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Mass graves of Palestinians killed in 1948 Nakba discovered in Jaffa


Jun 1, 2012
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Mass graves of Palestinians killed in 1948 Nakba discovered in Jaffa

Six mass grave sites dating back to the 1936 Palestinian uprising and the 1948 Nakba were discovered around the Jaffa cemetery, the al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage reported Wednesday, revealing hundreds of bodies of Palestinians killed by Zionist forces.

“During [the foundation’s] repair and maintenance work on the [Kazkhana] cemetery, we discovered nozzles to dig into the ground where we found the mass graves...including hundreds of skeletons and human remains of rebels, martyrs and civilians who perished during the Nakba,” head of the Islamic Movement in Jaffa, Sheikh Mohammed Najem, said in the report.


A picture by the al-Aqsa Foundation shows skeletons buried in a mass grave.

The foundation has proved the remains date back to the victims killed in the 1948 war, whether from bombings and shelling of residential neighborhoods or snipers located around the city, the report said.

“The Kazkhana cemetery has exposed the historical facts that Israel has tried to hide and erase for over 65 years relating to the massacres committed by Zionist gangs during the 1948 Palestinian Nakba,” it read.

“These mass graves have banished all doubts of the certainty of oral histories collected by historians of people who lived through the Nakba of 1948 and parts of the war documenting massacres in Jaffa and its suburbs,” the report added.

Some of the recorded histories document eyewitnesses witnessing piles of bodies scattered around in all of Jaffa’s neighborhoods, which were buried in mass graves due to the violent circumstances at the time.

The report shares an eyewitness account explaining how the residents of Jaffa were forced to move bodies to the cemetery and bury them in mass graves as the town was being heavily bombarded by Zionist forces.

“The foundation will continue to conduct research and scientifically test the remains...to send media messages to the whole world that Israel is built on the skulls of the Palestinian people,” Abed al-Majid Ighbariya, the head of the files on holy sites of the foundation, said.

The Nakba, or “Catastrophe,” refers to the expropriation and mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland by Zionists.


Notice the complete lack of coverage by the Western and Israeli press. -- RFS
Notice that according to this report the so-called 'al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage' is allowed to dig in Jaffa, Israel. Despite that Tel-Aviv - Jaffa is an Israeli city, packed with 'evil zionists'.

Can we dig somewhere around Mecca too?
Notice that according to this report the so-called 'al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage' is allowed to dig in Jaffa, Israel. Despite that Tel-Aviv - Jaffa is an Israeli city, packed with 'evil zionists'.

Can we dig somewhere around Mecca too?

Why would I allow you to go there :lol: you don't have a thing in there budd.

RIP to the victims.
In the following I am going to assume that the report has elements of truth but this is far from certain, in the past the Palestinians have told many lies.

1. There is no exact number of graves found, odd that it's left ambiguous.

2. This report does not have estimates of dead in each grave. The only description given is "hundreds". This is extremely poor work for archeologists. Considering that they had time to do chronological tests they should have had a much less vague estimate. Odd.

3. They claim that the chronological test has shown that some of the graves are from 1936 and others are from 1948. It is very important to know how many of which and approx number of bodies from each period. First of all the Arabs fought two different enemies in each time period, in 1936 it was the British they rebelled again. While in 1948 it was a war against the Jews.
How come they leave it very much ambiguous how many actually died in each period? The result is that we have no idea how many might have been killed by the Jews. It could be much fewer than "hundreds" which is the only description given to the overall amount.

4. In 1947-1948 there was a war going on in the region. The Arabs from Jaffo were sniping and shelling the Jews in Tel Aviv. Obviously the Jews were shooting back as well.
The Arabs in Jaffo has shot sniper fire to Israel from 29 November 1947 till 25 April 1948 Southern neighborhoods in Tel Aviv had to be evacuated from civilians. In all this time the Jews were firing back. That approximately 5 months of exchanging fire. I have a number of aprox 1000 Jews casualties at that time, no number on Arabs (that's wounded and dead), we can assume similar numbers.
In 25, April 1948 an Israeli force has began an operation to conquer Jaffo, and defeat the Arab armed gangs there. At the time 90,000 Arabs lived in Jaffo, and there were hundreds to thousands of armed Arab fighters in Jaffo. So for "hundreds" or less [points 1-3] to die in the fighting is by no means massacre or any of the like.

The foundation has proved the remains date back to the victims killed in the 1948 war

Usually such comment entails the facility in which such tests were made, but there are none here. We are supposed to just blindly trust this report without the ability to verify it. Weird.

6. The article is talking about "reports" of unnamed eye witnesses without naming not even one person, without naming who took and recorder the accounts, without directing us to anywhere where such records could be found. They could have just as easily made it up and we would have had no way to verifying it...

7. This kind of thing is not something that could be hidden, there are plenty of Jewish pro Palestinian groups or even newspapers (Haarez). There are even more anti- Israel/Pro Palestine groups in Europe. Still no verifiable report has been seen.

