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March for Democracy Watch Thread

90% BNP supporters also support the hanging of Kader Mullah. Here you will see only Jamaatis crying over Kader Mullah's execution.

Hey, see the pic. Its made by a satire magazine. Hahaha

ডিসেম্বর ফর ডেমক্রেসি | দৈনিক মতিকণ্ঠ

December for Democracy :P

We all support the hanging of Rajakars. However we dont support the implicit process which has been used to hunt down political opponents. This is the official position of BNP and Begum Zia, 100% of us Zia supporters, support this... Motikantha is run by islam hater begots. enough said. your nick ' i am bengali' instead of ' i am bangladeshi ' says everything about your loyalty.
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We all support Hanging Rajakars. However we dont support the implicit process ... This is the official position of BNP and Begum Zia, 100% of us support this... Motikantha is run by islam hater begots. enough said. your nick ' i am bengali' instead of ' i am bangladeshi ' says everything about your loyalty.

I am very much loyal to my country. For that I don't need to use I am Bangladeshi nick but I need to constantly remind me that I am also Bengali as well. But who cares about a nick name. lol
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I am very much loyal to my country. For that I don't need to use I am Bangladeshi nick but I need to constantly remind me that I am also Bengali as well. But who cares about a nick name. lol

Nobody cares.... its Just Mamata didi wants to keep our Land and water, she is a Bengali too... Only a true son of the soil will understand the difference between Bengali and Bangladeshi........ Leave it.... You must be a hard core Awamileague.... Because this is a thread exclusively dedicated to " election and preservation of democracy" .... You ignored the three pages of discussion and directly jumped to a indian talking about Jamatis...... Muktijudhho beche r koto!!

We failed to achieve our objective today.... But the program will be continued
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Khaleda Zia hints at Indian involvement in Pilkhana massacre and claims Bangladesh is being written away to another country like Sikkim. Khaleda Zia also compared Sheikh Hasina to Lendup Dorji who betrayed the Sikkimese monarch and staged an Indian intervention in 1975 which led to Sikkim being annexed to India. Khaleda Zia's comments came after the police prevented her from attending the Long March rally at Naya Paltan and AL thugs attacked the High Court premises and National Press Club ....
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@kobiraaz BNP Jamat attempts and moves seem amateurish. The leaders seem to be catching at straws. Extending the March and andolon for tomorrow is a better move. Now the govt. will do the undeclared Hartal Oborodh, which is excellent. It should be continued indefinitely, that way it will be the govt. to blame for public sufferings.

The other good thing is that only one person died, that is an achievement for a big move like this. I think most people did not come out considering the risk of getting shot at.

In the bigger long term picture, Bangladesh as a country, mainly because of its geography (and also because of demography) was vulnerable from the beginning. Because of this vulnerability, 1971 war happened and because of this same vulnerability, today we lost democracy, under India's naked influence and sponsorship of Awami League.

I still get the feeling that only political activists like opposition BNP Jamat care about democracy, whereas the masses are not so much concerned about it, considering their difficult day to day lives.

I think people of Bangladesh have not had enough of Awami League yet. And if an angry public is not with you, it is very difficult for just political activists to overturn the Indo-Awami combine. In 1971 there was India ready to help us from 3 sides and even if the public gets angry enough, who will help us now? Through Myanmar and Bay of Bengal? Not much of a chance there either. The Army? Fat chance there as well, because Awami League under Indian instruction have filled it up with their cadres, just look at the other thread on Army.

I think Bangladesh is going into a dark period of Indo-Awami rule for the foreseeable future. And mostly I blame the incompetence of BNP for this, your leaders could not foresee this beforehand and India was much more competent than you to execute their plan and they have won. You have failed the people of Bangladesh. Sorry to say it.
@kobiraaz BNP Jamat attempts and moves seem amateurish. The leaders seem to be catching at straws. Extending the March and andolon for tomorrow is a better move. Now the govt. will do the undeclared Hartal Oborodh, which is excellent. It should be continued indefinitely, that way it will be the govt. to blame for public sufferings.

