ever give a sh** to u..?
It not for u ppl to decide which is legal and which is not..?
So wether u like it or not we r the legal owners of All Kashmir

My question wat r u going to abt it....My answer is U can do nilch abt it.

Ah the sick posts continue.

why the hell should we ever give a sh** to u..?

Aren't we the one whom you cry about all the time. Aren't we the one who have "occupied" kashmir.:rofl: You have to care about us dear. It is our business.

It not for u ppl to decide which is legal and which is not..?

The people of have already decided that they don't give a damn about this raja and India.:azn:

Lord Mountbatten decided it lastly and according to him "Whomever the Raja accedes to" they r the legal..

Lord Mountbatten was a dumba** himself. So obviously he supported another dumb individual like him.:rofl:

So wether u like it or not we r the legal owners of All Kashmir

It is not about my like or dislike. The fact which I have already repeated is that there is nothing legal when it comes to Kashmir for India.

My question wat r u going to abt it....My answer is U can do nilch abt it.


Think again.
Please see the sequence of discussion that led to the example of Saudi Arabia.....

Indian Muslim had stated that it was unislamic of the Kashmiris to cause "Fasad and Fitna" since according to Islam, the people have to assimilate under the government and state as long as religious freedom is provided and there is no persecution of Islam......

Areesh had countered with the above bolded.....

Saudi Arabia is an apt example as the government as per Areesh's claim has been forced on the Arabians in those lands, hence an illegitimate government as well.....
Kashmiri's as a people have more freedom in every regard compared to a Saudi.....religious or otherwise....
So my case stands......

Peshwa why are you bringing irrelevant issues to this topic. Saudi government is a Islamic government which is not the case with your country. There is no massacre of thousands of individuals like Kashmir. There are no human rights violation like Kashmir. There are no UN resolutions on this issue like Kashmir. They have not deployed 600000+ troops to crush people. Their may be some conflicts with Saudi government but it is extremely foolish to compare this situation with Kashmir. Just shows your ignorance to accept the truth.

You are occupiers and tyrants like the Israel. What indian_muslim said shows his own ignorance about Islam. O.K I ask if Britishers would have given religious liberty to muslims of sub continent can we say the britishers occupation is legitimate. :rofl: This is stupid.

To be a legitimate government only giving religious liberty is not enough in Islam. In fact this so called religious liberty has been denied in IOK.

Ah the sick posts continue.

Once if u read ur posts u wuldn say that to me..;)

Aren't we the one whom you cry about all the time. Aren't we the one who have "occupied" kashmir.:rofl: You have to care about us dear. It is our business.

OK now..we r ready to rest the case of P-O-K.....its none of our business..Are u ready to say the same abt our Kashmir..?
now u decide who is crying abt who.

The people of have already decided that they don't give a damn about this raja and India.:azn:

My same question..who r u to reject..? 1 billion ppl have accepted it and ur the last person whose opinion counts :bunny:

Lord Mountbatten was a dumba** himself. So obviously he supported another dumb individual like him.:rofl:

Like it or not..we were ruled by that dum@** for abt 200 years..So we have to accept that...

It is not about my like or dislike. The fact which I have already repeated is that there is nothing legal when it comes to Kashmir for India.

The fact that u keep on repeating doesnt exactly become the fact just for the sake of u repeating it. :disagree:


Think again.

nd y dont u think wat we can do if u opt to do something..? :lol:
To Meet India's Military challenge , Pakistan Must start planning for the future, get its economy straight on track, Make People Invest in there own country in there Own companies stocks, rather Investing some where else, improve Foreign Relations as of now and forget foreign Investments, as long as terrorism is a Hurdle..... Give tax Concessions to some Investments, which would promote Your people to Invest......

these are a very few things to make an economy steady from a fall.... Next thing You need to do Is, get hold of China, venture in every single domestic project of theirs , May it be civil or defense... this way you can have technical knowhow and Improve R&D in your country and give Some pressure on India, But the current situation of India is very perfect that its already Modernizing its Navy, Airforce and Army at the same Time.... So Pakistan has already fallen back in the race, the only way to get up and start running is to Improve the Economy....
Just don't understand the fuss ?

The should not be any ' composite dialogue ' till the reasons why it was stopped are not met. Starting it now would imply that either India was wrong then or now. What has changed since Mumbai that the dialogue should start ?In any case the dialogue was on when Mumbai happened just like Lahore was on when Kargil happened.

Pk seems to follow the ploy Indian Politicians follow - ignore a problem till either people forget it or a bigger one comes up - dwarfing the earlier one.

.. and what is wrong if the Indian COAS prepares for the next war or the worst case scenario ? He is simply doing what he is paid for.

If per chance, this is taken as drums of war - so be it.

