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Maulanas to Modi: we have not come from Arabia.Our ancestors were also Indians

Muslims are getting killed in Pakistan on a regular basis, and here you are worrying about Indians; talk about misplaced priorities! :)
Please do not assume that gives him any less right to talk on India. Such ideals of "worry about your own end" will not play on this forum nor will they be tolerated unless they amount to responding to trolls.

That was a given. This being about Indian muslims - I stuck with that.
They too have an identity that goes beyond India. BUT and BUT with an emphasis.. that does not mean it excludes their being Indian. It is one of the reasons why I am not inclined to have India as part of the OIC as an observer and have them more involved. The more India embraces its Muslim heritage with relative proportions to how it embraces its history with IVC and then the Mahabharta.. these communal ideals will be squashed itself.
did i say this ? jeena bhai means zamany ke sath jeena you misunderstood me bro

next step will be

we are EX-Brahmans -indian muslims mullahs

These are Brahmins

we have ruled this region for abt 1000 years, if we did that bolded thingy then none of yr non muslim population will be remaining. It was for the generosity of our leaders, emperors and Kings that even though we ruled u for 1000 years time but still there are more non muslims then muslims in yr country and region.

and what has our situation got to do with our 1000 years rule in this region and our generosity with non muslims that today there r more non muslims then muslims in region?

I actually quoted you but forgot to reply to you, I just wanted to tell you that it is more likely that you were also ruled by those foreign invaders for some 500 or 1000 (as you claim) years, conversion don't make you some horse-riding warrior. :)
Indian muslims are indeed of Indian ancestory, although can't say about Pakistanis.

Your bias towards your minority is right here in your post. How about you discuss what's going on in India in terms on ONE Hindu nation a little bit and what prompted these Muslims to meet the PM twice in a short amount of time? They are concerned about their lives in India, if you don't follow the news!!

Also, take a look at your OP's editing of the post. He's got all kinds of cartoons and funny faces put next to statements which show clear doubt and second degree treatment of minorities in India.

A week ago, you had serious riots (yet again, against the Muslims), yesterday, your mighty security forces killed a Sikh in Kashmir, an unarmed kid, and Sikhs held a huge protesting rally where they asked for a Khalistan (a Sikh country separate from India). So.....all this drama with Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.....ONLY Hindus can live peacefully in India now??? How do you want to address that??
I actually quoted you but forgot to reply to you, I just wanted to tell you that it is more likely that you were also ruled by those foreign invaders for some 500 or 1000 (as you claim) years, conversion don't make you some horse-riding warrior. :)
lol thats what u think......Islam is a way of life its above ethnicity and tribal traditions. U being a non muslim can not really understand this but ask u muslim who knows abt Islam and its way of life.
This thread as expected is seeing some intense discussions :)
Which is why I always refer to them as Hindu-Muslims. The term Hindu having more than just a religious angle to it.

So you finally given up and joined the dark side. Do you know that's exactly what the RSS says? They term Hindu as a geographical identity rather than religious identity.

We muslims have a distinct identity and are in no way Indians. Our legends are those of Ahmed Shah Durrani, Mir Chakar Khan Rind, Mahmud Ghaznavi among many others. The more recent laid back attitude of other muslims left in Indian occupied parts and their support to people like Kalam Azad is a threat to the entire well being of our people who must fight for their rights and ask the question why property taken from us in Hyderabad and Lucknow has not been returned to us since the partition.

My parents were born in Lucknow but they are Pakistani and Pakistan will and should forever be in the heart of every muslim left there. We are one body. You can cut the head but it will always belong to one body. We muslims should not become slaves of India specially since they are the killers of our people.

You muslims should have moved to Pakistan. Why did you stay in India after you were given 2 distinct territories of your own?
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Please do not assume that gives him any less right to talk on India. Such ideals of "worry about your own end" will not play on this forum nor will they be tolerated unless they amount to responding to trolls.

He is not talking on India, rather he is talking on behalf of the Indian Muslims, which he is not fit to do as a Pakistani citizen.
Besides, highlighting the safety & security condition of Pakistani Muslims, especially the minority sects of Pakistani Muslims, is apt when he makes statements like this one quoted below.

