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Mechanised Divisions Pakistan Army

Gen Bashir was commander of ARN. He was also GOC of 17 Division which was part of ARN.
I've read that R.D Shamim was its GOC
ARN shoro yeh batao is dafa parade mey
PA ka kya kuch naya aa raha hai , Sheikh Rasheed confirmed a few minutes earlier PAF J10C has beeb inducted and will be taking part in parade
80 days..
Btw I hope this time it wouldn't be a cut down version with only three tanks of each type and not even included AZs.
Will be taking part as of now.
Yes according to Sheikh Rasheed 25 J10Cs will fly together in the parade.
I've read that R.D Shamim was its GOC

80 days..
Btw I hope this time it wouldn't be a cut down version with only three tanks of each type and not even included AZs.
Shiekh Rasheed was also saying this years parade is going to be special due to a large number of VIPs arriving from Abroad for the parade and so he was saying about moving the parade onto a later date in March since 23rd march will be for celebration and there won't be that much security measures applicable for security.
Will be taking part as of now.
More interested to see Pak made equipment such as HIT's 155mm gun system or Viper IFV or AK-II. Joint ventures give hope, however a fully exported version of equipment like J-10, F-16, M-109 etc shows buying power, not a stint from national talent pool really. It's like you throw a party and then display the expensive items you bought for lounge and drawing room. The only stuff made by your household is food, unless you ordered uber eats or food panda.

Its like what majority in engineering do. They run, maintain, trouble shoot and repair the equipment and feel proud of that job. They never design it or test it during acceptance phase or can further improve it by programming/hardwiring more features in it.

Fly the J-10, yaaaaay, our pilots can fly the aircrafts, we drive them so we own them, that is something right ? We never could design and then produce them.
I have a question for you, I am not sure if this is the right thread but but please do bear with me.

Galwan proved the usefulness of anti personnel and armor suicide drone systems, considering how Chinese utilized Sula 89 in Depsang to counter and interdict larger Indian infantry forces.

How would you explain PA’s continued lack of interest in loitering munition?

Specially now that India (having already deployed Harpy and another system for about a decade) has just issued a RFP for a anti armor and anti personnel reprogrammable, loitering munition with a range of 60km. This, alongside SpikeER will be a headache for Pakistani armor.

Even Iranians with all the sanctions on them continue to produce more of such systems and developing doctrines around them.

From the looks of it, PA does not exactly seem interested in these. Why?
I have a question for you, I am not sure if this is the right thread but but please do bear with me.

Galwan proved the usefulness of anti personnel and armor suicide drone systems, considering how Chinese utilized Sula 89 in Depsang to counter and interdict larger Indian infantry forces.

How would you explain PA’s continued lack of interest in loitering munition?

Specially now that India (having already deployed Harpy and another system for about a decade) has just issued a RFP for a anti armor and anti personnel reprogrammable, loitering munition with a range of 60km. This, alongside SpikeER will be a headache for Pakistani armor.

Even Iranians with all the sanctions on them continue to produce more of such systems and developing doctrines around them.

From the looks of it, PA does not exactly seem interested in these. Why?
No probs dear, i can bear you till you like....

PA's continued lack of interest in loitering munition.....well please dont take it this way.....this is exactly what everyone thinks before each new procurement of Pakistan Armed Forces....and then suddenly it pops up that, in form of a parade or a Balakot.... that Pakistan Armed Forces were always ahead of their enemies......so please, there is no lack of interest....

We know that Indians have got kamikaze drones of a specific brand from Israel, an older version of which was used to devastating effect by Azeri guys......we know that.

It is exactly like you said.....FROM THE LOOKS OF IT, PA DOES NOT SEEM INTERESTED....thats exactly the point....we also like the art of war as Sun Tzu would have liked.
No probs dear, i can bear you till you like....

PA's continued lack of interest in loitering munition.....well please dont take it this way.....this is exactly what everyone thinks before each new procurement of Pakistan Armed Forces....and then suddenly it pops up that, in form of a parade or a Balakot.... that Pakistan Armed Forces were always ahead of their enemies......so please, there is no lack of interest....

We know that Indians have got kamikaze drones of a specific brand from Israel, an older version of which was used to devastating effect by Azeri guys......we know that.

It is exactly like you said.....FROM THE LOOKS OF IT, PA DOES NOT SEEM INTERESTED....thats exactly the point....we also like the art of war as Sun Tzu would have liked.
I do hope they’re taking this seriously because the other side is now reacting to the Chinese moves in Galwan and we’d sooner than later see them induct cheap, locally made loitering munition.
I do hope they’re taking this seriously because the other side is now reacting to the Chinese moves in Galwan and we’d sooner than later see them induct cheap, locally made loitering munition.

The prophesied battles with India of which some will be fought defensively in Pakistan, means a immense mass of TNT barrage will rain over the Pakistani ground forces be it from Indian Artillery rounds, rockets , loitering munitions etc.

And countering that with a equal equipment in every class is not necessary neither possible, nor will save it pakistani soldiers and their equipment. Also Pakistans current economic conditions wouldn’t allow a arms race, the future economy outlook is eventually not more promising.

There are war proven defensive measures which have been implemented in human war history since the induction of the industrial made artillery, which never have been calculated or less spoken in this forum from the war historical and post wars perspective, specifically the strategy and tactics regarding in the art of human and machine made bunkers and the natural given buildings such as mountains, hills, dry river beds, marsh lands etc. In my opinion the reason for less realistic discussion of this kind are underestimating India’s war capacity. This underestimating is hindering to see things from the realistic battle field perspective, which can only be done be personally war experience or studying human war history.
Seeing the victory only in countering equipment and systems with other equipment systems, while making comparisons by naming the technical data: ”for example this Indian artillery gun has a longer range, then ours, so we need a bigger artillery gun”, while forgetting that, short range artillery guns can take out the enemy if it is positioned under the enemies nose, as it has been done war proven successfully in Kargil 1999. Pakistan Army had fantastically (fantasy- idea - art in war - the art of war) disassembled artillery guns and transported them by Mulls and posted near river sides in the Batalik and Tololing sector covered by mountains, and the cold river water, made the world war 2 era guns of Pakistan equal to the indian deployment in the first phase of the war.
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