The other good thing is that only one person died, that is an achievement for a big move like this. I think most people did not come out considering the risk of getting shot at.

In the bigger long term picture, Bangladesh as a country, mainly because of its geography (and also because of demography) was vulnerable from the beginning. Because of this vulnerability, 1971 war happened and because of this same vulnerability, today we lost democracy, under India's naked influence and sponsorship of Awami League.

I still get the feeling that only political activists like opposition BNP Jamat care about democracy, whereas the masses are not so much concerned about it, considering their difficult day to day lives.

I think people of Bangladesh have not had enough of Awami League yet. And if an angry public is not with you, it is very difficult for just political activists to overturn the Indo-Awami combine. In 1971 there was India ready to help us from 3 sides and even if the public gets angry enough, who will help us now? Through Myanmar and Bay of Bengal? Not much of a chance there either. The Army? Fat chance there as well, because Awami League under Indian instruction have filled it up with their cadres, just look at the other thread on Army.

I think Bangladesh is going into a dark period of Indo-Awami rule for the foreseeable future. And mostly I blame the incompetence of BNP for this, your leaders could not foresee this beforehand and India was much more competent than you to execute their plan and they have won. You have failed the people of Bangladesh. Sorry to say it.

Hello Kalu Miah...

read the following report...... Everything was preplanned....

বিশেষ প্রতিনিধি
নিউজ ইভেন্ট ২৪ ডটকম

‘গণতন্ত্রের অভিযাত্রা’ কর্মসূচীকে কেন্দ্র করে বিএনপি-জামায়াত এবং শিবির সন্ত্রাস ও অরাজকতা তৈরী করবে বলে প্রচার চালিয়ে আসছিলো ক্ষমতাসীন দল আওয়ামীলীগ। কিন্ত বিএনপি-জামায়াতের কৌশলের কাছে নিজেরাই জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাব ও পবিত্র সুপ্রিম কোর্টে হামলা চালিয়ে এখন ব্যাপক সমালোচনার মুখে বেকায়দায় আ’লীগ। বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসে এই প্রথম এ দুটি স্থানে কোন রাজনৈতিক দল সরাসরি হামলা চালালো।

বিএনপি-জামায়াত জোট ঘোষিত ‘গণতন্ত্রের অভিযাত্রা” কর্মসূচীকে কেন্দ্র করে সরকার এবং আওয়ামী লীগের প্রস্ততি ছিলো চোখে পড়ার মতো।অথচ যারা এই কর্মসূচী ডেকেছে সেই জামায়াত-বিএনপির তৎপরতা তেমন একটা পরিলক্ষিত হয় নাই।

আর এর সবটাই ঘটেছে বিএনপি-জামায়াতের কৌশলী সিদ্ধান্তে। কৌশলটি ফলপ্রসু হয়েছে বলে দাবী করেছে বিএনপি-জামায়াতের একটি সূত্র। একই অভিমত ব্যক্ত করেছেন বিশিষ্টজনেরা।

সারাদেশ থেকে কর্মীদের ঢাকা আসার ঘোষনা দিলে সরকার এমনিতেই বাধা দিবে। আ’লীগের অতি উৎসাহী নেতারা মারমুখি কর্মীদের লাঠি হাতে মাঠে নামাবে। এত জনসাধারণ হয়রানির শিকার হবে। বিএনপি-জামায়াতের এই ধারনা প্রমান করে দিয়েছে আ’লীগ। তারা শুধু স্বসশ্র মহড়াই দেয় নি, আক্রমন এবং হামলা চালিয়েছে সাংবাদিক, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় শিক্ষক এবং আইনজীবীদের উপর। যা দেশী এবং আন্তর্জাতিক মিডিয়াতে চলে গেছে।

