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Mark 2 Tejas revealed . 1st Flight 2023

No mate that's your delusion. All Chinese weapons are but knocked off russian weapon systems. For example f7 is copy of mig 21, j16 is copy of su 30 etc.

Chinese steal tech from both US & Russia and make betters weapons than both of them at a fraction of the cost.

For example, Chinese J-16D = Russian SU-30 + US F/A 18 Growler
You cannot fit Chinese components and claim superiority. Even the Russians cannot match the west in sophistication and tech. Chinese systems are inferior even to the russian ones and on the top of that they are unproven in combat.

Er....even the head of the USAF is on record as stating China is ahead in several tech areas, but yeah, you have an anonymous opinion on the internet.....
Chinese steal tech from both US & Russia and make betters weapons than both of them at a fraction of the cost.

For example, Chinese J-16D = Russian SU-30 + US F/A 18 Growler

Listen dude you may choose to believe whatever you like but the logic says a copy will be copy, it can never be better than the original. There is a reason why pakistan did not accept the Chinese ws12 engine for its jf17 fighters and went for the russian rd33 engine.
Er....even the head of the USAF is on record as stating China is ahead in several tech areas, but yeah, you have an anonymous opinion on the internet.....
Maybe to exhort more money from congress. There are people with different opinions everywhere, statement by one cannot be taken as absolute truth.
Listen dude you may choose to believe whatever you like but the logic says a copy will be copy, it can never be better than the original. There is a reason why pakistan did not accept the Chinese ws12 engine for its jf17 fighters and went for the russian rd33 engine.

Why always fall back on the engine? Except for the engine, Chinese have successfully copied and surpassed Russia and the US in all tech. Russia engines will be replaced by the Chinese ones in the near future.
Why always fall back on the engine? Except for the engine, Chinese have successfully copied and surpassed Russia and the US in all tech. Russia engines will be replaced by the Chinese ones in the near future.

So what's common about the nation's which are totally self reliant in jet technology? Engine. Only the US, Russia, France and the UK are the countries which are true players in aerospace and aviation industry. All others are dependent on these countries. This is why I said that the we are headed in the wrong direction. We are making aircraft when focus should be given only towards making a decent engine.
So what's common about the nation's which are totally self reliant in jet technology? Engine. Only the US, Russia, France and the UK are the countries which are true players in aerospace and aviation industry. All others are dependent on these countries. This is why I said that the we are headed in the wrong direction. We are making aircraft when focus should be given only towards making a decent engine.

Engine themselves are getting obsolete. IC engines are becoming history. same would be the case with jet engines.

Everything will run on batteries.
Engine themselves are getting obsolete. IC engines are becoming history. same would be the case with jet engines.

Everything will run on batteries.

Battery run engines will generate 150 kn of thrust and propel the aircraft mach 2 speed? We are talking about aircraft here not submarines.
Battery run engines will generate 150 kn of thrust and propel the aircraft mach 2 speed? We are talking about aircraft here not submarines.

Well subs and ships are also sporting nuke tech instead gas engine powered tech.

Battery operated loitering UCAVs are the future.

Fighters are meant to take out ground targets in the war and not to awe people with their mach speeds or aerobatics during airshows.
So what's common about the nation's which are totally self reliant in jet technology? Engine. Only the US, Russia, France and the UK are the countries which are true players in aerospace and aviation industry. All others are dependent on these countries. This is why I said that the we are headed in the wrong direction. We are making aircraft when focus should be given only towards making a decent engine.
Indians tried but look where that got you
Didn’t even fly once
pakistan will.never admit this but they swear by western technology
they worship f16 and usa technology and their French built mirage is legendary .

they want Rafale or f16 block 70.but it will never happen both political.and financial.reasons

Russia want hard cash so that payment terms and high maintenance plus pressure from.jndia makes Russian planes difficult but not impossible

that leaves China only
they will.sing their praises till.the world ends
they can't even get their top line stuff no j10 no j16 no j11.
just thunders
but at least they get experience of assembly and input into development future blocks and it's affordable and quick delivery
Listen dude you may choose to believe whatever you like but the logic says a copy will be copy, it can never be better than the original. There is a reason why pakistan did not accept the Chinese ws12 engine for its jf17 fighters and went for the russian rd33 engine.

Maybe to exhort more money from congress. There are people with different opinions everywhere, statement by one cannot be taken as absolute truth.

Sure, but the statement of the head of the USAF and you, guess who wins.......
pakistan will.never admit this but they swear by western technology
they worship f16 and usa technology and their French built mirage is legendary .

they want Rafale or f16 block 70.but it will never happen both political.and financial.reasons

Russia want hard cash so that payment terms and high maintenance plus pressure from.jndia makes Russian planes difficult but not impossible

that leaves China only
they will.sing their praises till.the world ends
they can't even get their top line stuff no j10 no j16 no j11.
just thunders
but at least they get experience of assembly and input into development future blocks and it's affordable and quick delivery

This is what holds you back and maybe shows that the psychological damage done to you by British rule has still not healed. Yes, right now western tech is cutting edge, but China is coming along leaps and bounds, and everyone (even the west) knows that in 10-20 years Chinese tech will be dominant. Pakistan has tremendous foresight here, and faith in China. India of course clings on to anything western as being better.

