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Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

Eh,he's another troll on chinese payroll,jus sit back and enjoy his cheerleading for his chinese masters and let our Arunachali friends take care of him.

Thats what i am doing...Just enjoying his frustration....:)
Yawn,Tibet was always under Chinese influence.And yes Arunachalis made a pragmatic decision.Not one based on love but one based on realistic considerations about the future.We arunachalees take pride in our own identity and not "Indian" culture.
Arunachal has far more in common with China or burma for that matter than India,especially the mainland.

so wrong. the eastern oart of arunachal has similarities with burma and aread illegally occupied by china, whike we monpas have more cultural linkages with the bhutanese. heck, even the tanis are as alien to us as are the assamese.

indian identity and indian culture are two different things. arunachali culture is indian culture, a tapu war dance is as much indian as kathakali. a aji lhamu dance is as much indian as kathak. i hate it when people tryvto force hindu rituals as indian culture. hinduism, the way of life and not the religion per se, is not indian culture. it is a part of indian culture.

tibet came under chinese infkuence only after the gurkhas invaded tibet and the gyalpo asked for chinese assistance from thè manchus. the tibetans eveb ruked over chengdu for some time. if anything, tibet was under mongol influence. china's attempts to twist history fails outside its borders.

other than race, the tanis have no.cultural affinity with the chinese. and if you speak of race even japanese are the same race as the chinese. thè tanis are culturally more closer to axoms than hans of china. while we monpas are more closer to bhutanese than even tibetans.

ok, so tell me basic things about arunachal that only an arunachal with you, not something that can be picked from articles or books.
true. he doesnt quote the anti china protests in arunachal and in delhi by arunachalis. he doesnt see how outraged we are at the stapled visa issue.

language is not hard to learn, more if someone is being groomed to spread propaganda. but the incidents he refee to are selective and only serves china's designs.
Not really,we get agitated on stapled visas when it negatively impacts our people.FOr example when our athletes are forced to pull out of events in China due to Indian protests.
Sikh Holocaust
Assam Holocaust
Gujarat Holocaust
Mumbai Holocaust
Delhi Holocaust
Kashmir Genocide
Not really,we get agitated on stapled visas when it negatively impacts our people.FOr example when our athletes are forced to pull out of events in China due to Indian protests.

you sound funny now buddy. indian protests, our athletes were present in the protest against the chinese. i was there as well. it was last month in jantar mantar. If you are a well inforned arunachali, you must know tagam! he was there.

our protest was against the chinese practice to forcibly try to make us one of them, which we aren't. we were protesting for regular visas like any other foreigner who visits china. we were not asking for anything special.
so wrong. the eastern oart of arunachal has similarities with burma and aread illegally occupied by china, whike we monpas have more cultural linkages with the bhutanese. heck, even the tanis are as alien to us as are the assamese.

indian identity and indian culture are two different things. arunachali culture is indian culture, a tapu war dance is as much indian as kathakali. a aji lhamu dance is as much indian as kathak.

tibet came under chinese infkuence only after the gurkhas invaded tibet and the gyalpo asked for chinese assistance from thè manchus. the tibetans eveb ruked over chengdu for some time. if anything, tibet was under mongol influence. china's attempts to twist history fails outside its borders.

other than race, the tanis have no.cultural affinity with the chinese. and if you speak of race even japanese are the same race as the chinese. thè tanis are culturally more closer to axoms than hans of china. while we monpas are more closer to bhutanese than even tibetans.

ok, so tell me basic things about arunachal that only an arunachal with you, not something that can be picked from articles or books.
Sigh..such wholesale ignorance on display.The ahoms or assamese are so unrelated to arunachalis and only reflects your own ignorance and misconceptions.
eastern parts ie, wancho and other tribes areas are more rleated to rest of NE and burma yes.But then rest of NE,especially hill tribes all trace their origins somewhere in burma or further.
Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Migration Routes into the Eastern Himalayas - Kang - 2011 - Annals of Human Genetics - Wiley Online Library
Do read up on genetic research before spouting ignorance.The tanis are far more genetically similar to tibetans than assamese or other tibeto burman people.In fact if I may enlighten you,sino-tibetan and tibeto-burman are linguistic classifications and not genetic classifications at that.

