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Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

You may be right but I think India does tend to let things fester for too long before getting serious about finding a solution. Here in the US, no one ever talks about leaving the union (other than the odd idiot politician). But I hear some rumblings from India so I wonder what makes people feel alienated and why they don't have the sense of belonging to the Indian union that all the people here in the US do.

He doesn't represent entire NE ,he's not even a arunachali if we go by statments fro some NE memebers on PDF. I had lived and studied with friends from NE and no they dont feel alienated ,neither do they care about china,what their concern is lack of development in NE which was partly because of militany in NE which was quite high a few years ago which now have more or less been nutralised with many of the militants joining the mainstream quiting militany paving a way for development of NE. You have someone from Arunachal Pardesh sitting at the center now, who now is in complete control of all development activites across NE ,if you really wana figure out what people from NE feel he like many are the once to look at,many development works are underway which would improving connectivity all across NE which would also help in delivering foodgrain and other material deep into NE which till now is just limited via road or to some extent from waterways through Bangladesh.

Not trolling. Stating facts relevant to the thread. If you think that's trolling, your problem.
Tik hai jo bhi ho. I already have puffy eyes i am off to bed,GN. :sleep:
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Ngo abotani, tum arunachali nahi lagta hai de.

you dont sound arunachali at all. any tom dick or harry can come with that name.
for one, arunachalis dont talk much about indian army atrocities in the north east because our state has never witnessed it.

and fyi, i am a monpa from monyul (tawang and west kameng districts). i have been a long time member with the name Lyrical Mockery but i forgot the password for that account. i am writing because you are hiding behind a mask to spread disinformation. here in arunachal we dont hate india.

Right mate
He seems more pissed than the manipuris
I would understand id mizos,manipuris ,nagas talking about the same,but seriously arunachal?
Strange thing is that he started with Manipuri issue but arguing about Chines citizenship?...No one is stopping you ally for Chines citizenship and move back to your favorite land.
you claimed earlier there are many like you? i highly doubt that. tanis, i find, are more pro-indian than even us monoas and you must know that we are very pro-india after what the chinese did to tibet.c

Don't believe your shit media, and read some respectable sources.
Indians and their flag,kind of like EU,dozens of nations in a regional union.Oh sorry,nothing peaceful and voluntary like EU.A nation made and maintained by Imperialists and colonists.First the white guys,then their brown servants usurped their former master's holding.

That is why I told you.Have some shame.Leave your Indian flag and leave this nation.Noone forced you to stay here.
You should better to take some rope for sucide .If you dont have shame then that is better thing you can do.
@Abotani if u were really from A.P u would't be blaming central govt. for our underdevelopment . we all know our state govt. our own people are to be also blames , actually the main reason is because of our incompetent and courpted leaders . You should be ashamed even to raise th topic of undevelopment of our state whos to be blamed its cause of Gegong Apang C.M from he ruled our state for over 18 years and sucked all the fund comung from center dry and if today we are in this state today it all to be blamed on him and his courpted way of governing the state and today all his hand picked minister are following his courption path .. During Gegong Apang's tendure Arunachal was listed as one of top courpted state in the world by BBC i belive ! even today corer of ruppes are be sanction by central govt. where does it goes have u ever wonderd ... hawa mai toh gayab nahi ho jata hoga ! Thanks to indian govt. for keeping ILP even today our land is still safe and its till our if it was in china we would be over run by hans and other larger comunities and we would have been left alien in our own land ... the way ur talking and bringing topic about Arunachal it shows you have knowledge bout our state but u really are not from Arunachal !
@Abotani if u were really from A.P u would't be blaming central govt. for our underdevelopment . we all know our state govt. our own people are to be also blames , actually the main reason is because of our incompetent and courpted leaders . You should be ashamed even to raise th topic of undevelopment of our state whos to be blamed its cause of Gegong Apang C.M from he ruled our state for over 18 years and sucked all the fund comung from center dry and if today we are in this state today it all to be blamed on him and his courpted way of governing the state and today all his hand picked minister are following his courption path .. During Gegong Apang's tendure Arunachal was listed as one of top courpted state in the world by BBC i belive ! even today corer of ruppes are be sanction by central govt. where does it goes have u ever wonderd ... hawa mai toh gayab nahi ho jata hoga ! Thanks to indian govt. for keeping ILP even today our land is still safe and its till our if it was in china we would be over run by hans and other larger comunities and we would have been left alien in our own land ... the way ur talking and bringing topic about Arunachal it shows you have knowledge bout our state but u really are not from Arunachal !
  • Ahh..there it goes again.Which part of the developing world doesn't have corruption?Does that mean all the developing world stays a shithole like AP has been left by the centre.The funds allocated for AP are peanuts when seen in the context for how much needs to be built up.Compare that to funds allocated for J&K,or other parts of India.even compensating for difference in size and populations..the gulf is literally that,a gulf.
  • Gegong did a lot of corruption,that is known to every person in Arunachal,but so did those in charge before him and even after him.
  • After all,gegong in a way was less worse than those after him.Not because of his virtues which are few and far between.How you ask?Because gegong was less of an ethnic or tribe nepotists than our present day leaders.He for his political sake treated everyone more or less the same,according to their merit or rather utility to him.
  • Compare that to what our present leaders do,when late dorjee khandu was CM,he did a lot of work..but it was an open secret that he was as corrupt as everyone and he favoured his own community over the others,with most "benefits" being diverted only to his own community.
  • Or even Nabam tuki after that,look at all the contracts and state benefits,most of them are given off to Nyishis with scraps being thrown at other tribes,even the tani tribes let alone others.In fact almost all state contracts now go to nyishis,so much so that nyishis have emerged as one of the richest groups in AP,if not the richest by quite a margin.
  • Back in the days,total central assistance was paltry compared to now,partly for the reason India itself was far poorer back then and paid even lesser attention to AP,relics of the scorched earth policy after 62 war.With little to no sources for wealth generation apart from central aid in those days,the central funds being misappropriated made an a far greater impact on the state than now.
  • The reason why Arunachal and arunachalees are doing better now is due to a booming economy,although fluctuating,which is not under the direct control of politicians.This is particularly true in the fledgling private sector where the politicians can influence greatly but cannot run it like their fiefdoms with impunity asis the case with public sector, they did in the past and do now.
  • In fact,corruption levels are just increasing all the time in AP.With corruption being seen in places where it once was minimum or kept off limits.Case in point being recruitment in govt jobs,particularly APSC.A few decades back,most were really admitted on merit basis in mid or higher level govt jobs,with scope of corruption mostly in lower paying jobs or even in the higher ones,at the lower spectrum.The situation worsened so much that except for the toppers in such job competitions,rest were upto sale and one had to be literally the best to make it on merit alone,without contacts or bribes.Now,fast forward to present and now no job post is high enough to be away from corrupt officials,even when one qualifies on merit,one needs contact and pay offs.The case of a NERIST topper,a darang being so symbolic of it.He was said to be the topper in competitive exams for civil services but when results came in he was nowhere near the middle let alone the top.Of course everyone knows what happened next,somehow records of the competitive exams were burnt by a "fire accident"
  • One could go on and on about how public sector corruption is much worse than before but anyone would get the idea by now.