One nation has J-20 and is making space station other nation is buying winter jackets from US as it has no confidence in it's own suppliers.

Times are changing and technologically India will make the dame geopoltical and technological mistake it made in the 50, 60s, 70 and 80s by allying with USSR.

You guys never learn, you just made enemies with the one nation that will go on to dominate the world economy and tech for the next 100 years.

Indians, you never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.....
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Sure, but the statement of the head of the USAF and you, guess who wins.......

This is what holds you back and maybe shows that the psychological damage done to you by British rule has still not healed. Yes, right now western tech is cutting edge, but China is coming along leaps and bounds, and everyone (even the west) knows that in 10-20 years Chinese tech will be dominant. Pakistan has tremendous foresight here, and faith in China. India of course clings on to anything western as being better.

One nation has J-20 and is making space station other nation is buying winter jackets from US as it has no confidence in it's own suppliers.

Times are changing and technologically India will make the dame geopoltical and technological mistake it made in the 50, 60s, 70 and 80s by allying with USSR.

You guys never learn, you just made enemies with the one nation that will go on to dominate the world economy and tech for the next 100 years.

Indians, you never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.....

you keep comparing India to China why.
your a Pakistani
India builds nuke subs and destroyers and sends satalites to space and at a drop.of a hat can order billion of dollars,of military spares jackets missiles from.half a dozen allies who pour equipment in be it Israel usa Russia or France

the other nation since partition had become the poor little bitter sibling yearning for the same credibility and power of India it is hanging on to Chinas coat tail very nut screw and bolt ducking and diving just to survive financial collapse annually.

China this China that.

forget China friend .
they are doing things for their national.geo strategic needs. and no they will not get you Kashmir they chickened out In ladakh to fight a real.war when India moved 50.000 artic equipped troops in weeks using their massive air lift capability via over 35 c17 globemasters and il76 transport planes and huge conveys of indian military tucks we have prepared for war and acquired enough clothing shelters built tunnels roads bridges to fight a super power in China
your super power to date as stopped and turned to cheap typical chinease propaganda.
India is not Vietnam or Singapore or Taiwan we are regional power and will take China in all day.
we took 12 days to liberate east pakistan
we stopped Japan at Burma
we kicked the British out after 100 years
we will fight the chinease in ladakh if needed .
no chance

thunder on paper is inferior to even mark.1 tejas,
older smoking engines,from Russia
no full fbw just in pitch axis so inferior aero dynamics
no compsite in airframe so poor maintenance,and bigger radar cross,section
no helmet mounted,display

please,all thunders,ie all 100 block one and,two have these,deficiencies

they are all being introduced in block 3 only
tejas has them no on the planes in no45 squadron and 18 squadron
it came.later but a more refined better airframe
Let me update your knowledge.

When you compare variants you compare current or matching variants. Current flying version is Blk-3, and latest in service variant is the Blk-2B. By logic Tejas current version in service is Mark-1. If you want to compare Mark 1A (will fly 2022-23) or Mark 2, there will be a JF-17 Blk-4 or 5 or Azm by then. In 2023-4 by the time Mark-1A starts inducting PAF would have almost inducted its planned 50 Blk-3 and started work on Blk-4. Yes in the beginning Tejas was better on paper but with steady evolution it has lost that edge.

JF-17 had logged 19,000 flight hours between 2011 and 2016 (65 units). Which shows it has a high availability rate. The earliest Block-1s started getting overhauls in 2019 which we now know includes structural enhancements and Blk-2 mods. There goes reliability argument.
Let me update your knowledge.

When you compare variants you compare current or matching variants. Current flying version is Blk-3, and latest in service variant is the Blk-2B. By logic Tejas current version in service is Mark-1. If you want to compare Mark 1A (will fly 2022-23) or Mark 2, there will be a JF-17 Blk-4 or 5 or Azm by then. In 2023-4 by the time Mark-1A starts inducting PAF would have almost inducted its planned 50 Blk-3 and started work on Blk-4. Yes in the beginning Tejas was better on paper but with steady evolution it has lost that edge.

JF-17 had logged 19,000 flight hours between 2011 and 2016 (65 units). Which shows it has a high availability rate. The earliest Block-1s started getting overhauls in 2019 which we now know includes structural enhancements and Blk-2 mods. There goes reliability argument.

tejas is better than block 1 and 2 in real.terms

why because not one of your 100 thunders in service has
a helmet mounted display for dog fighting
not one has full quadrupled flybewire or compsite airframe .you cannot change the flybewire after build.

block 3 is flying in workshop in chengdu
this is the real deal you will receive first batch 2021 12 per year and you have 50 on order.

logging flight hours will.not remove the deficiency of a rushed product.
our Air Force demanded a better product which took longer
don't get me wrong tejas had issues mainly not enough fuel or payload or power
hence we will move to block mark1a and may be mark 2 a bigger version in decade or so.
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