you sound funny now buddy. indian protests, our athletes were present in the protest against the chinese. i was there as well. it was last month in jantar mantar. If you are a well inforned arunachali, you must know tagam! he was there.

our protest was against the chinese practice to forcibly try to make us one of them, which we aren't. we were protesting for regular visas like any other foreigner who visits china. we were not asking for anything special.
Nope..you are just confirming what I said.We wouldn't care if Indians didn't make such a big fuss over it.Because of Indian protests our people miss opportunities and that's why we protest.If Indians didn't make it an issue,we wouldn't care.
Sikh Holocaust
Assam Holocaust
Gujarat Holocaust
Mumbai Holocaust
Delhi Holocaust
Kashmir Genocide
aren't sikh and the delhi incidents the same thing.

i do not say these things didnt happen. they did. indiavis a very flawed and conplex nation.

our point here is a guy pretending to be arunachali when he is not. he can put forth his points without hiding behind a nask as an arunachali. it wouldn't make his case less strong.

maybe he thought, thère would be no arunachalis here in this forum so he can easily disguise himself as an arunachali.

i readily agree that nagas and manipuris are fighting for freedom from india, but we arunachalis are staunchly pro india, no matter what this guy says.
aren't sikh and the delhi incidents the same thing.

i do not say these things didnt happen. they did. indiavis a very flawed and conplex nation.

our point here is a guy pretending to be arunachali when he is not. he can put forth his points without hiding behind a nask as an arunachali. it wouldn't make his case less strong.

maybe he thought, thère would be no arunachalis here in this forum so he can easily disguise himself as an arunachali.

i readily agree that nagas and manipuris are fighting for freedom from india, but we arunachalis are staunchly pro india, no matter what this guy says.
Pro ourselves,if I might correct.You may see it differently because of any number of issues,including but not limited to religion but that doesn't mean the rest oppose China.
Most of us arunachalees don't care about Ind-pak or INd-"insert any group" as long as we are left alone and benefit.
Surprisingly,your only argument is I am not arunachalee when in fact all evidence points to the contrary.
Sigh..such wholesale ignorance on display.The ahoms or assamese are so unrelated to arunachalis and only reflects your own ignorance and misconceptions.
eastern parts ie, wancho and other tribes areas are more rleated to rest of NE and burma yes.But then rest of NE,especially hill tribes all trace their origins somewhere in burma or further.
Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Migration Routes into the Eastern Himalayas - Kang - 2011 - Annals of Human Genetics - Wiley Online Library
Do read up on genetic research before spouting ignorance.The tanis are far more genetically similar to tibetans than assamese or other tibeto burman people.In fact if I may enlighten you,sino-tibetan and tibeto-burman are linguistic classifications and not genetic classifications at that.

Nope..you are just confirming what I said.We wouldn't care if Indians didn't make such a big fuss over it.Because of Indian protests our people miss opportunities and that's why we protest.If Indians didn't make it an issue,we wouldn't care.

how does dna even relates to culture anymore? didnt i said the only common thing is race, hence the dna similarities. a black person in usa has the same set if dna as a black person in africa, but is thèir culture same?

today arunachalis are closer to assamese. the mishings are very ckosely linked to the adis.

and sorry to break your bubble, we protested against the stapled visa because indian government didnt paid much attention to it. we wanted indian government to make a fuss about the issue. we care.

just a few post back, you said something about arunachali identity , remember? we were protesting because china tried to rob us of that identity by forcefully trying to label us as chinese.

that being saud, no matter what china wants, arunachal will remain indian and we arunchalis indians. we arunachalis take great pride in india.

