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Maoist blast on NH 16, 2 dead

If people keep having unlimited kids this is waht will happen. During my grandfather's time, we were farmers in Sikkim in those days. He had 8 sons (yes I have 7 uncles). However, this generation was sensible enough because their generation suffered from significant deprivation despite owning land and having fields. SO each of them had no more than 2 kids making a total of 10 children out of 7 men. Today, we have become upper middle class category with reasonable income in which we can afford basic luxuries of life. My grandfather was only limitedly educated but despite that he encouraged all his sons to study hard. He sent 4 of my uncles are successful engineers, 2 have migrated to Europe long back and my father successfully completed his studies in USSR and gave me and my brother a good life.

The reason why I told you about myself is because, these Maoist scum and their terrorist supporters actually try to brainwash the classes of the type my grandfather is. Who taught my uncles and father about sensibility of less kids? No one. Yet they did. The rural people are ALWAYS advised by government through thousands of programs on radio (all have one at least) that "Chhota parivar, sukhi parivar". But the males' egos after drinking daily gets inflated like elephants and they keep having kids. Ultimately they die drinking the poisonous country-made liquor and leave their poor wives and dozens of kids on the streets to continue the cycle of poverty.

I partially agree with Chinese method of clampdown and despite it may sound discriminatory, this has to be applicable to lower class of income levels once they've had 1-2 kids. SO why blame the government lone? I am not supporting this scum UPA government. I myself hate it, but there are people also responsible for their misery.

People are equally responsible for poverty apart from this scam government. I myself pray that I get sensibility to have maximum of two children after my marriage which will not only give them better lives but also make my life easier and the life of my partner. Entire South Asia has this problem, especially the so-called "religious" men who are doing their own countries a great disservice by overpopulation.

Absolutely agree. We should something in the line of Chinese to clamp the population growth. I am not for a strict implementation of one/two child policy but indirectly people should be encouraged to do so . For example make it mandatory for Govt servants to have only 2 kids, if they have more they will lose their chance for their advancement of career.

There should be some law that if one's income is not upto a certain level, he will not be allowed to marry. Add to that psychiatric evaluation and health check to find out whether the couple will be able to lead a normal healthy family life.Large Child Welfare schools should be set up where children from underprivileged families will be taken (sometimes using force) and be educated in skills that would enable them to find a job as soon as they get out of this school at around 15-16 years old.
I partially agree with Chinese method of clampdown and despite it may sound discriminatory, this has to be applicable to lower class of income levels once they've had 1-2 kids. SO why blame the government lone? I am not supporting this scum UPA government. I myself hate it, but there are people also responsible for their misery.

People are equally responsible for poverty apart from this scam government. I myself pray that I get sensibility to have maximum of two children after my marriage which will not only give them better lives but also make my life easier and the life of my partner. Entire South Asia has this problem, especially the so-called "religious" men who are doing their own countries a great disservice by overpopulation.

I hear you dude, even in today's The Times news paper, an article on the world population..... a report from Lucknow reads...
"Trapped in a poverty cycle where many think the answer is to have more children"...... sometimes, it feels like a losing battle. !
Absolutely agree. We should something in the line of Chinese to clamp the population growth. I am not for a strict implementation of one/two child policy but indirectly people should be encouraged to do so . For example make it mandatory for Govt servants to have only 2 kids, if they have more they will lose their chance for their advancement of career.

No it has to be mandated. Forced and especially so to the lower class because without sternness they won't realize. Rather than forcing inhuman abortions, the state should take care of bringing up of those kids. You might think I am harsh but I think 2 kids are more than enough for any normal parents who are only interested to have kids for family sakes. More than that is usually assuming "more hands means more money" in the rural circles.

Hence it has to be brought into control through a bit of sternness. I liked what Sanjay Gandhi had planned for India and had he been alive, it would have done wonders. Hopefully, Varun would be able to implement it soon once NDA gains its senses back and charts course to taking power.

There should be some law that if one's income is not upto a certain level, he will not be allowed to marry. Add to that psychiatric evaluation and health check to find out whether the couple will be able to lead a normal healthy family life.Large Child Welfare schools should be set up where children from underprivileged families will be taken (sometimes using force) and be educated in skills that would enable them to find a job as soon as they get out of this school at around 15-16 years old.

I don't think that should be controlled; no more than 2 kids at the max ALL levels of society. That has to be the law.
I hear you dude, even in today's The Times news paper, an article on the world population..... a report from Lucknow reads...
"Trapped in a poverty cycle where many think the answer is to have more children"...... sometimes, it feels like a losing battle. !

Its not a losing battle. The problem is we both suffer from a corrupt disloyal spineless and shameless government setup. China on the other hand despite its ruthless approach, has a government with some political conscience of at least defending its territory and maximizing resources.

Once there's a mass ruling change, we will have a law enforced on people for this. I don't know why someone would want to have more than 2 kids. They are more than enough for a happy family.
I don't think that should be controlled; no more than 2 kids at the max ALL levels of society. That has to be the law.

If one doesn't have a stable income or something in the bank, how he is planning to take care of his wife and kids.
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