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meet the jf-17 15-201 the one shot down indian mig-21

I'll take the word of my DG ISPR over some random Internet guy. And all F-16s are accounted for. What in the hell are you trying to prove?

Ok? I didn't say one was shot down.

You believe what you want, but the pilot's name came from PAF.
Ok? I didn't say one was shot down.

You believe what you want, but the pilot's name came from PAF.
Let me tell you something most of the JF-17 pilots are coming straight from F-16s. This is where the mix up is because the guy are referring to has flown F-16s but at the time of this standoff F-16s were not involved but JF-17s.
Are you ignoring the fact that we know who the pilot is, when he trained in the US, and what he flies? And the AIM was from a US craft?

Yikes. Intentionally ignoring it? I'll post it in every misinformation thread l.
The indian pilot been shot down also fly Su-30, but so what??? Don't you know pilot can fly multiple type of jets?
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Let me tell you something most of the JF-17 pilots are coming straight from F-16s. This is where the mix up is because the guy are referring to has flown F-16s but at the time of this standoff F-16s were not involved but JF-17s.

It won't be long now before it's acknowledged publically, I'll check back in with you after .
Officially it was not. :p:

True. And in India, they officially shot down a PAF jet.

It is funny to see both sides and how much evidence they'll ignore haha.
True. And in India, they officially shot down a PAF jet.

It is funny to see both sides and how much evidence they'll ignore haha.

There is no proof of Indian claims about F-16 shot down.

Pakistan can too claim it shot down 2 squadron instead of 2 jets. Lol
There is no proof to say if the mig 21 was shot down by an aircraft or ground to air sam or a malfunction.

This one was shot down by a Pakistani Pigeon:-

Today's Paper | March 09, 2019

Indian fighter jet crashes after bird hit near border
AFPMarch 09, 2019
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NEW DELHI: An Indian fighter jet crashed on Friday in the desert close to the border with Pakistan — not after a dogfight but after a collision with a bird, the air force said.

Tensions are receding following tit-for-tat air strikes and a dogfight between the two countries last month.

The ageing Russian-made MiG-21 jet, which crash with some regularity, was on a routine sortie in western Rajasthan state on Friday when the accident happened.

The pilot ejected safely.

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“Initial inputs indicate the likely cause of accident as bird hit after take-off,” the Indian Air Force said in a statement.

India carried out air strikes inside Pakistan on Feb 26 after 40 paramilitaries died in a suicide bombing in India-held Kashmir.

It was the first time since 1971 that India hit territory beyond IHK.

The next day Pakistani and Indian planes engaged in a dogfight over the disputed region of Kashmir. India said one of its aircraft was shot down — Pakistan said two — and its pilot captured by Pakistan’s military.

India said it shot down a Pakistani plane but Islamabad denied this.

Pakistan returned the pilot on March 1, easing tensions, but both sides have continued to fire shells and mortar over the Line of Control.

Both countries are maintaining a tight vigil in the skies and conducting frequent fly-overs of the disputed territory.

Published in Dawn, March 9th, 2019
It is so nature for a JF17 to shot down an old junk Mig21, just compare their cockpit:

What is good about JF17 is that it is the most affordable 4th gen fighter jet which can be produced in large quantity (now 100s in service in PAF despite its tight budget.)... These 100s of JF17s are the main counterbalance to IAF's 4th gen fighters like Su-30, etc...

Unlike F-16, which is more than 2 times costlier and also with a lot of B.S. restrictions put on it by the US government...
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ISPR enjoying it. One video release and they will completely go silent
What do you expect a person caltured by enemies .I am sure your arganced jf 17 has camera.bro you can't even say a word against your govt on a international form and you expect our pilot to talk in the hands of enemy
What super camera can captured BVR? Care to share?
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