I suggest we follow the affair until reliable information surfaces. So far we have ambiguous accounts of about dozens to hundreds of Arab skeletons from an area and time where a war was fought and hundreds to thousands of Arab fighters took part...
Notice that according to this report the so-called 'al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage' is allowed to dig in Jaffa, Israel. Despite that Tel-Aviv - Jaffa is an Israeli city, packed with 'evil zionists'.

Can we dig somewhere around Mecca too?

Notice that Jaffa is originally a Palestinian Arab city up until Zionists killed and, apparently, massacred the original Arab population. Allowing Palestinians to get into touch with their history is the least Israelis could do.
2. This report does not have estimates of dead in each grave. The only description given is "hundreds". This is extremely poor work for archeologists.
This is just an article produced by some journalist - it's not the report per se.

3. They claim that the chronological test has shown that some of the graves are from 1936 and others are from 1948. It is very important to know how many of which and approx number of bodies from each period. First of all the Arabs fought two different enemies in each time period, in 1936 it was the British they rebelled again.
Things aren't so clean-cut. The '36 rebellion was in great part over Jewish migration. And there already was an armed Zionist underground then.

While in 1948 it was a war against the Jews.
I'd rather call it, "resistance against an invasion by hoardes of foreigners who just happened to be Jewish".

4. In 1947-1948 there was a war going on in the region. The Arabs from Jaffo were sniping and shelling the Jews in Tel Aviv. Obviously the Jews were shooting back as well.
Get over your victimhood. Jews aren't always the victim - certainly not in Palestine. The war you refer to, commenced when Jews went on a killing-spree against Palestinians shortly after the UN adoption of the partition plan (ah, the anti-Semitic UN!). Palestinian villages were destroyed, saw massacres or were ethnically cleansed, and this is true even of those villages not involved in the hostilities (see Deir Yassin). Then, even your Tel Aviv was mostly Palestinian. It seats on the ruins of many Arab villages. These are all facts - they have all been verified by Israeli historians (eg., Benny Morris), who grounded their conclusions on the reality of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine on Israel's own documents on the '48 war - documents that Israel even took out of public view afterwards, so damaging were they to hasbara. Anyway, such was the extent of Jewish terror, that even the US, a sponsor of the partition plan, temporarily withdrew its recognition of Israel in the wake of the Jewish-perpetrated massacres.

That approximately 5 months of exchanging fire. I have a number of aprox 1000 Jews casualties at that time, no number on Arabs (that's wounded and dead), we can assume similar numbers.
Revisionist BS. Many more Palestinians died in these cycle of attacks than Jews.

Usually such comment entails the facility in which such tests were made, but there are none here. We are supposed to just blindly trust this report without the ability to verify it. Weird.
You didn't see the report - you saw some newapaper article covering it, that's all. Newspaper articles on scientific reports are not loyal copies thereof - they often limit themselves to exposing its conclusion. Most newspaper readers, after all, aren't so interested in the more technical aspects behind the production of scientific reports.

7. This kind of thing is not something that could be hidden, there are plenty of Jewish pro Palestinian groups or even newspapers (Haarez). There are even more anti- Israel/Pro Palestine groups in Europe. Still no verifiable report has been seen.
Haaretz does have some few pro-Palestinian writers (e.g., Amira Hass), but is not pro-Palestinian. It is critical of some aspects of Israeli politics and culture - for example, the settlement construction, the racism (often incited by politicians and rabbis), the interference of the Jewish cleric in politics, etc. But none of these things are of necessity indication of pro-Palestinianism; they're in fact all compatible with liberal and cosmopolitan strands of Zionism. And this is how Haaretz can be best described - as liberal Zionist. Proof is that, when things get serious, when push comes to shove - for example, when Israel gets into another cycle of violence with Gaza or Lebanon - Haaretz falls in line with the rest of the Israeli press; it then becomes but another IDF mouthpiece. Once, a Haaretz journalist even admitted to coming across evidence of intentional attacks by IDF soldiers against children in the 2009 war on Gaza - which he went on to hide.

UPDATE: Yahoo News! and Agence France Presse are now covering the story.
Notice that Jaffa is originally a Palestinian Arab city up until Zionists killed and, apparently, massacred the original Arab population.
The word "apparently" in Arab histories is applied to double-down on lies. You know that Israel is roughly 20% Arab. Muslim visitors count over fifty minarets in Tel Aviv. I remember Jaffa as a mostly Arab town when I visited there thirty years ago. Nowadays, I understand, Jews seeking homes near the beach buy out Arabs, who in return purchase farmland in the Galilee from Jews.

RFS_Br, you're too intelligent and too involved in this not to know that you are perpetrating a lie. I suppose your parents or co-religionists put you up to it. But you don't have to stay on this evil course. You can do better. You can switch sides and stand with the Jews of Israel instead. That way you can build a relationship with Allah based on peace and love, rather than bigotry. Which do you think is more pleasing in Allah's eyes?
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