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Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

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Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
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Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine’s president, was under escalating pressure on Sunday night as hundreds of thousands of protesters poured onto the streets of Kiev demanding the overthrow of his government, after it sought to strengthen relations with Russia at the expense of the EU.

With the number of protesters estimated to have peaked at some 350,000, the demonstrations mark the largest public gatherings since the 2004 pro-democracy Orange Revolution. Many called for a new “revolution” to end the president’s “bandit regime”.

Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution - FT.com

Ukrainians are fighting for their country's right to join civilisation and freedom from soviet tyranny.Best of luck to them.
If the agitators disagree with Yanukovych's foreign policy strategy, they should vote him out in the next election. There's no need for them to unilaterally destabilize Ukraine's political structure.
Janukovitch tried to sell his people to russia and failed. I think its just a matter of days and he will fall.
If the agitators disagree with Yanukovych's foreign policy strategy, they should vote him out in the next election. There's no need for them to unilaterally destabilize Ukraine's political structure.

I think the best thing would be a referendum on the whole EU issue.You can't call 350-500.000 people in the street "agitators" that's bolshevik propaganda.The people want their voice heard now not in a year when it might be to late.

Janukovitch tried to sell his people to russia and failed. I think its just a matter of days and he will fall.

Yes ! The ukrainians want a european future for their children not to be part of some half assed Asian union under the russian boot.
there are revolts in Indonasia too ...what the hell is going on,
These disorders are paid by West. Exept 3-4 millions people in Western Ukraine rest population wants to be a part of Russia. But it is hard to fight with America. I hope that Yanukovych is not coward and will not succumb to Western blackmail.
These disorders are paid by West. Exept 3-4 millions people in Western Ukraine rest population wants to be a part of Russia. But it is hard to fight with America. I hope that Yanukovych is not coward and will not succumb to Western blackmail.
BS. Any proof?
Western blackmail.

lol, this is after Russians threatened to stop all imports, raise gas prices if they decide to export gas at all at the onset of winter.

Tovarish Vostok working for a handful of kopejka's, spreading disinformation, nothing new to see here.
It seems that in the West freedom of opinion validated only when it coincides with your one.
Dictatorship of iberalism distorts the human brain, I have long understood this.
We need to separate the Western Ukraine. Let them go into slavery. And we - Eastern Ukraine, are part of a Russian superpower, as it should be. Because Kiev - mother of Russian cities.
It seems that in the West freedom of opinion validated only when it coincides with your one.
Dictatorship of iberalism distorts the human brain, I have long understood this.
We need to separate the Western Ukraine. Let them go into slavery. And we - Eastern Ukraine, are part of a Russian superpower, as it should be. Because Kiev - mother of Russian cities.

Yes,let them go into slavery not like current day Ukraine with its 3700 $ per capita like some african country and worst ,no growth perspective at all.
lol, this is after Russians threatened to stop all imports, raise gas prices if they decide to export gas at all at the onset of winter.

Tovarish Vostok working for a handful of kopejka's, spreading disinformation, nothing new to see here.

Russia did not threaten to stop all imports. Russia only threatened to stop preferential treatment for goods from Ukraine. The same trade rules for Ukraine and other European countries is not a threat.
You're talking about things of which you have no idea.
BS. Any proof?
If you try to read other posts in this thread you will understand that it is the same BS. It is the same BS that goes from our European friends. Under these circumstances, any proof is inadequate here!
Russia did not threaten to stop all imports. Russia only threatened to stop preferential treatment for goods from Ukraine. The same trade rules for Ukraine and other European countries is not a threat.
You're talking about things of which you have no idea.

Yea, despite me not knowing anything and talking about it, i still manage to know a bit about extortionist policies of the incumbent czar.

I suppose withholding Ukrainian goods at border checkpoints in the months leading up to this are "trade rules" and doesn't at all amount to old fashion bullying. :rolleyes:

Ukraine's president told his Lithuanian counterpart that Russia had threatened to cut Ukrainian imports from a key region if Kiev inked a landmark deal with the EU, a senior official told AFP on Friday.

Russia threatened Ukraine with import cuts over EU deal: Lithuania — EUbusiness

Bolded in case you can't or won't see it.

Russian veterinary service Rosselkhoznadzor has banned meat imports from two Ukrainian companies in the first step of a possible meat war that could seriously damage the Ukrainian industry.

Russia bans two Ukraine meat firms, as meat war threatens

A very interesting quote in above article, it's copy protected so i won't go through the hassle of pasting it, but anyone can read it by clicking above link, it's from Ukraine Minister of Agriculture and Food and downright talks about Russian blackmail.


Just a few nuggets of truth for our Russian poser who thinks he is smarter then everyone.
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If you try to read other posts in this thread you will understand that it is the same BS. It is the same BS that goes from our European friends. Under these circumstances, any proof is inadequate here!

Agree. But it is hard for me to accept that Ukrainians be willing to join Russian camp, since their last joint camp(USSR) was a disaster for them. there maybe some Russian Ukrainians who feel some bondings with Russians in Russia but It does not necessarily mean that they prefer the Russian government camp.
Russia threatened Ukraine with import cuts over EU deal: Lithuania — EUbusiness
Russia bans two Ukraine meat firms, as meat war threatens

A very interesting quote in above article, it's copy protected so i won't go through the hassle of pasting it, but anyone can read it by clicking above link, it's from Ukraine Minister of Agriculture and Food and downright talks about Russian blackmail.


Just a few nuggets of truth for our Russian poser who thinks he is smarter then everyone.

1. Just a report about the phone talk of two politicians. No facts, only political phraseology. The same as yours by the way.
2. About the meat report. For example if one European country bans imports of meat from two companies of other country because their product does not meet certain standards, that means from your point of view "threatened to stop all imports". Do you remember very recent similar cases in European trade, when for example beef was replaced by horsemeat? And Europe can also help Ukraine and may start importing Ukrainian meat. What's the problem?
And can you explain exact European proposals for Ukrainian economy?
I am not "smarter then everyone" but in this particular case I see that I'm smarter than you, unless you can present something more valuable than political phraseology.
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