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Meanwhile in Lahore

if someone having a blast near me shouting anything i too will join them just for fun - besides its catchy tune - hum lay k rahein gay AZADI - ftw
Theoretically thats all good. In our context these bodies get hijacked and used by political parties and get extremely violent. I have heard of universities remaining closed for months and delaying of degrees was common when these unions were at their peak.

One of my father's colleague's only son was shot by stray fire during conflict between these unions in uet Taxila.
You are right about misuse of student unions. I have my reservations about it as well. However our constitution allows the formation of student unions and after 18th amendment provinces can allow student unions.
Punjab university and UET lahore witnessed bloodshed at the hands of these student unions.
Nice !!

You are partially correct. The Hong Kong rioters are being supported by Western governments in many ways whereas these Pakistani protesters are Left leaning. Different people.

That is why I said different leanings or should I say school of thought.

Faiz should have become successful in his coup attempt. Pakistan and Afghanistan would have been different now.

Different but not better economically/socially. Empirical Evidence suggest otherwise.

Why would Stalin persecute them ?? And what do you have against Marx ??

You should ask those countless people killed in stalin's time as why were they persecuted?

I used the word landay ke marxists. Most of them are just using the socialist thought to further their own agenda.

One of my former teacher is a prominent member/contributor in AWP circle. Another uni senior who shared some courses with me is a prominent PPP and PTM supporter. She believes in marxist/socialist thought while running with the feudal families. She is very close to Gulalai Ismael/Bilawal e.t.c. Had several similar left leaning seniors/teachers.

I have seen them in real life closely. Many of them are bunch of elites who are using the marxist mantra to further their anarchic agenda while benefiting from US/Foreign support. Never seen such a hypocritical bunch.

I can go on and on but the point is that these are not some left leaning students. They want to achieve something that will rip the social fabric of our society and make us doubt the existence of Pakistan as an identity similar to the work of their brothers/sisters and forefathers in form of PTM/BLA e.t.c
People don't understand or just turn a blind eye to what Zia did to our education system; he banned student unions to silence free voices against his regime and then gave free hand to Islami Jamiyat-e-Taliba. Despite the ban, Jamiyat still operates freely in all major universities of Pakistan. They brought in violence to our colleges.

It's time that Pakistanis demand the freedom promised by our founding fathers and written in our constitution.

If Jamiyat can be allowed to host terrorists in PU hostels, I am sure these left leaning students of LUMS can be allowed to hold peaceful assembly.
Different but not better economically/socially. Empirical Evidence suggest otherwise.

Why do you say so ??

I used the word landay ke marxists.

What does "landay" mean ?? Fake ??

Another uni senior who shared some courses with me is a prominent PPP and PTM supporter. She believes in marxist/socialist thought while running with the feudal families.

When you say "running", can you give me examples ??

She is very close to Gulalai Ismael/Bilawal e.t.c.

Going through the Wikipedia page for Gulalai Ismail, I found the below fact interesting :
In 2017, Ismail was joint winner, with murdered journalist and activist Gauri Lankesh, of the Anna Politkovskaya Award, Reach All Women in WAR (RAW in WAR) award for campaigning against religious extremism

Gauri Lankesh was murdered by activists of the Hindutva type.

I have seen them in real life closely. Many of them are bunch of elites who are using the marxist mantra to further their anarchic agenda while benefiting from US/Foreign support. Never seen such a hypocritical bunch.

I can go on and on but the point is that these are not some left leaning students. They want to achieve something that will rip the social fabric of our society and make us doubt the existence of Pakistan as an identity similar to the work of their brothers/sisters and forefathers in form of PTM/BLA e.t.c

Well, the Left students in India, especially the JNU university in Delhi, too are called "Anti-national", "Seditionists" and "Tukde tukde gang" ( referring to one supposedly used slogan by them to break up India ).

I am sure both countries' Left students don't want to do any such thing.
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Lahore today is a hub of surkha activities in Pakistan

Desi surkhas from elite families were busy starting a new revolution and were seen asking azadi at Faiz festival

What is she protesting? Getting dumped by her boyfriend?


Having read through the thread - she wants student unions? Why don't we have student unions. We absolutely should have student unions. Let students express their political opinions. Most mature from their ultra right/left wing positions as soon as they get a job, or get laid.

Also people worried about the anti national potential of student unions... lol

Seriously guys, the problem there is not the student union, it's the fact people who do well in this country (lets face it if you make it to uni in Pakistan you're doing well) can hold anti national feelings. Why? Where does it come from? The root cause needs addressing - not banning student unions.

We need mandatory citizenship classes in our schools and a whole year of voluntary civil service after the completion of A-levels of equivalent training (between age 18-20). Teach your kids to love their nation, teach them they are the nation, rather than muzzle them like dogs.
"The only good communist is a dead communist".
View attachment 590182

Most of these pos belong to LUMS. Government really needs to take notice of the brainwashing of youth going on there.

I am not surprised by your words. Your profile-picture ( of Zia-ul-Haq ) says enough.

But I must ask you why do you support the destroyer of Afghanistan and the promoter of CIA-supported mullahs in Pakistan ??
I am not surprised by your words. Your profile-picture ( of Zia-ul-Haq ) says enough.

But I must ask you why do you support the destroyer of Afghanistan and the promoter of CIA-supported mullahs in Pakistan ??

You are NOT important enough to be replied. I am putting you in my ignore list like the rest of the Indian roaches on my ignore list.
Don't bother quoting me again. Bye Bye.:wave::wave::wave:
A hijaban among the commies? LOL .

Maybe she wears it because her neighborhood has too many of the "Hijab is not my compulsion, it is my pride" types. :D

You are NOT important enough to be replied. I am putting you in my ignore list like the rest of the Indian roaches on my ignore list.
Don't bother quoting me again. Bye Bye.:wave::wave::wave:

Understood. I am an Indian roach and you are the Pakistani Che Guevara. :lol:

And this is a forum, how can you ask people not to quote you ?? It is not democratic.
Why do you say so ??

Please look up how many socialist/communist countries are still surviving and in what form.

What does "landay" mean ?? Fake ??

Landa have different literal meaning. Over here I mean second hand bikao mall meaning they are up for sale for the highest bidder.

When you say "running", can you give me examples ??

Don't want to be considered a stalker. Here she is sitting with Gulalai, Mohsin Dawar and bilawal and the gang. She was a senior at uni.


Going through the Wikipedia page for Gulalai Ismail, I found the below fact interesting :

Awards don't matter. Intentions do. I am a pushtun and I can see right through the PTM and leftist propaganda for their so called battle for protection of rights of us pushtuns.

She is another bikao leftist that conveniently received asylum in US when trump is kicking out immigrants.

Well, the Left students in India, especially the JNU university in Delhi, too are called "Anti-national", "Seditionists" and "Tukde tukde gang" ( referring to one supposedly used slogan by them to breakup India ).

I am sure both countries' Left students don't want to do any such thing.

Yeah sure man if you believe that. However, I can see right through their intentions for us.

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