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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

Do you know how many anti christian or even anti jew facebook pages there are? I know its hard for you to understand but a few people making fun of any religion is not going to end or deface that religion . its the way people who follow that religion behave that counts.

Can you show me those anti-Jew pages?
He is hurting feelings of Muslims.
This ahole is giving invitation to post more offensive content against Muslim but after all nothing good can be expected from Jews.

Muslims need to realize who their enemy is. We should just declare open war with Jews. And don't stop at 12 million. Because that is minimum, as it's considered anti semtism to get consensus on Jewish population. And they apply Jews as atheists. The real number is well between 60-70 million.
can we in Pakistan publish the photos of Mark Zuckerberg Mom having sex with a dog which impregnated her and Mark was born...after all this would be a freedom of speech too.

Now that is too personal and can be sued.

But how about some bearded people with black hats grinsing with big vampre teeth, sucking blood of the world, sitting on all the financial markets media houses holding a david star?

Would mainstream media allow that to publish under "freedom of speech" act?

Without the author being jailed or kicked out of job etc?
I completely agree.

There is no need to burn and attack cinemas, kill pople, send people to jail or kick them out of job, if you do not like something bad they have said.
what about the tweet, you agree with what he says there ?
How did his stmt become a propaganda against Pakistan? :hitwall:

Just because he said that he received a threat from an extremist who happened to reside in Pakistan, it became a propaganda against Pakistan??

Had he said he received a threat from a extremist living in UK, would that have become a propaganda against UK?
what about the tweet, you agree with what he says there ?

What about you shut the phuck up every time you see a tweet you don't need to demand others opinions on them.
Muslims need to realize who their enemy is. We should just declare open war with Jews. And don't stop at 12 million. Because that is minimum, as it's considered anti semtism to get consensus on Jewish population. And they apply Jews as atheists. The real number is well between 60-70 million.
LOOL how many times u want your rear kicked by jews !!
Do I have freedom to say anything about you, or your gods, or your parents or do you think there would be a limit to freedom of speech.
Go ahead say anything you want. There are 3 ways to handle it.
1. I can be a bigger man and ignore you because your words cannot change facts.
2. I can let my anger take control and I will punch you out of a fit of anger (please note fit of angers are momentary and not planned)
3. I can attack your house and randomly kill whoever I encounter.

Somehow I feel that you believe that 3 is justifiable and a better solution than 1 or 2.
Do you know how many anti christian or even anti jew facebook pages there are? I know its hard for you to understand but a few people making fun of any religion is not going to end or deface that religion . its the way people who follow that religion behave that counts.

So If a Pakistani newspaper publishes some derogatory articles about India or Hinduism, will everyone in India be equally offended, lets say scale is 1 to 10 will everyone be offended at 5, no hindus will go on muslim burning rampage, or no one will put poison in some Pakistani cricketer's drink?

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