I have to say there is a lot of sense in a few things that you say. I will however disagree with your point of not negotiating. The problem that we face is one which is only partly of our own making. I fully agree that we supported the taliban with a short sighted view of strategic depth. However, where i think the whole world went wrong was abandoning Afghanistan to its own devices, once the Soviets withdrew. This was what Zia kept saying till he went hoarse( one of the few things that I agreed with him on) that it is not good enough to enforce a decision onAfghanistan and its people till a consensus by all stake holders has been reached. The Pakistani politicians were perhaps hasty in their perceptions. The point of this digression is the price we as a nation have had to pay in the form of chaos that exists today.
An offshoot of this is the incitement by various external and internal factors and vested interests of various subgroups into acts which are essentially out of control of both the governments. I dont want to start a flame war here by going into who are the vested interests and what their ambitions are. However, in a poverty stricken area with low employment rates and opportunities, education, and a general lack 0f understanding of things,it is easy to incite the people in thename of one or the other ideologies. Again as you said, this is entirely to gloss over the problems facing the masses.
Illiteracy(both general and religious) is a great two edged sword which can be wielded for any purpose buy anyone, and this is how i see it. It is this sword that has resulted in catastrophies like Bombay and lahore.
I agree that it is pakistan's responsibility to ensure that its masses do not conduct such acts in other countries and also the responsible people should be brought to justice andpunished according to the laws of the land. Whereas I agree to this, you wil also realize and I hope agree that provided pakistan has conducted an investigation and presented the people in court, if sufficient evidence is not there, it would be against the grain of decency and indeed human rights to still punish them to appease another country(I do not agree with the handing over of prisoners to other countries like US to be held at its whim).I think this is the position that we argue about. i think in the current climate India should accept that pakistan has conducted an enquiry and not found sufficient evidence against the people in question to try them in a court of law. Whether it is enough or not can be argued till the cows come home as neither you nor i know the extent of enquiry or the details of the dossierthat was passed on by both countries.
So what happens if we dont negotiate. You and i both know that neither india nor pakistan are in a position to prevent a further incident like Bombay or Lahore. I forsee a great opportunity for miscreants in this current environment of mistrust, to incite another such incident just to kick start a cascade of events leading to an all out hostility. However, if the trust is reestablished between the two government, an avenue exists to talk with a semblence of trust betweenthe two parties. I think that nationalities and allegiences aside, the consequences of a war in our region are so dire that we should do our utmost to avoid it. This means India being a bit magnanimous and Pakistan accepting that there is a problem within its own boundaries.
More later
Once if u read ur posts u wuldn say that to me..;)

OK now..we r ready to rest the case of P-O-K.....its none of our business..Are u ready to say the same abt our Kashmir..?
now u decide who is crying abt who.

My same question..who r u to reject..? 1 billion ppl have accepted it and ur the last person whose opinion counts :bunny:

Like it or not..we were ruled by that dum@** for abt 200 years..So we have to accept that...

The fact that u keep on repeating doesnt exactly become the fact just for the sake of u repeating it. :disagree:

nd y dont u think wat we can do if u opt to do something..? :lol:

Ah again a pathetic post. :disagree:

Are u ready to say the same abt our Kashmir..?

It is not your Kashmir. Simple.

My same question..who r u to reject..? 1 billion ppl have accepted it and ur the last person whose opinion counts

Who are these 1 billion to decide about Kashmir. It is Kashmiris who have to decide about their fate not these one billion whatever they are.:agree:

Like it or not..we were ruled by that dum@** for abt 200 years..So we have to accept that...

Humm yeah you are right I guess. India has been and is ruled by dumba**. So yes you are right.:rofl:

The fact that u keep on repeating doesnt exactly become the fact just for the sake of u repeating it.

It is a fact that India has nothing legal or legitimate when it comes to Kashmir.

nd y dont u think wat we can do if u opt to do something..?

Well when did I say you won't do anything. I just said if Indian establishment worked according to your mentality they might be in trouble.

Who are u to decide the fate of people u guys dont even know .... the truth is u have been brainwashed my friend as it will not be right for me to support any claims of people oppressed in ur country like baloch same way u dont stand a authority on my soil

look at the people voting in my kashmir

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Who are u to decide the fate of people u guys dont even know .... the truth is u have been brainwashed my friend as it will not be right for me to support any claims of people oppressed in ur country like baloch same way u dont stand a authority on my soil

look at the people voting in my kashmir

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Lolzzz desperate post to justify your occupation. :azn:

O.K. I will say 4 things to you.

1 I know about Kashmir and Kashmiris. I have visited Azad Kashmir and I know what they think about you.

2 Since I haven't bring anything about Nagas, Assamis, Maoists and Khalistanis because I consider them to be Indian territory. Then why are you bringing this rant about Balochis in between the discussion. Kashmir isn't your territory that's why I am talking about it.

3 Voting in Election doesn't mean they have accepted your occupation. They just vote to solve their small problems like road construction, sewerage problems etc. They still want freedom from this rule of tyranny.

4 Your pics also show the religious, cultural and logical differences that IOK people have with your country. Thus my case gets justified that they don't belong to you.

I agree that it is pakistan's responsibility to ensure that its masses do not conduct such acts in other countries and also the responsible people should be brought to justice andpunished according to the laws of the land. Whereas I agree to this, you wil also realize and I hope agree that provided pakistan has conducted an investigation and presented the people in court, if sufficient evidence is not there, it would be against the grain of decency and indeed human rights to still punish them to appease another country(I do not agree with the handing over of prisoners to other countries like US to be held at its whim).I think this is the position that we argue about. i think in the current climate India should accept that pakistan has conducted an enquiry and not found sufficient evidence against the people in question to try them in a court of law. Whether it is enough or not can be argued till the cows come home as neither you nor i know the extent of enquiry or the details of the dossierthat was passed on by both countries.

This 'sufficient evidence not there' is the point where Indian and Pakistani official views diverge. You are correct that not much is known about whether the information in the dossiers provided by India contains enough evidence to stand in a court of law. Home minister Chidambaram says that the evidence provided is enough but it may well be for domestic consumption. But i think that at the very least it is the GoI's belief that if Pakistan is serious about investigating the Mumbai terror trail, it can be done with whatever information that has been provided. It seems inconceivable that an attack of such magnitude leaves so small a trail that the case falls flat in a court of law.

But the topic is digressing.

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