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Manmohan Singh opens door to Pakistan

It'll be fun if someone in Pakistan replies "Too little, too late" and slams the phone down :D


Good idea ... But I think Mr, Qureshi affraid.. if he (Qureshi) do so maybe Indian diplomat record the phone call and present to the world in the shape of new dossier ... :D
It'll be fun if someone in Pakistan replies "Too little, too late" and slams the phone down :D

I am sure it will not be fun in the long run, specially for Pakistan but also for India. Hope that doesnt happen

I am more worried though about another terrorist attack happening in india instead of a slammed phone. Both will have the same impact.
Either that ..or somebody just picks the call and puts it on indefinite hold.. preferably with a really bad jingle for the music in the PBX.

Although I gotta admit today.. India is acting two faced beyond what is expected.
On one side we have the delusional army chief claiming victory before a battle like goebells himself. And the next day the defense minister innocently saying that it was just "a projection of operational policy".
Its like someone saying "Ill kill you right on your doorstep tomorrow" and saying to the police "Oh..just a remark.. nothing else"
Sometime ago pakistan wanted world to ask India to start the talk. Now ,since, India has initiated , let's see pakistan's response.

Do you think it was the right response from India then.....then why should Pakistan respond now, with the TTP on the backfoot and the FATA soon inshalallah coming under Army control. Pakistans accusations of Indian involvement in terrorism by thr Indian state actors.

Pakistan should ignore Singh also.

India is not the mediator, nor is it our master for it to decide when and how to talk. Talks are held as equals, if India can;t behave as such then I say screw them....Pakistan should instruct ISI with the Naxals and other vulnerable states in India also now, suddenly when India wants to talk, lets talk, is the attitude India expects. Show them the finger. This book has another chapter to be written............
I dont belive in India want peace reason is they are getting what they want by supporting Balochi and TTP terror groups. I have never ONCE heard one India offical come out and say they feel sorry whenever a suicide attack happens. Pakistan close too or have found some thing against Indians which they dont want to be founded ?

BUT if Indians realy want talk they should come down to earth and must not think they own world. First issu must be Kashmir which is main conflict otherwise no need to talk about ANY THING.

If Pakistan and India some how can manage to sort out most of conflicts whats better than that ? Mostly for Pakistan but also for India and south asia. Iran Pakistan India China think how world will look like if these country live toghter as real friends
peace peace peace is best for us if indians feel pride to refuse talk good for them but we have to ready for talk any time any were its our benifit .if today there will be good relations pakistan can get out of this mess and its our great intreast.good luck peace good luck india pakistan.
sardar jee is panjabi same like me we understand late no problim.
GoI New year resolution

:- Be friend with all neighbors :cheesy:
I disagree, I think diplomatic relations should be broken off and and as Indian economy garners more and more of the global share of trade, impose trade barriers for every terrorist action taken by Pak based terrorists.

Otherwise, it would seem India is rewarding Pakistan for sending terrorists by increasing diplomatic relations and niceties.
There has to be a consequence for Pakistani policy regarding terrorism, and Pakistan should be made to realize that.
Only because there is no terrorist attack on India after 26/11.

India has issued a (self made) report card for Pakistan which i think technically incorrect but can be said as natural and hinting that India understand following implications and recognise pakistan as ever evolving a great nation and potential friend.

As far as Geo political situation in Afghanistan is concerned India will never make policies on that cause its so volatile.

There are many wiser heads in PMO those who also think these non state actors or Pak based terrorist are not under anyone's control. A normal Pakistani may have perceptions or uncalled for loyalties to these monsters due to their actions good or bad terrorists but not potential enough to raise war even after 26/11.

The probability that these uncontrolled regimes were primarily involved in 26/11attacks was never ruled out. That was a desperate efforts by these terrorist to make both armies engage at western borders and to make NATO an ineffectual entity; operational in their area of interest.
I think India was able to foresee their natural destruction by the course of time. So a poor's nation wisdom was worth a try.

However the origin of these mischief's was always from Pakistan so it is/was an ethereal responsibility of Pakistan to curb these sanctuaries good or bad to Pakistani standards (but not global). This is what India is doing persistantly by adjudging, monitoring, reacting to Pakistan as far as starting and halting dialogue process is concerned.

People blaming Indian inconsistency for not showing urgency to dialogue with Pakistan should give a little thought that New Delhi can not talk when terrorists are infiltrating into Indian territories specially when we all know that the terms on Pakistan will start dialogue is a big obnoxious dead lock.

So for a dead lock no one would have charm to run extra mile or compromise its pressure tactic when his or her own people are been butchered consistantly.
Peace? What peace? You cannot make peace with someone trying to kill you and is funding terrorists in your territory.

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