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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

It's all over the news,they're burning churches because the coup was a "coptic christian plot":hitwall:

The islamists went full retard on this one,but so did the army when it opened indiscriminate fire on everyone,i doubt that all are "terrorists".

This was cooking for a very long time now. Not holding elections after ousting morsi was a huge mistake made by this dictatorship. Still my point is there that such incidents only took place after what happened at the protests.
'War zone': Scores feared dead in Cairo crackdown, protests spreading​

A protester lies on the ground as Egyptian security forces disperse supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi in a huge camp in Cairo's Al-Nahda square on August 14, 2013 (AFP Photo / Engy Imad)

Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad claimed that as many as 2,000 people had been killed and 10,000 injured in the police operation.

Gehad El-Haddad @gelhaddad

8 hrs of mass killings & not single sane person in Egypt or in world 2 stop this !! Over 2000 killed & over 10,000 injured & world watches
4:50 после полудня - 14 августа 2013

Protesters are accusing the military of ordering snipers to shoot at them from the rooftops of buildings surrounding the sit-in camps.

Jamal Elshayyal جمال @jamalsNews

Photo shows snipers firing rom an Intelligence Agency building at #Rabaa pic.twitter.com/YYaKcOcAB3 #Egypt #AntiCoup
10:31 утра - 14 августа 2013


RIP QuSad @liberty4Libya

Photo of dead after attack by military junta on pro-legitimacy sit-in at Rabaa Adawya in #Cairo #Egypt pic.twitter.com/0vtUz6hlYp
10:55 утра - 14 августа 2013


Egyptian police on Wednesday morning have sent in armored bulldozers to break up the protest outside Rabaa al-Adawiya in eastern Cairo, where one of the Muslim Brotherhood camps is located. Police also broke up a second protest site outside the Cairo University campus in Giza in the city's west.

Security troops used tear gas against protesters, and there were also reports of intensive gunfire in the area.

Supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood run from tear gas smoke shot by police to disperse a pro-Morsi camp, on August 14, 2013 in Cairo (AFP Photo / Khaled Desouki)

“It is nasty inside, they are destroying our tents. We can't breathe inside and many people are in hospital,”
protester Murad Ahmed described the camp crackdown.

Helicopters were circling over the protest sites, using loudspeakers to call on the demonstrators to leave.

Police and military forces had previously cordoned off the camps with barbed wire, leaving corridors for protesters to leave.

mohamed el kholy @mohamed0elkholy

العثور علي أسلحة وذخيرة في خيمة أخري من خيم الاعتصام #النهضة pic.twitter.com/tkvxM2Lm53
12:05 после полудня - 14 августа 2013


Mohammed el-Beltagy, a senior Muslim Brotherhood leader, called on the police and army troops to mutiny against their commanders and for Egyptians to take to the streets in protest against military rule.

“Oh, Egyptian people, your brothers are in the square... Are you going to remain silent until the genocide is completed?” AP quoted him as saying. El-Beltagy is wanted by authorities to answer allegations of inciting violence.

Hours later El-Beltagy was arrested, Al-Arabiya reported, citing a security source.

Egypt Independent ✔ @EgyIndependent

EI Reporters: "Dr: Dozens of injured patients are being brought on such bloody trucks" pic.twitter.com/367IvsWQ5l
3:52 после полудня - 14 августа 2013


Egyptian military vehicles block a road leading to the Rabaa al-Adawiya protest camp in Cairo as Egyptian police try to disperse supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi on August 14, 2013 (AFP Photo / Khaled Desouki)

Egyptian riot police disperse supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood as security forces crackdown on two major pro-Morsi protest camps, on August 14, 2013 near Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque (AFP Photo / Khaled Desouki)


2200 People have been killed according to Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad​

He claimed that as many as 2,000 people had been killed and 10,000 injured in the police operation.

Gehad El-Haddad @gelhaddad

8 hrs of mass killings & not single sane person in Egypt or in world 2 stop this !! Over 2000 killed & over 10,000 injured & world watches
4:50 после полудня - 14 августа 2013

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ



'War zone': Scores feared dead in Cairo crackdown, protests spreading ? RT News
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Yes, I agree. But, what about setting three churches on fire, marching toward the presidential palace with Molotov's?

They can use hot water, tear gas, anything that should be used with riots. There shouldn't have been hundreds of killed people.
Last year in Romania some 20-30.000 people protested for about 8 days.At the end the prime minister resigned
In Bulgaria,last year some 50.000 people protested for a week,at the end the prime minister resigned.Now that's democracy.
In Egypt 20 million were on the streets protesting and Morsi blew them off not wanting to resign.

These guys didn't resign because they were convinced that majority people didn't want them but for the situation not to deteriorate or go out of control. btw, who counted the 20 million people?
I have seen people shooting with their Aks actually, and there are casualties among the police. The disgusting thing about the MB is using children and women as human shields in Rabaa Squire. Nevertheless, nothing can justify what the army did today, nothing.

Are you in egypt right now ?
Yes, I agree. But, what about setting three churches on fire, marching toward the presidential palace with Molotov's?

Dude, clam down, I haven't seen @Imran Khan for ages :pissed:

The economic-package was set to be give in 2011.

i am here living in peace .:) shabaik labaik :partay:
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These guys didn't resign because they were convinced that majority people didn't want them but for the situation not to deteriorate or go out of control. btw, who counted the 20 million people?

Then why didn't they agree to have a referendum on presidential elections before the coup?

Or call for presidential elections on the 30th of June onwards?

An Egyptian woman tries to stop a military bulldozer from going forward during clashes that broke out as Egyptian security forces moved in to disperse supporters of Egypt's deposed president Mohamed Morsi in a huge protest camp near Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in eastern Cairo on August 14, 2013

Dead bodies lie on the ground after an Egyptian police crackdown on a protest camp by supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood on August 14, 2013 near Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque

Riot police vehicles fire tear gas at members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, around Cairo University and Nahdet Misr Square, where they are camping in Giza, south of Cairo August 14, 2013

Fire is seen burning in Cairo's al-Nahda square as Egyptian police dispersed supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi (portrait) in two huge protest camps in the Egyptian capital on August 14, 2013

An injured supporter of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi gestures as he lies on the ground after a police crackdown on a protest camp held by Morsi's supporters and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on August 14, 2013 near Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque

Riot police gather behind vehicle during clashes with members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, at Rabaa Adawiya square, where they are camping, in Cairo August 14, 2013

Egyptians helping a woman suffering from tear gas exposure after canisters were fired by Egyptian police as they try to disperse a pro-Morsi camp in a street leading to Rabaa al-Adawiya in Cairo on August 14, 2013

A protestor carries an injured comrade near Rabaa al-Adawiya square in Cairo during clashes between supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi and riot police as they try to disperse pro-Morsi camps on August 14, 2013

2200 People have been killed according to Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad​

He claimed that as many as 2,000 people had been killed and 10,000 injured in the police operation.

Gehad El-Haddad @gelhaddad

8 hrs of mass killings & not single sane person in Egypt or in world 2 stop this !! Over 2000 killed & over 10,000 injured & world watches
4:50 после полудня - 14 августа 2013

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ



Brutal police crackdown leaves scores dead in Egypt ? RT In vision
These guys didn't resign because they were convinced that majority people didn't want them but for the situation not to deteriorate or go out of control. btw, who counted the 20 million people?

I'm just saying what i've seen in the press,obviously i didn't count them personally.:P
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