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Massive 8.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan

Their citizens behave very disciplined and civilized during the post-disaster, and i have to admit it is far better than most of my fellow countrymen.

Just a small request. Let's not focus on what the Americans are posting on the Japanese quake/tsunami. It's highly disrespectful on their part to come up with such comments, and more disrespectful on our part to post them on a thread about the misery of the Japanese right now. I am starting another thread with those posts, you can take the discussion there.


It is getting better by now, the post-moment in Wenchuan earthquake was much less chaotic the Hurricane Katrina.

See post in other thread. This is the exact reason we will surpass and crush the CIA-Wall Street regime soon, but will need much more time to develop our national discipline.
It is getting better by now, the post-moment in Wenchuan earthquake was much less chaotic than the Hurricane Katrina.
See post in other thread. This is the exact reason we will surpass and crush the CIA-Wall Street regime soon, but will need much more time to develop our national discipline.
New Orleans' population does not represent average Americans at all.
New Orleans' population does not represent average Americans at all.

Wenchuan is far poorer than New Orleans both absolutely and relatively in the country, yet no looting happened and citizens were orderly.
Wenchuan is far poorer than New Orleans both absolutely and relatively in the country, yet no looting happened and citizens were orderly.
Yet its populated by Chinese. If it was some minority situation would be different I believe.
Yet its populated by Chinese. If it was some minority situation would be different I believe.

zhouqu was populated by muslims yet still nothing happens. US is an undisciplined powder keg waiting to go off. once the petrodollar collapses they will have hyperinflation and a civil war.
What is this thread? It's about showing some country's balls or humane responce to Japan's unprecedentade natural calamity and probable nuclear disaster?

Shame on those who has turned this into two penny d*** measuring contest!!
A relatively small but a good news, we were able to get in contact with one of the pakistani student and his family living in sendai (one of the worst hit areas), they are fine. We are trying to get in contact with some other pakistan students, i hope and please pray for their and their family safety.

I just found out that the creator of POKEMON died in the quake. Don't know how to feel about that :undecided:

feel sad and pray for the departed soul as it should be for every one affected by this tragedy

btw, if any of pdf member or his relative want to get info regarding their relatives living in japan and if i can be of any assistance please feel free to ask, i will be happy to help.

New Orleans' population does not represent average Americans at all.

well Wenchuan is among the least developed areas in China, in this case i think New Orleans is bit overrated
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