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Massive Fighting erupts in Iraq

Golden opportunity? The tribes are already begging for the army to come back :lol: and it's just the two cities of Ramadi and Falujah. Not Anbar, and the two cities are totally surrounded from all sides. Plus the depend on money for the salaries, is the ISI&L willing or able to pay all their salaries?There are some 100,000+ Iraqi security forces in Anbar, they just left the cities to prevent bloodshed and also make the media which advocates for secterianism miss a golden opportunity to make a civil war in Iraq.

They are going to enter the cities soon, but for now just let them be. The longer, the better.
Lets have a reality check:

Snippity Snip

Yeah i can see you are a Shia, my point being i dont care if you're an Ahmadi, Sunni, Shia, Malaysia, tunisa. Sectarianism is a byproduct of a civil war. Are you going to argue the merits that Iran didnt spread sectarianism? The reason Iran supported Assad was with their Alawite sect which actually is further from Shia'ism so i dont know how they can merit it as an offshoot of Shia'ism. Anyways if anything Iran's turbanator ideology is poles apart from Syrian political ideology. Please dont be naive. The reason Iran supports it calling it Shia related is because it needs to be in control of lebanon. The civil war had right ground work of an overly powerful foreign (read Syrian vis a vis Iran) influence. They are just as equally responsible as the Saudis are in their Wahabbi ideology. To be honest the KSA has realised wahabism isnt in their interest and have abandoned it. The populace it has still believes in it.

The reason Syria has become a shithole lies with Assad using brutal tactics on civilians, then the floodgates opened. Now both sides commit atrocities, more so the "Arab" extremists you call and the peaceful loving "syrians" defending their lands from extremists. I actually have lived in Beirut and also a very short stay in Damascus years ago. I tell you from experience i have seen what Iran's influence has wielded and we see what a misplaced saudi ideology has worked in our country, i dont care about others.

Iran and KSA ( we have to worry more about Qatar now even the Saudis are vary of them ) have had a long tussle going on, please keep your sect aside which admittedly is hard to ( for anyone as it riles up emotions, we have to be rational ). We should care only about Pakistan, rest of the world pray to God. I know you are a patriot so i dont doubt your loyalty. Just call a spade a spade.
One of the biggest head of protests in Anbar and after a visit to Baghdad, has stated that the two cities of Ramada and Falujah are under full control of the ISI&L. He also asked all the local sunni police to head towards the military camps outside the cities to be reassigned. He calledd on all the civilians to stay in their homes. Anbar tribal leaders are now calling on the Iraqi Army to get back into the cities to save them from the ISI&L. Abu Risha asked the civilians to make room for the army and cooperate with them as they are preparing to enter the cities from all directions.

Pretty sad don't you think?

Here is Ahmed Abi risha on live television.

@islamrules. What's your opinion? Its as if the whole thing was a setup to trap the escaping terrorists from the desert in the cities. :lol:

I've just seen the shaikhs in Anbar declaring war against Alqaeda actually they ask the Iraqi Army to enter the city to free them from Alqaeda the war in Anbar broke out and the Iraqis will kick the rats of Al saud and qatar in the country once and for ever.
first there is NO Qaeda in Iraq, second u have given ISIS a golden opportunity n I hope they use it wisely . the Tribes seem to be ok with the ISIS n Ansar Al Islam n the other jihadi groups entering Anbar province.
All of ME should be disarmed.

partition is only Solution for Syria and Iraq , until then these countries will remain in a long civil war.

Sunni are a majority in Anbar, Diyalah,Ninawah,Salah and Din and part of Baghdad.
The so called shia majority is a US lie to give shia the power in iraq, anyway, the revolution has started and maliki forces seems far weaker than predicted, hope they got a good smach by sunni tribesmen

Shia Arab are 60% of Iraq total population and if you add other non Arab shia minority they reach 65%.
75 Turkish citizens, stuck in Ramadi between Tribesmen and Government forces...

Hope, all of them return safe and sound.
75 Turkish citizens, stuck in Ramadi between Tribesmen and Government forces...

Hope, all of them return safe and sound.
I hope the violence in Iraq will be over soon, but im not very optimistic about this.
There are too much nutjobs who care about the sect of others.

what chance do these creatures have against the army ?

i would love to know if they can stand against this :


and this :

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