The bold (and red) part quoted above is your prerogative though, and surely you are free to take 'steps' accordingly. I come to this forum in my free time and not for a living, so I for one would not take the above statement of yours sheepishly, which I believe reflects an arrogant and condescending tone. :)

I mean clearly I ask the muslims left there what happens when India purges you as in Babri and Gujarat riots. The only place we will be able to escape to is Pakistan

lol thats what u think......Islam is a way of life its above ethnicity and tribal traditions. U being a non muslim can not really understand this but ask u muslim who knows abt Islam and its way of life.

Could be, I am just stating that the likelihood of your ancestors also being ruled by the Ghaznavis etc. is much higher than they ruling the rest of us.
Your bias towards your minority is right here in your post. How about you discuss what's going on in India in terms on ONE Hindu nation a little bit and what prompted these Muslims to meet the PM twice in a short amount of time? They are concerned about their lives in India, if you don't follow the news!!

Also, take a look at your OP's editing of the post. He's got all kinds of cartoons and funny faces put next to statements which show clear doubt and second degree treatment of minorities in India.

A week ago, you had serious riots (yet again, against the Muslims), yesterday, your mighty security forces killed a Sikh in Kashmir, an unarmed kid, and Sikhs held a huge protesting rally where they asked for a Khalistan (a Sikh country separate from India). So.....all this drama with Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.....ONLY Hindus can live peacefully in India now??? How do you want to address that??

There is no peace between Hindus and non-Hindus in India, I lied.
final nail in the leftist coffin ? :)

But isn't it hypocritical of the Imams? It is the same mullahs that shout from their podiums and dictate to the gullible followers who to vote in what election - in what are supposed to be purely 'religious' sermons!

Vote banks exist because the Mullahs wanted them to exist. Politicians are only taking advantages of the opportunities provided to them by these mullahs!

For all that the Imams were demanding from Modi, Modi should have asked them one thing in return - that they educate and empower their women folk! Just the way he demanded from Khap panchayat members (?) (sorry if this isn't entirely accurate)!
Could be, I am just stating that the likelihood of your ancestors also being ruled by the Ghaznavis etc. is much higher than they ruling the rest of us.
sohnio like i said u dont know much abt islam. Todays Pakistan is ruled by Mr Mian Nawaz Sharif so does that
mean now that one should think we r ruled or r slaved by sharif family?

Actually we are Pakistanis and a Pakistani is ruling us not since today but since our independence. same way that was Muslim empire of South Asia, it was the extension of the already established empires of Muslims in Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe and Persia. It was ruled by the Muslims as well. Now if those rules were from Durrani dynesty or Lodhi or Mughal dynasties doesnt matter in broader terms as still the empire had Muslims ruling it. Same way today politicians or leaders come and go but in the end who ever rules pakistan today is a Pakistani.
sohnio like i said u dont know much abt islam. Todays Pakistan is ruled by Mr Mian Nawaz Sharif so does that
mean now that one should think we r ruled or r slaved by sharif family?

Actually we are Pakistanis and a Pakistani is ruling us not since today but since our independence. same way that was Muslim empire of South Asia, it was the extension of the already established empires of Muslims in Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Europe and Persia. It was ruled by the Muslims as well. Now if those rules were from Durrani dynesty or Lodhi or Mughal dynasties doesnt matter in broader terms as still the empire had Muslims ruling it. Same way today politicians or leaders come and go but in the end who ever rules pakistan today is a Pakistani.

Except Mian Nawaz Sharif was elected by you. Those Afghans, Persians, central Asians were NOT elected. They showed up, kicked the crap out of you and ruled over you. You have no connection to them other than the fact that you are choosing to follow the same religion 5 or 6 centuries after the fact. Heck, Mughal emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan both had Indian mothers. But you won't see us lining up to claim that we're related. Why? Because we still have some pride left.
He is saying that because lots of Pakistanis think they are Arabs and from other middle east countries. Like the one "Think Tank" claiming in this thread right now

Ask Indian Syeds and Qureshis or Chaush Muslims of what descent they are. Maybe the answer will shock you but they will also say they are still Indian. It is not about thinkin Arab or middle eastern, it is about ancestry.
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