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MDL Delivers 3rd Scorpene-Class Submarine To The Indian Navy

are you really bragging about 18 subs being a 'massive' navy??? like 2 trillion being a 'massive' economy??

If others think like you, it proves that India is on the path towards fascism. Its people glorify war and conquest above all. From the laws and policies recently passed by India, the only conclusion any rational person can come to is this: Modi cries to the Hindu, obey me, and we will be the masters of Akhand Bharat. The Hindu replies: Jai Hind! Jai Hind! Jai Hind!
i CANT believe it a BANGLADESHI giving it large about his country ............. Its hillarious

Tin pot little state saved by india in days flat 1971 is giving indians the big one

worlds gone crazy
u mean terrorized, raped and destroyed by IA...
are you really bragging about 18 subs being a 'massive' navy??? like 2 trillion being a 'massive' economy??

If others think like you, it proves that India is on the path towards fascism. Its people glorify war and conquest above all. From the laws and policies recently passed by India, the only conclusion any rational person can come to is this: Modi cries to the Hindu, obey me, and we will be the masters of Akhand Bharat. The Hindu replies: Jai Hind! Jai Hind! Jai Hind!
Subs are only a part in the naval system, india does have a massive navy in comparison to many costal states
Subs are only a part in the naval system, india does have a massive navy in comparison to many costal states

True India's navy is far, far bigger than many coastal states e.g. Indonesia.
3 more scorpene coming guys and 3 new nuclear armed arihant subs too
Handed over but although the official commissioning date is 10th March ...

Indian Navy is getting more teeth to byte anyone in Indian ocean expect super powers (Russia and US). It is foolish to take Indian navy as casually when we talk about Indian ocean..
i CANT believe it a BANGLADESHI giving it large about his country ............. Its hillarious

Tin pot little state saved by india in days flat 1971 is giving indians the big one

worlds gone crazy
No dude because of these Bangladeshis u won the war which was not actually won by you
@Bilal9 This is truely pathetic, on one side he bragged like no tomorrow, but deep inside, he is literally a mental slave of the west.

Yes brother.

I don't want to go into details and certainly not insult all of India - but we all know how some of these folks are and the business people are the worst. Don't want to go off topic too much.
He's a razakar descendent. Best ignored. The other day he was shouting about how India makes shyte cars.

I could be a razakar descendant, but Euro NCAP has already designated (By way of crash tests, zero out of 4) most Indian cars exported to Europe as literal "death traps", which is worse than what you say above. Even in most moderate crash scenarios, front seat passengers will get killed.

Don't bring up off topic items (cars in a thread discussing subs) unless you want me to correct you.

I could have posted videos and images here to refute you, but won't.
yes stick to the topic

3 scorpene inducted
3 more to follow next 2 years
vikrant carrier entry 2022
vizag destroyer next year, followed by 3 more next 5 years
at least 2 more Talwar class frigates,
6 project 17 stealth frigates under construction too
finally 3 more arihant nuke subs

that's,now actually on order
there could be more new orders,to add to this

like new carrier wing for vikrant
more corvettes
drones from.usa

navy is the best of indian 3 services imo
are you really bragging about 18 subs being a 'massive' navy??? like 2 trillion being a 'massive' economy??

If others think like you, it proves that India is on the path towards fascism. Its people glorify war and conquest above all. From the laws and policies recently passed by India, the only conclusion any rational person can come to is this: Modi cries to the Hindu, obey me, and we will be the masters of Akhand Bharat. The Hindu replies: Jai Hind! Jai Hind! Jai Hind!

The Modi-lover Indians worship and glorify Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler's Mein Kampf is the number one selling paperback for these semi-educated Modi-lover populace.

They think that being fascists will solve all their mismanagement problems and make India into America.

It won't.

Now - back to the Scorpene, OK let's take a look at an older article, and seems, like everything else built in India, they royally f*cked up the Scorpene subs as well, by leaking documents.

