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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

Dalit agrees.

Pretending to be an Indian: What about freedom of speech? It shouldn't matter what we say? We are allowed to say anything.

Your response?

Freedom of speech as long as it does not result in you physically poking your finger in my eyes. It has to be according to the rule of law of the land. And yes, I do not believe in the sanctity of any book, except the Constitution of India. Even here, physical action is not allowed, only discussion.

The only person allowed to exert force within the territorial boundaries has the be the State.
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When @Dalit first joined the site he had Indian flags and was making lot of pro Pakistani comments. Mods changed it to Pakistani one only recently ( i think 3 months ago).
You now claim that he is a Hindu ( belonging to dalit community ) which might be true. But for us it is hard to believe.
In some of his post he referred himself as "us" in the context of Muslims in general and Pakistani Muslims in particular.

The mods aren't stupid. They notice any such action and quickly ban false flaggers. They can see the ip adress and see anything suspicious. Personally I have a deep love of minorities including Hindus. If he says he is Hindu, I would rather believe him.
Freedom of speech as long as it does not result in you physically poking your finger in my eyes. It has to be according to the rule of law of the land. And yes, I do not believe in the sanctity of any book, except the Constitution of India. Even here, physical action is not allowed, only discussion.

Very well, you're entitled to your opinion.

That still doesn't answer my previous question though. Why ask the moderators to remove "foul" language while you yourself are admitting that freedom of speech means to say anything. That means even foul language. Those foul words aren't poking your eyes. Contradictory?
Very well, you're entitled to your opinion.

That still doesn't answer my previous question though. Why ask the moderators to remove "foul" language while you yourself are admitting that freedom of speech means to say anything. That means even foul language. Those foul word aren't poking your eyes. Contradictory?

Well, discussion of rape is not allowed in the forums. You can check the rules and regulations. And abuse in this direction results in a ban. Please feel free to take this up with @Oscar or @WebMaster if they would like to allow this freedom of expression on this forum. If yes, I wont report them! :)
The mods aren't stupid. They notice any such action and quickly ban false flaggers. They can see the ip adress and see anything suspicious. Personally I have a deep love of minorities including Hindus. If he says he is Hindu, I would rather believe him.

There are fake accounts on Facebook and those fake accounts are being used for some different type of things. Indian Cyber cells are keeping eye on the fake Ids on social media.

Fake FB profiles: Cyber Cell gets 46 complaints - Indian Express
The mods aren't stupid. They notice any such action and quickly ban false flaggers. They can see the ip adress and see anything suspicious. Personally I have a deep love of minorities including Hindus. If he says he is Hindu, I would rather believe him.
I am not saying that he is "not a Hindu" but i have some doubts about his religion which we cannot confirm.
And ip address does not prove anything for those who live abroad ( in this case Netherlands ) & ip address itself change for people like us who don't say at our home country & frequently travel abroad.
Well, discussion of rape is not allowed in the forums. You can check the rules and regulations. And abuse in this direction results in a ban. Please feel free to take this up with @Oscar or @WebMaster if they would like to allow this freedom of expression on this forum. If yes, I wont report them! :)

For the record, I didn't make use of any such foul language.

The reason why I'm using your post as an example is to get the point across. There is always a limit to freedom of speech. You have just proved my point.

I am not saying that he is "not a Hindu" but i have some doubts about his religion which we cannot confirm.
And ip address does not prove anything for those who live abroad ( in this case Netherlands ) & ip address itself change for people like us who don't say at our home country & frequently travel abroad.

Who cares who I am. Just call me a human being. Now stop making an issue of who I am.
For the record, I didn't make use of any such foul language.

The reason why I'm using your post as an example is to get the point across. There is always a limit to freedom of speech. You have just proved my point.

Like I said, rules of the forum. If the rule did not exist, be my guest use it all you like. Hope this makes it clear?
Like I said, rules of the forum. If the rule did not exist, be my guest use it all you like. Hope this makes it clear?

You found it repulsive though? Why else would you feel the need and urge to report it? The forum is filled with violations of rules. Do you report them all?
For the record, I didn't make use of any such foul language.

The reason why I'm using your post as an example is to get the point across. There is always a limit to freedom of speech. You have just proved my point.
Who cares who I am. Just call me a human being. Now stop making an issue of who I am.
Honestly i don't really care.... I was just pointing out my doubts to @haviZsultan who was going crazy about your religion.
A few years ago, an extremist in Pakistan fought to have me sentenced to death because Facebook refused to ban content about Mohammed that offended him.

We stood up for this because different voices -- even if they're sometimes offensive -- can make the world a better and more interesting place.

Facebook has always been a place where people across the world share their views and ideas. We follow the laws in each country, but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world.

Yet as I reflect on yesterday's attack and my own experience with extremism, this is what we all need to reject -- a group of extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world.

I won't let that happen on Facebook. I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence.

My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the people of France and the people all over the world who choose to share their views and ideas, even when that takes courage. ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬
Mark Zuckerberg - A few years ago, an extremist in... | Facebook
Double standard speaking bastard.
who is that extremist that caught this Billionaire's attention?
I am sure there will be many hill billies and red necks in America that will want to kill this guy.
why did he have to find a villain so far away on the other side of the globe?

Why is this gun carrying martial race so easily offended by words? Pretty soft hearts?
yea it comes from living in south east Asia for few hundred years. the climate has its effects

'I am Charlie,' Says Mark Zuckerberg
World | NDTV.com | Updated: January 09, 2015 17:31 IST


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said Facebook would not be silenced by extremists. (Associated Press)

JeSuisCharlie (I am Charlie) says Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg in a post on the social networking site, as he condemns the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in Paris and expresses solidarity with the victims and their families.

Mr Zuckerberg has recounted how he too had received terror threats. "A few years ago, an extremist in Pakistan fought to have me sentenced to death because Facebook refused to ban content about Mohammed that offended him. We stood up for this because different voices -- even if they're sometimes offensive -- can make the world a better and more interesting place," he writes.


He has called for a rejection of "a group of extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world," and has pledged that he will not allow that to happen on Facebook.

"I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence," he says, noting that Facebook follows the laws of different countries, "but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world."

He ends by saying, "My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the people of France and the people all over the world who choose to share their views and ideas, even when that takes courage."

Mark Zuckerberg's status update, posted today, has been shared over 10,000 times and has led to a major debate in its comments section.

On Wednesday, masked gunmen broke into the Paris office of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo when a editorial meeting was on and shot dead 12 people, including some of France's best known cartoonists.

The left-leaning newspaper had repeatedly published controversial cartoon sand caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
You found it repulsive though? Why else would you feel the need and urge to report it? The forum is filled with violations of rules. Do you report them all?

Yes, if I see them. Including of my own countrymen. Now, please stop quoting me unnecessarily.
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