আ’লীগ আজ শক্তি প্রদর্শন করলেও শক্তি সঞ্চয় করে রেখেছে বিএনপি-জামায়াত। তাদের ঢাকায় অবস্থান রত কর্মীদের ঢাকাতেই থাকতে বলেছে।

বেগম জিয়া স্পষ্টই প্রশাসনকে বলেছেন, আপনারা কতদিন এভাবে অবরুদ্ধ করে রাখবেন?
বিএনপি-জামায়াত যদি তাদের এনই গনতন্ত্রের অভিযাত্রা না করতে পারা পর্যন্ত অব্যাহত রাখে তাহলে সরকারকে ও দেশব্যাপী জনভোগান্তির এই অবরোধ অব্যাহত রাখতে হবে।

বিএনপি-জামায়াতের এই কৌশল আ’লীগকে বেকায়দায় ফেললেও নতুন প্রেরণা পেয়েছে ১৮-দলীয় জোটের নেতা-কর্মীরা।

এছাড়া আ’লীগ নেতাদের টিকা-টিপ্পনীকে মোকবেলা করে বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সমাবেশে আসার চেষ্টা এবং কৌশলে সংবাদ কর্মীদের বাসায় প্রবেশ করিয়ে তাদের সাথে দৃঢ় চিত্ত্বে কথা বলাও আন্দোলনে নতুন মাত্রা যোগ করেছে।

গণতন্ত্রের অভিযাত্রা কর্মসূচীর প্রথম দিনে সব কিছু ছাপিয়ে সুপ্রিম কোর্ট আর প্রেসক্লাবে পুলিশী উপস্থিতিতে সরকার দলীয় হামলা নিরাপত্তা ঝুকি কাদের দ্বারা বেশী তা ও জনগনের সামনে স্পষ্ট হয়ে উঠছে।

আ’লীগ ধারণা করেছিলো গণতন্ত্রের অভিযাত্রা কর্মসুচী কেবল একদিনের জন্য হবে। কিন্ত বিএনপি-জামায়াত আগে থেকেই তাদের কৌশল ঠিক করে রেখেছিলো যে প্রথম দিন সরকার বাধা দিবেই। আর এ অভিযাত্রা কর্মসূচী অব্যাহত থাকবে।

- See more at: বিএনপি-জামায়াতের কৌশলে আ’লীগে অস্বস্তি! | Newsevent24.com
18 party took tactical decision and what I have heard program will continue as long Awami League keep blockade and stopped everything with indian backed gun power. People of Dhaka are really getting agitated against Awami League and with their siege. One 60 years old woman died today because her son could not take her to hospital and blocked by Awami League terrorist.

Everyone from 18 party was informed not to came out today and that is why nothing has been seen in the street except one was killed by Indian backed Awami force. Awami League in that sense caught off guard and sign of it clear in Ashraf statement.

More days to count for.....movement goes on against Indian Awami League war against Bangladesh.
Where was BNP and its great leaders ? they must be sleeping in this cold weather and watching tv
Govt. shut down the entries has seems actually works but new strategy to take the rally next day is good move. now people have to face govt. impose hartal or govt have to face the the flood of BNP and Jamaat activist flooding the street of capital Dhaka . But i am disappointment at the performance of BNP that they failed to organised even a little resistance at any entry point with BAL and police .if its a weakness or tactics to save activist to come again next day time will tell . but question remain how long people will suffer this situation. if tomorrows rally also failed then we have to take the next day and then again the next day .
@kalu_miah I agree... BNP is not in a position to bring down Awamileague... Ershad didnt have any political muscle and it still took many years of combined BNP_BAL_JAMAT effort to bring him down... Awamileague is far more strong... If we look at our history - Only Army has the capability to do something quick.... They will move against the regime if , only if - UN stops paying them....... USA is vital now... Khaleda Zia showed it today there is no democracy left in this Country........

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