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Marvi Sermid Making Fun Of Islamic Verse On Twitter

Please be careful , the last thing you want is someone shouting "blasphemy" at her ...


Bhagwan ?...did she say Bhagwan ? and Pakistani members were saying they don't call Allah as Bhagwan ?
well nothing soo wrong to jump up and down....
yeah what she said was a bit rude but Allah asks you to try...
without any efforts and by just praying nothing is going to happen...:yu:
Jihad is an example...

Please be careful , the last thing you want is someone shouting "blasphemy" at her ...


Bhagwan ?...did she say Bhagwan ? and Pakistani members were saying they don't call Allah as Bhagwan ?

Sharmila thought marvi is a hindu...:cool:

what exactly was wrong with her tweet??

she said nothing happens by reciting Quran...
but not a big deal as her meaning was that without any practical efforts Allah don't help anyone....:cheers:
oh please dont waste space and time on such threads.

she said nothing wrong. Karachi needs action against troublemakers NOT just blessing from Almighty.

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For once there is an unbaised post from you jana bibi congrats ji

any way marvi is not wrong because if your sick onli reciting relegeos text is not enof for getting better you need good check up + medicines and some action but i think most of the pakistanies as usual will go whole hog against marvi simred and might even she get some fatwas aswell if that happens there will be no surprises ..but yeah marvi was right to get karachi back on its feat action is required not just treciting Quran like a parrot
nothing wrong with what she said.
actions speak louder than words.

actions are required here,not just words.
Well I guess we dont have to make hue cry over it. She dont believe in Quranic Verses coz she is not Muslim.

She doent have iman so how can she know whether recitation work or not .

I guess the better reply to her was Nobody is asking you to read it you do what u think is best and lets us do what we think we should do.

Nope She is a Muslim, as her father is a Deobandi Muslim, its just that she dress up like a Hindu....:lol:
now I think indian home minister should tell pakistan to give her police protection.
Nope She is a Muslim, as her father is a Deobandi Muslim, its just that she dress up like a Hindu....:lol:

Dressup like Hindu, look like Hindu, off course Muslims will look like Hindu, at last they are from same Hindu tree, from which me and you are. By accepting Mongol name, race won't change...

We kept reciting Mantra, Somnath was looted by Animals..
Pakistani kept reciting "AoA", Jew/Parsi beat them in 1971..
Pakistani kept reciting Arabic, America kill OBL in OBB.

Marvi is right here, I support her mentality (Its not only applied to Muslims but Hindus as well). By chanting Mantra nothing will be achieved, Work need to done on ground..
ha ha. OP is here for cheap fun. But most seem to agree with the lady, if prayer could solve karachi problem then either allah is not listening or karachites are not praying hard enough.
I believe in Quran but i think what marvi said id right, Quran is for guidance and no where in Quran it's said that if you keep reciting it like parrot than every problem will be resolved - if that was so than mosques would have been most secure place on earth. Sharmila as being part of govt. should act but hey for security of her engagement every kind of force was available why not she used this trick for her & her guests' security?

Because even the strongest believer in fate, predetermination and the divine looks right, then left, before crossing the road.
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