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March for Democracy Watch Thread

lol idnian trolls should know the legacy of their agents is BAKSAL iwo one-party system. their not-so-secret slogan is "Establishing treachery, anarchy and fascism since 1947" and they will keep on doing so until they are shoved off to the country they actually belong to. it may not be causal but patriotic anti-idnia parties have been always in favour of the people. if there is anyone against 'democracy' it's the indian agents
i have somewhat skimmed this book. Mahmud-ur-Rahman has totally nailed it here besides his other "1971's winner India". my take is the 'dakhal' has already been in place, india is just yet to make it fully official
You guys need to watch this site by Sheikh Mohiuddin, the President of "Liberal Party", looks like he has a lot of inside scoop:

অবশেষে ৫ বিদেশী পর্যবেক্ষক নির্বাচন দেখতে ঢাকার পথে রওয়ানা হয়েছেন !! |

খোজ নিয়ে জানা গেছে এই ৫ নাগরিক হলেন-প্রধানমন্ত্রী পুত্র সজিব ওয়াজেদের আমেরিনা নাগরিক খ্রীষ্ঠান স্ত্রী খ্রিস্টিনা, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর বোন শেখ রেহানার মেয়ের খ্রীস্টান স্বামী, শেখ রেহানার ছেলের ইহুদি স্ত্রী, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর পররাষ্ট্র বিষয়ক উপদেস্টা গওহর রিজভীর ইতালিয়ান স্ত্রী, তাঁর আমেরিকান মেয়ে। এই ৫ বিদেশী পর্যবেক্ষক আগামী ৪ জানুয়ারী ঢাকায় অবতরণ করেই ভোট কেন্দ্র পর্যবেক্ষণে যাবেন। তাদের নিরাপত্তার জন্য ইতোমধ্যেই এসএসএফ-এর বিশেষ স্কোয়াড প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে।

5 American and European relatives of Awami League leaders are on the way to "observe and validate" the Jan. 05 "election".


Translation by Google:
Finally , five foreign observers are en route to Dhaka for the elections ! ! |

It was found upon inquiry, these five people are Prime Minister 's son Sajib Wajed's American Christian wife Christina, Sheikh Rehana's daughter's Christian husband, Sheikh Rehana's son's Jewish wife, foreign policy adviser Gauhar Rizvi's Italian wife, Gauhar Rizvi's American daughter. This 5 foreign observers will be monitoring polling stations in the next 4 January right after landing in Dhaka . For their safety already SSF - the special squad was ready .
Observation: There is this country that gave full support to the Pakistani dictator and Army to conduct all sorts of genocide and atrocities in East Pakistan to keep the Army and Bhutto in power. Once Bangladesh came into existence somehow, that very country tried its best to first nullify, then justify the extents and effects of those atroticities.

Today, the Bangladeshis are celebrating the political stand of that very country in their own land.

Conclusion: Not just individuals, even the masses can suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.
until now situation seems under govt. control. no presence of BNP in front of its head office and the leader of opposition is seems under house arrest . Awami activist also guarding the entrance of capital along with police . another news is Begum zia the leader of opposition is determine to go to Naya paltan in march for democracy even if she needs to go by foot .
until now situation seems under govt. control. no presence of BNP in front of its head office and the leader of opposition is seems under house arrest . Awami activist also guarding the entrance of capital along with police . another news is Begum zia the leader of opposition is determine to go to Naya paltan in march for democracy even if she needs to go by foot .

she cant walk for a long time, her knees are done.
There will be some tactical shift, stay tuned for formal announcement......
May the almighty Bhagwaan Odin shower his blessings and guide and protect the righteous forces of the Awami League fighting against fascism. This is a fight of good vs evil.
May the almighty Bhagwaan Odin shower his blessings and guide and protect the righteous forces of the Awami League fighting against fascism. This is a fight of good vs evil.

Indian lie and deception comic :omghaha::omghaha:
Hasan Masud(the actor) fried Bongobhatiji on FB....Apni eto rukkho o vitu keno??-lol
any latest update?

There will be official announcement soon, I do not want to state it before. Just to give you hint Awami League blockade created a trap for itself. Stay tuned for little longer.

By the way there is huge confrontation in Noakhali (ongoing) police attacked 18 party procession and there has been dhaoa - palta dhaoa

বিডিটুডে.নেট:নোয়াখালীতে বিএনপি-জামায়াতের সাথে পুলিশের ব্যাপক সংঘর্ষ, গুলি
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