  • I am not defending gegong or even saying he was better.He was the same as leaders now and before him.A politician through and through.It's just simply and intellectually wrong to label him as the source of all evils in AP and a scapegoat for our own faults.

  • It's a favourite past time of arunachalees to just blame politicos,whether in whole or in a major part.The entire society is corrupt,with nepotism being the biggest concern.The government servants and even common people themselves encourage and foster corruption and might I say our corrupt politicians are because of corruption in society and not vice versa.AFter the politicians take their cut and rest is sent to various departments,mind you the sum is still substantial,who do you think misappropriates it?You got it,the common man,public "servants"..all the while blaming everyone else except themselves for the corruption in the state.Point is,our whole society is corrupt just like Indians..maybe even more so with our tendency to give favours to family and extended family/clans.

  • On the issue of ILP,how effective is it really?Most just waltz into arunachal without one and stay as long as they like.After all,outsider population is similar to natives even in arunachal officially.Unofficially,who knows how much they outnumber us in our own lands.So what you say will happen by chinese has, ironically, been done by Indians long ago.Now check the stats of ethnic composition of tibet,majority are still tibetans and an overwhelming majority at that.Han migration is something of a scare tactic and propaganda to maintain the "evil commie" stereotype.Hans usually and mostly keep to the eastern seaboard of China or China proper for that is where the urban engines of growth lie.Chinese move from villages and towns from all over China to the eastern part of the country for a better future.A relatively miniscule population settling in tibet and other places is the odd exception and far from the rule.
  • That is considering ILP and related benefits actually stay,remember they are temporary measures and in no way guaranteed.Heck even article 370 is just a temporary arrangement and the Indians seem hellbent on taking down both,starved for land as they are,just converse with them and you will see how they want to abolish it and encroach into our land.They will use rhetoric of how as one nation there should be no ILP or measures to safeguard us so that they can have a free run.Check any newspaper reports and comments of mainlanders,overwhelming majority will be salivating like wolves to abolish ILP.Social networking sites and groups and pages.They will talk of how Arunachalees should be banned from mainland if we want ILP to continue.Ironically,many arunachalees now refer to China and its claim to say AP is disputed and hence the ILP system.That is most funny and represents how we care for our future and only worry about events if they negatively impact us,unlike how our behaviour would be if we did actually love India.We are in it for the benefits,plain and simple,as any realistic analysis of our people will lead to conclude.
  • With time,more Indians will want removal of ILP and benefits to us for once they were unaware of AP and its resources and had considerable of their own.Now with ever exploding population and the resultant decrease in available resources,they just want to come into NE and AP whole sale and displace us completely.No prizes for guessing what will happen to us if that happens.
  • The carrot of ILP and some meagre benefits is just a carrot for us to remain with them and one day they can replace us wholly.
  • From all we can see it is likely to happen in the not so distant future,especially with India getting more BJP'ied.Of course no need to mention that BJP supporters are the ones most likely to support removal of ILP as they already do.Take a look at the rest of NE at what happens when ILP isn't there,mainlanders flood in,particularly the desperately poor ones and reduce the standards of the whole state,particularly the natives.Take a look at Assam and what happened to it after mainlanders flooded in.Of Meghalya.These two states are the most well known of NE and in many ways should have been the best, even on per capita basis.But of course they are at the bottom in per capita basis.With Assam having similar levels to BD in GDP per capita and a whole lot of other indices.An irony for once Assam had better GDP per capita than mainland even and as the heart of NE should have been the best in NE.The reality is completely otherwise.Mainlanders have displaced natives everywhere,the reason why assamese insurgencies started and of course the usual AFSPA and human rights atrocities that are hallmarks of Indian territorial integrity.All this will happen to us,maybe much worse,if we continue under the illusion that our separation due to ILP is guaranteed.

  • It's a ticking time bomb for us and the proverbial sand is slipping out of our palms,it is time for introspection for us and course correction to see where the most realistic and pragmatic desirable future is for us.Throughout human history,people who have been forward looking and open to radical solutions when need arises, have prospered while those who stayed obstinately stagnant are no longer found.The history of the tanis is itself a testament to that, of the various hard choices we had to make for survival.
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