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Media Crook Rajdeep Sardesai misbehaved outside MSG

He should get out of US when he still can...
haha. It is yet to be verified that a case has been really filed. Even if he is arrested, he would easily get bail and he won't need to surrender passport. But his troubles will start.
haha. It is yet to be verified that a case has been really filed. Even if he is arrested, he would easily get bail and he won't need to surrender passport. But his troubles will start.

That will be enough. :)
You can check this one. Best is Rajhole desai asks, can one person change India? One says, if one woman can loot India then yes.

He was also trying to look like this is a sponsored event. Tickets are free etc. That is something new to me but who really have time in US to travel from different cities. It is not like Indian election rally

| Video | Full Video: Rajdeep Sardesai heckled by a mob outside Madison Square Garden | World Videos | - India Today
Thanks for the video!
Yeah Rajdeep Sardesai did sound a lil provocative but was still calm.But even in this video I didnot hear him saying this
nik22 said:
He was continuously trying to provoke crowd.

- asking things like about 2002 riots.
- telling he is PM of only one community.
- paisa aa jata hai, class nahi aati
- Madison garden even is a right wing event

nik22 said:
- asking crowd, why have you come
Right! I heard him ask that question multiple times in a provocative way each time.
I dono how a senior and seasoned journalist like Rajdeep got provoked by a crowd,
Vinasha kale viprita budhi! :P

nair said:
and if you look at the video it was rajdeep who started the fight....... Which is unacceptable.....
I saw that.He did start the fight.
You know what? If I was in his place and if i had a grudge against Modi then I too may 've behaved in a similar way.
I think both the parties 're responsible for this.
Rajdeep Sardesai being a public figure should've avoided getting into such fiasco.
Vinasha kale viprita budhi! :P

I think he has a grudge towards modi for whatever happening with his career, may be he feels modi is responsible......
I saw that.He did start the fight.
You know what? If I was in his place and if i had a grudge against Modi then I too may 've behaved in a similar way.
I think both the parties 're responsible for this.
Rajdeep Sardesai being a public figure should've avoided getting into such fiasco.

Well you cannot blame a crowd for such an issue, commonsense will tell rajdeep to get away from a crowd which is hostile towards you...... and being a media person he should know that
well it was expected cause when you see your so called "idologikal enemy" getting cozy with all those whome you were trying to influence all your life but failed you get realli desparate and to top that things are not looking good for there future aswell cause they(paid media) is loosing its grips on young educated and sucsessful indian iether in india or abroad

in short khisyaani billi khambha nochwe ;)
Well you cannot blame a crowd for such an issue, commonsense will tell rajdeep to get away from a crowd which is hostile towards you...... and being a media person he should know that

Rajdeep may be having personal interests in opposing Narendra Modi or BJP as a whole but generally speaking, Journalists are free to make uncomfortable questions, Nair. If one's sensibility does not allow one to be patient and tolerant to an opposite set of views, it remains as an unfortunate state of affair. The crowd is still to be blamed.
I think he has a grudge towards modi for whatever happening with his career, may be he feels modi is responsible......
Its more than a coincident that he had to resign before the elections,but I guess that was because Reliance took over CNN-IBN.

nair said:
Well you cannot blame a crowd for such an issue, commonsense will tell rajdeep to get away from a crowd which is hostile towards you...... and being a media person he should know that
His blood must've been boiling when he saw so many spectators cheering Modi.
But yeah this coul've been avoided by him...so now he faces an arrest???
Rajdeep Sardesai : Do you think 1 man can change India?
Viewer: Yes.If 1 woman can loot India 1 man can change India.
Rajdeep:*scoots quickly*
Rajdeep to another young NRI - "Do you think he is a PM of only one community?"
Young NRI - "What kind of question it is? Haven't you heard "Vasudhaiv Katumbkam", Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah & Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas in his speech??"
Rajdeep - "No, tell me what do you think of 2002 riots? "
Young NRI - "Do you respect Supreme court of India?? It was supercussion of Godhra incident , where Hindus were killed by Muslims. Modi has nothing do with that."
Rajdeep to camera man - "As you can see, Ye Communal Hinduon ka event ban chuka hai.......errrr..."
Crowd lost the patience .. & Rajdeep got beaten up between the gagan bhedi slogans of "Bharat Mata ki Jai" .."Rajdeep Gaddar hai"

This is a hardcore reply to a blind hater of modi ji and Hindus aka secularuddin
Rajdeep may be having personal interests in opposing Narendra Modi or BJP as a whole but generally speaking, Journalists are free to make uncomfortable questions, Nair. If one's sensibility does not allow one to be patient and tolerant to an opposite set of views, it remains as an unfortunate state of affair. The crowd is still to be blamed.
You're gone for a six :D ..Modiwadis 're gonna attack you now.Brace up!!!
Surprisingly another known Modi Basher - Barkha Dutt has behaved well ! I did see her program "Namoste America". I think that was OK.
Rajdeep is annoying Journalist.. he talk non-sense...

When he asked the question "can one mac change the system" Didn't he remember Gandhi, TN Sheshan, Ex Indian CAG, MLK, Madiba..

He is big ego person.. Soon he will be obsolete from media...
Rajdeep may be having personal interests in opposing Narendra Modi or BJP as a whole but generally speaking, Journalists are free to make uncomfortable questions, Nair. If one's sensibility does not allow one to be patient and tolerant to an opposite set of views, it remains as an unfortunate state of affair. The crowd is still to be blamed.

I am not defending the crowd in any means....... My point is being a senior journalist, he should have judged the mood of the crowd and moved away, instead he fell for the provocations and started the physical assault himself..... There is a difference between a senior and season journalist and a crowd or part of crowd..... Yes crowd should not have provoked him, but at the same time he should not have got provoked.... (i just remembered you are one of very few secular comrade :P)
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