Pro ourselves,if I might correct.You may see it differently because of any number of issues,including but not limited to religion but that doesn't mean the rest oppose China.
Most of us arunachalees don't care about Ind-pak or INd-"insert any group" as long as we are left alone and benefit.
Surprisingly,your only argument is I am not arunachalee when in fact all evidence points to the contrary.

your evudences are half-baked. just a few lines in one of the many arunachali dialects doesnt prove anything brother. many foreigners have learnt local languages. go to bomdila, there youvwill find a dutch named Tim Bodt who speaks fluent monpa. does that makes him arunachali

and you are correct that we dont care mych about indo-pak issues. but we do care about chinese imperial designs over our lands.
Pro ourselves,if I might correct.You may see it differently because of any number of issues,including but not limited to religion but that doesn't mean the rest oppose China.
Most of us arunachalees don't care about Ind-pak or INd-"insert any group" as long as we are left alone and benefit.
Surprisingly,your only argument is I am not arunachalee when in fact all evidence points to the contrary.
Why don't you apply for Chinese visa.
and ngo @Abotani abhi kal milega hoga. mera sone ka time ho gaya hai.

you are entitled to your views but dont try to be the voice of arunachal. i dont try to do that and hence ask others to talk with as many arunachalis as they can to know the truth. i dont have to fakl back to Chinese propaganda to prove my point becuase i know the truth and know what ny arunachali brothers think no natter what those on the other side of the border want us to think.
how does dna even relates to culture anymore? didnt i said the only common thing is race, hence the dna similarities. a black person in usa has the same set if dna as a black person in africa, but is thèir culture same?

today arunachalis are closer to assamese. the mishings are very ckosely linked to the adis.

and sorry to break your bubble, we protested against the stapled visa because indian government didnt paid much attention to it. we wanted indian government to make a fuss about the issue. we care.

just a few post back, you said something about arunachali identity , remember? we were protesting because china tried to rob us of that identity by forcefully trying to label us as chinese.

that being saud, no matter what china wants, arunachal will remain indian and we arunchalis indians. we arunachalis take great pride in india.
Maybe you should get more indepth knowledge before making light weight rhetorical comments.
The genetic study link was to show that tanis are in fact related to tibetans..having migrated from there.Culture is a very fluid thing and a very unreliable one at that in tracing the history of people and where they fit in the whole human race.
As you said yourself,the example of blacks in africa and US.
But even then an inherently flawed one again as the assamese and tani cultures are so different that the vast differences are visible even to laymen.The mishing in Assam are a rather recent as most migrated to Assam in the later part of the 2nd millenia and tbh show little affinity except genetic with the tanis being thoroughly "ahomified" as they are.

And yes we didn't care.We only protested because it was impacting our people and was giving off the impression that India would give up to China and the fears of propaganda fueled displacement by chinese kicked in.Personally,if for say an arunachalee had to travel to China and was offered stapled visas..he/she wouldn't mind and just get what they wanted done and not make a fuss over it.
aren't sikh and the delhi incidents the same thing.

i do not say these things didnt happen. they did. indiavis a very flawed and conplex nation.

our point here is a guy pretending to be arunachali when he is not. he can put forth his points without hiding behind a nask as an arunachali. it wouldn't make his case less strong.

maybe he thought, thère would be no arunachalis here in this forum so he can easily disguise himself as an arunachali.

i readily agree that nagas and manipuris are fighting for freedom from india, but we arunachalis are staunchly pro india, no matter what this guy says.

Operation Blue star, state sponsored terrorism was done in Amritsar, right?

And in the mean time i got involved into it,well just a bit :ashamed: and now even @Donatello is here for some trolling :D

Not trolling. Stating facts relevant to the thread. If you think that's trolling, your problem.
and ngo @Abotani abhi kal milega hoga. mera sone ka time ho gaya hai.

you are entitled to your views but dont try to be the voice of arunachal. i dont try to do that and hence ask others to talk with as many arunachalis as they can to know the truth. i dont have to fakl back to Chinese propaganda to prove my point becuase i know the truth and know what ny arunachali brothers think no natter what those on the other side of the border want us to think.
On the contrary,it is you who is just repeating rehtoric and proapaganda of "evil commies",an oxymoronic act as the chinese are anything but communist,except just in name.
I give analysis of the psychological reactions and the reasons and probable scenarios to support my point.Backed up by historical data,some so rare that few outsiders except arunachalees can know.Particularly the history of tanis with the british and the role it played in shaping the present day situation.
Rhetoric and on the surface behaviours are rather unreliable tbh,Analysing the deeper and more relevant and accurate reasons are far more beneficial.something that may prove useful for everyone as a matter of fact
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