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Massive Anti India protest in Dhaka

Yes, Hindutva ideology is as threatening to indian muslims as BD muslims. But idk why are they protesting for kashmir but as for a UN member or muslim brotherhood..
Yes, Hindutva ideology is as threatening to indian muslims as BD muslims. But idk why are they protesting for kashmir but as for a UN member or muslim brotherhood..

they are east pakistanis under mukti bahani rule

DHAKA: Hundreds of Bangladeshi protesters took to the streets of Dhaka on to protest neighboring India s decision to scrap special status for Kashmir.

Many of those joining the protest outside Bangladesh s national mosque were members of the Islamist political party Islami Andolan Bangladesh. Leading party member Maulana Zakaria addressed the crowd, saying the move by India has “hurt and angered the global Muslim community”.

In a move to tighten its grip on the Himalayan region also claimed by Pakistan, India on Monday (August 5) dropped a constitutional provision that allowed the country s only Muslim-majority region to make its own laws.

As India maintains a telecoms blackout to deter protests in Kashmir, Pakistan s army chief said on Tuesday that the country s military would “go to any extent” to support the people of the disputed region.


Protest in Washington against Indian moves in Kashmir

WASHINGTON: A protest demonstration organized by various human rights organizations was held in front of Indian Embassy in Washington against New Delhi’s decision to strip Kashmir of its autonomous status via a presidential decree.

A large number of Pakistanis and Kashmiris living in the United States also participated in the protest. They urged world community to take notice of blatant violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir by India.

The demonstrators carried banners and placards reading, India implement UN resolutions and vacate Kashmir. They also urged the United Nations Organisation (UNO) and the world community to take notice of Indian atrocities in Kashmir.


Protests across Pakistan over India’s move in contested Kashmir

MUZAFFARABAD: Protests were held across Pakistan on Monday as the government said it strongly condemned India’s constitutional changes in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir claimed by both countries.

India revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir in a bid to fully integrate its only Muslim-majority state with the rest of the country, its most far-reaching political move on the territory in nearly seven decades.

In Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir around 45 km (28 miles) from the contested border between the neighbours, dozens of protesters held black flags and burnt car tyres, chanting “Down with India”.

WOW!!!!!......Judging from the bengalis on PDF I thought they would be rushing to join the indian army to fight against Pakistan........:o:..........I'm surprised.......o_O
For hose who don't follow BangladeshI media or SNS.
This issue has gone big time in BD.

All major news outlets are covering it round the clock. Analytical & OP-ED piece was published in all of them. All Kashmir related news were sill hanging in the "most read" section.

And yes none of them are very favorable to our sweet dear neighbour. Media already started a slow roasting of the political big wigs.

BD people are very aware what's the implications are.

I thought all you guys were all in love with the indians.........:o:
For hose who don't follow BangladeshI media or SNS.
This issue has gone big time in BD.

All major news outlets are covering it round the clock. Analytical & OP-ED piece was published in all of them. All Kashmir related news were sill hanging in the "most read" section.

And yes none of them are very favorable to our sweet dear neighbour. Media already started a slow roasting of the political big wigs.

BD people are very aware what's the implications are.
at the end of teh day it is about kashmiri muslims more than it is about Pak or India.Good muslims will see it that way and will do the least they can do,namely speak up.
Hasina is mum lol. BAL is spinless. At least provide a official statement to support Kashmiri brothers and sisters. Bal is pathetic.
Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead . Once you will understand that . What you see in the bare eyes , the opposite thing could happen inside the curtain . So do not be too much upset man ;)
Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead . Once you will understand that . What you see in the bare eyes , the opposite thing could happen inside the curtain . So do not be too much upset man ;)
Sorry I didn't get what you trying to say.
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