Outsiders could care less, more shipyard f*ck-ups, the merrier. Modi-cabinet don't care either, more money into their pocket as bribes from France.

How 'devastating' are these subs going to be, if adversaries know the design of the sub....


Submarines: A Serious Leak In The Scorpene

September 6, 2016: India's effort to build six French Scorpene submarines under license, already at least seven years behind schedule, may be delayed even longer because French intelligence discovered that in 2011 large quantities of technical data on construction and operation of the Scorpene was stolen. The thief was apparently an employee of a sub-contractor and the French discovered the leak after they ran down reports of classified Scorpene data for sale. At this point it is unclear how much the stolen data impacts the six Indian Scorpenes. That’s because the French manufacturer (DCNS) and French intelligence are trying to find out exactly what got stolen and which versions of Scorpene are hurt and to what extent. The leaks appeared to involved details of how quiet Scorpene was and what operational, electronic and hardware contributed to that.

The Indian Scorpene contract was finally (after several years of delays) signed in 2005. After that corruption, politics and mismanagement have so far increased the cost of the $4 billion project by 25 percent (to $834 million per sub). Originally the first Scorpene was to enter service in 2012 with one each year after that. That schedule is subject to change and probably will, for the worse. In contrast Malaysia ordered two Scorpenes in 2002. These were built in Spain and France and delivered seven years later.

It’s not just the government procurement bureaucrats. There also turned out to be poor management by the Indian firms building the Scorpenes as well as locally made components. Building the subs in India is very important because it will leave India with thousands of workers and specialists experienced in building modern submarines. India insists that some of that equipment be manufactured in India, and that introduces even more complications and delays. Indian firms have a spotty track record in this area. But it appears that all this will be wasted because the defense procurement bureaucrats seem to have learned nothing. These officials already caused numerous delays and cost overruns during negotiations to build these diesel-electric submarines. The bureaucrats mismanaged this deal continually. On the plus side (sort of) Indian made components of foreign military equipment are not always up to spec. That sometimes causes problems and it could easily impact how quiet a submarine operated.

The first Scorpene was to be built in France, with the other five built in India. While some problems were expected (India has been doing license manufacturing of complex weapons for decades), the defense ministry procurement bureaucrats never ceased to amaze when it came to delaying work or just getting in the way.

The Scorpenes are similar to the Agosta 90B subs (also French) that Pakistan recently bought. The first of the Agostas was built in France, but the other two were built in Pakistan. The Scorpenes purchase was seen as a response to the Pakistani Agostas. The Scorpene are a more recent design, the result of cooperation between French and Spanish sub builders. The Agosta is a 1,500 ton (surface displacement) diesel-electric sub with a 36 man crew and four 533mm (21 inch) torpedo tubes (with 20 torpedoes and/or anti-ship missiles carried). The Scorpene is a little heavier (1,700 tons), has a smaller crew (32), and is a little faster. It has six 533mm torpedo tubes and carries 18 torpedoes and/or missiles. Both models can be equipped with an AIP (air independent propulsion) system. This enables the sub to stay under longer, thus making the sub harder to find. AIP allows the sub to travel under water for more than a week, at low speed (5-10 kilometers an hour). Two of the Indian Scorpenes are to have Indian made AIP installed. More details may become public if some of the stolen documents show up on Wikileaks or some other part of the visible Internet.
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So all do remember what happened to incompetent Indian sub crews when they came inside Pakistan

this is too easy, so in 3 years India and Pakistan will have similar numbers of submarines and frigates and corvette not to mention a jet based sanction program ASW platform to cover our 121 km maritime boundary

I could be a razakar descendant, but Euro NCAP has already designated (By way of crash tests, zero out of 4) most Indian cars exported to Europe as literal "death traps", which is worse than what you say above. Even in most moderate crash scenarios, front seat passengers will get killed.

Don't bring up off topic items (cars in a thread discussing subs) unless you want me to correct you.

I could have posted videos and images here to refute you, but won't.
What is the ncap rating of bangladeshi cars exported to europe?
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