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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

Coming from an Indian whose army and government sponsors terrorism inside Pakistan. Think again.

ya... without a single proof you people cry... TTP is your indigenous fighting for Islamic law nothing to do with india or any other country... and Sunny extremists who are targeting the minorities...buring Christians and churches and temples
@Oscar @WebMaster @waz @Horus

Could you please clean this thread of foul language.

Ironic how your countrymen are justifying the offensive cartoons against Muslims. Yet, here you are feeling offended about foul language in this thread... Freedom of speech not so free after all? Double standards?

He is not Hindu. Even if he is, does not mean we should treat him with kid gloves. A terror sympathizer is a terror sympathizer. Period.

He calls me a terror sympathizers. Yet, in every post that I make on this forum I clearly condemn any act of terrorism against anyone. Be it Muslim, Hindu, Christian or any other human being. So much for telling the truth.

I don't care what you think. You're just a speck of dust in this universe of ours. Whatever you think or believe is irrelevant.
Ironic how your countrymen are justifying the offensive cartoons against Msulims. Yet, here you are feeling offended about foul language in this thread... Double standards?

When discussions degrade to rape of sisters, it becomes necessary to call in the moderators, instead of replying to them.

post of mine was very interesting. Not in itself but by the lack of any response, let alone meaningful.

I don't care what you think. You're just a speck of dust in this universe of ours. Whatever you think or believe is irrelevant.
Now that the powers that be are quoted, you have markedly mellowed down from calling me and my father bigots, filled with Muslim and Pakistani hating DNA etc etc. Amusing actually.

I can assure you I have not reported one post of yours. Simply because I wanted your honesty to be on full display and not curbed by the administration.
Ironic how your countrymen are justifying the offensive cartoons against Muslims. Yet, here you are feeling offended about foul language in this thread... Freedom of speech not so free after all? Double standards?
Many countries allow full freedom of expression.

This forum does not.
He is not Hindu. Even if he is, does not mean we should treat him with kid gloves. A terror sympathizer is a terror sympathizer. Period.

Are you refusing to accept he is a Hindu because he is a Dalit or because of his pro Pakistani views. I would in any case rather have him as either a mod or think tank on the site. There is a lot of abuse of Hindus that occurs here unfortunately which Dalit will deal with.

We should on the other hand do everything to protect our Hindu Sikh Christian and other brothers in Pakistan. Keep up the good work @Dalit.

post of mine was very interesting. Not in itself but by the lack of any response, let alone meaningful.

Now that the powers that be are quoted, you have markedly mellowed down from calling me and my father bigots, filled with Muslim and Pakistani hating DNA etc etc. Amusing actually.

I can assure you I have not reported one post of yours. Simply because I wanted your honesty to be on full display and not curbed by the administration.

Please report them. You cannot threaten me. You started it by calling me a bigot.

Many countries allow full freedom of expression.

This forum does not.

No, they don't. Try denying the Holocaust for example.
We should on the other hand do everything to protect our Hindu Sikh Christian and other brothers
That is encouraging. I don't discount the possibility of him being Hindu. Besides, it is immaterial to me. :) He can be anything, nothing matters. Except his VIEWS.
Are you refusing to accept he is a Hindu because he is a Dalit or because of his pro Pakistani views. I would in any case rather have him as either a mod or think tank on the site. There is a lot of abuse of Hindus that occurs here unfortunately which Dalit will deal with.

We should on the other hand do everything to protect our Hindu Sikh Christian and other brothers in Pakistan. Keep up the good work @Dalit.

Oh please. There are much better mods already present to 'protect Hindus against abuses' on this forum. Unfortunately, most respond with verbal abuse, instead of using the 'Report' feature.
Please report them. You cannot threaten me. You started it by calling me a bigot.

No, they don't. Try denying the Holocaust for example.
I also called you 'dear'. That's a sign of affection. I called your bigot because your bigotry was on full display. But nothing is black and white, hence a grey - Dear bigot. :) Sounds fair? I can rephrase it into a better term next time if you request so. You have my word.
Are you refusing to accept he is a Hindu because he is a Dalit or because of his pro Pakistani views. I would in any case rather have him as either a mod or think tank on the site. There is a lot of abuse of Hindus that occurs here unfortunately which Dalit will deal with.
We should on the other hand do everything to protect our Hindu Sikh Christian and other brothers in Pakistan. Keep up the good work @Dalit.
When @Dalit first joined the site he had Indian flags and was making lot of pro Pakistani comments. Mods changed it to Pakistani one only recently ( i think 3 months ago).
You now claim that he is a Hindu ( belonging to dalit community ) which might be true. But for us it is hard to believe.
In some of his post he referred himself as "us" in the context of Muslims in general and Pakistani Muslims in particular.
When discussions degrade to rape of sisters, it becomes necessary to call in the moderators, instead of replying to them.

Dalit agrees.

Pretending to be an Indian: What about freedom of speech? It shouldn't matter what we say? We are allowed to say anything.

Your response?

When @Dalit first joined the site he had Indian flags and was making lot of pro Pakistani comments. Mods changed it to Pakistani one only recently ( i think 3 months ago).
You now claim that he is a Hindu ( belonging to dalit community ) which might be true. But for us it is hard to believe.
In some of his post he referred himself as "us" in the context of Muslims in general and Pakistani Muslims in particular.

I changed my flag to a Pakistani one. Stop this BS stupid Indian. You people are liars and delusional.

I'm a Pakistani Hindu FYI. Don't believe me. Suit yourself. I don't need to post my CV on this forum to prove who I am. Frankly it shouldn't matter. I'm a human and that's all you need to know.
Dalit agrees.

Pretending to be an Indian: What about freedom of speech? It shouldn't matter what we say? We are allowed to say anything.
Your response?
I changed my flag to a Pakistani one. Stop this BS stupid Indian. You people are liars and delusional.
I'm a Pakistani Hindu FYI. Don't believe me. Suit yourself.

So you my dear friend, agree that you were carrying an Indian flag even after being a "proud Pakistani".
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