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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

Go ahead say anything you want. There are 3 ways to handle it.
1. I can be a bigger man and ignore you because your words cannot change facts.
2. I can let my anger take control and I will punch you out of a fit of anger (please note fit of angers are momentary and not planned)
3. I can attack your house and randomly kill whoever I encounter.

Somehow I feel that you believe that 3 is justifiable and a better solution than 1 or 2.

does everyone in India thinks exactly like you?
Yeah make world a better place. By deliberately hurting sentiments and offending a billion plus people. RIP logic.

I am perhaps one of the few western guys, white and raised with western values, that understands and acknowledges that there is indeed something of a double standard in western freedom of speech (exclusion only of holocaust denial)..
I'm working on the problem in my own governments' circles, but getting you muslims the results you want (western freedom of speech outlawing / making fine-able of any statements/cartoons/satire that provoke severe violence) is going to take years or decades. sorry, but we westerners can be stubborn as hell just like you muslims can, and so far NATO governments have taken the stance of not limiting freedom of speech at all, a sign of courage and defiance and outrage of taking religious violence into NATO homelands.. I can only do so much people, i'm not the dictator of NATO.
can we in Pakistan publish the photos of Mark Zuckerberg Mom having sex with a dog which impregnated her and Mark was born...after all this would be a freedom of speech too.
Dude believe me internet is a messed up place and I am sure this messed up fantasy of yours already exists on the internet somewhere and probably on Facebook too.
So If a Pakistani newspaper publishes some derogatory articles about India or Hinduism, will everyone in India be equally offended, lets say scale is 1 to 10 will everyone be offended at 5, no hindus will go on muslim burning rampage, or no one will put poison in some Pakistani cricketer's drink?
for chuck sake u have blasphemy law on account of which a poor lady and many more have been sentenced to death .. and here u are preaching religious tolerance in India.
so after mi6,kgb ,raw ,mossad,cia ,evil hindus ,jews,christian,Buddhist ,india,usa,France,israel ,now this anti pakistaniani anti muslims anti islamic satan worshiping yahoodi
Zuckerberg is trying to spread false propaganda against the peaceful religion of Islam and pakistan ?OMG i say put on your vest's already shut this liar for good !
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A few years ago, an extremist in Pakistan fought to have me sentenced to death because Facebook refused to ban content about Mohammed that offended him.

We stood up for this because different voices -- even if they're sometimes offensive -- can make the world a better and more interesting place.

Facebook has always been a place where people across the world share their views and ideas. We follow the laws in each country, but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world.

Yet as I reflect on yesterday's attack and my own experience with extremism, this is what we all need to reject -- a group of extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world.

I won't let that happen on Facebook. I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence.

My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the people of France and the people all over the world who choose to share their views and ideas, even when that takes courage. ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬
Mark Zuckerberg - A few years ago, an extremist in... | Facebook
Double standard speaking bastard.

Its a Mossad CIA plot. He was born to Jewish parents. FB is an attempt by him to sideline Muslims. Now, RAW has got into it and hence is funding him against Pakistan.

With this single investment RAW has made significant gains on the stock market with their stake in FB via MZ.

Next, I am waiting for proof that Google only shows anti-Islamic stuff on search. :hitwall: Who knows, in the future we may learn that @WebMaster is actually a CIA agent, who started this site for propaganda. And RAW funded it further, hence the inlfux of Indians on this site. :P
will facebook get banned in Pakistan ?
Jews are Westerner beggars. They won't confront anyone on their own. They will fight their enemies to the last American.
whatever Internet Khalifa !!

Yes because post had something to do with 'umma' you curry munching inbred rapist. :lol:
u are mistaking me for your father .. go play else where :)
Go ahead say anything you want. There are 3 ways to handle it.
1. I can be a bigger man and ignore you because your words cannot change facts.
2. I can let my anger take control and I will punch you out of a fit of anger (please note fit of angers are momentary and not planned)
3. I can attack your house and randomly kill whoever I encounter.

Somehow I feel that you believe that 3 is justifiable and a better solution than 1 or 2.

thats what the victims of Gujrat killing spree think most Hindus believe that
to rich muslims : you can help by funding repeated courtcases at all western judiciaries that will hear the case, of outlawing insults of the Prophet Mohammed. Focus on how freedom of speech keeps bringing severe global violence.

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