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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

He is hurting feelings of Muslims.

Be a man don't be sensitive ...what is this BS of hurting feelings?...today there is one guy who drew caricature of Mohamed and you killed him. If tomorrow half the world start drawing the caricature of Mohamed, how many would you kill. Be pragmatic. Just ignore what you don't like.
So If a Pakistani newspaper publishes some derogatory articles about India or Hinduism, will everyone in India be equally offended, lets say scale is 1 to 10 will everyone be offended at 5, no hindus will go on muslim burning rampage, or no one will put poison in some Pakistani cricketer's drink?
You really did not get my post did you?
thats what the victims of Gujrat killing spree think most Hindus believe that
Gujarat riots took place because of something someone said or expressed in words or picture? Don't compare oranges with apples. And again you cannot justify one wrong with another.
to rich muslims : you can help by funding repeated courtcases at all western judiciaries that will hear the case, of outlawing insults of the Prophet Mohammed. Focus on how freedom of speech keeps bringing severe global violence.

Bro most of us don't care. Just uneducated ones. Criticism is all over the internet nowadays against everything. And it should remain that way. What concerns us is problems in the region following two wars. Which are spreading their consequences to other nations in that region. :)

We need mutual anti terrorism cooperation but also fairness towards Palestinian cause. :)
What happened in Paris i am totally against it and these extremest have no place in Islam.Also Indian members should stay on topic.
I remember a lot of news story about people suing people for using images of Hindu gods or Indian flag or Gandhi in a derogatory manner. I don't remember any killings (though I am sure there would be some).

why was Gandi shot
Not sure but I think facebook removed anti jewish stuff.

Initially they refused, but the groups went to court and got an order forcing them to remove it.
Whilst I agree that extreme views need to be curbed at all cost the following is just full of contradictions:

“We stood up for this because different voices — even if they're sometimes offensive — can make the world a better and more interesting place.”

Yes, our world may become a more interesting place, but only for the worse. I've always learned that offending people is a bad thing to do. It's not a good etiquette. I've also learned that offending people can always have an opposite reaction. The response varying from person to person. As a child we learn not to swear or make fun of people. When this happens our parents or school teachers correct our behaviour. It's a simple concept we are taught since our childhood. We fail to grasp why our deliberate attempts to hurt the feelings of an entire group of people is having an opposite reaction.

Worse, we rejoice our offensive behaviour under the garb of freedom of speech. We try to justify these vile actions by hook or crook. Even worse, we try to justify this vulgar behaviour by citing examples of Christianity, Judaism etc. As if offending other religions is a worthy or noble deed. Heck, offending anyone or anything for that matter is abhorrent and repulsive. The only reason why we are resorting to such nasty behaviour is because we have become extremely arrogant. We think that we are justified to settle the score against "cave dwellers" and "inferior" human beings. This is what this fistfight is all about.

Peace and harmony is a two way street. After all, it takes two to tango. The extremists using violence to convey their displeasure are utterly wrong. The extremists using freedom of speech as a cloak to offend a large group of people are also sorely wrong. It's as simple as that. There's no justification for such behaviour. No matter how hard we try to justify them.
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So If a Pakistani newspaper publishes some derogatory articles about India or Hinduism, will everyone in India be equally offended, lets say scale is 1 to 10 will everyone be offended at 5, no hindus will go on muslim burning rampage, or no one will put poison in some Pakistani cricketer's drink?
like they don't do it already? Hate against Hindus is being taught in Pakistani text books already.
like they don't do it already? Hate against Hindus is being taught in Pakistani text books already.

Hate against Pakistan and Muslims is also taught in Indian text books. Let's not deny this.

Wrong from both sides.
Your dad is a bigot.
I wish. We actually need to supress our civilization to overcome the forces of darkness. A few of us need to get down and dirty so that the rest remain clean. Anyway, I am waiting for your quote. Just like I am waiting for the Horus quotes.
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