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Man in Saudi Arabia gets 1,000 lashes for driving stunts

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Primitive people.

Did you ever read the article redneck?

This individual killed another person, put the life of several hundred innocent drivers into jeopardy, committed hundreds of traffic violations, was guilty of forgery, drug crimes, using machine guns in public while driving and thus endangering the life's of innocents. For that he got a 10 year prison sentences and 1000 lashes. Lashes in KSA are very mild and they are given over the duration of the entire prison sentence. Meaning 1 lash every 3 day's or so.

The crime levels in KSA are one of the lowest in the world. The judicial system in England is laughable. Mass-murderers get pampered like hardly anywhere else.

For an supposed English Defence League member you sound like a really big sissy. Maybe you are overcompensating for something. Who knows?:lol:
What a great country Saudi Arabia is ! Hope a day comes soon when the Saudi monarchs get 1,000 lashes each. :yay:

By Yourself and the Awami League I suppose? I think they will be getting the same treatment if you put a toe out of line with them :lol:

Primitive people.

Not as much as the savagery carried out by your kin for centuries against BILLIONS OF PEOPLE.

Have you sold one of your organs yet, mate? :omghaha: ...

Lashings in Iran:

Lashings in KSA:

Iranian pilgrim lashed in public in Makkah:

@Yzd Khalifa bro do you still have that video of that Iranian pilgrim that was lightly lashed in public in Makkah or Madinah? Can't find the video.

When will the fake wannabe-Arab Grand Ayatollah Mullah's and holy divine sheep ever get lashed for all their crimes?

I mean do they lash themselves like other Shias in Iran do? What about hitting themselves with those swords?

Shia Imam Proudly Shows Off Little Baby "Mourning" Imam Hussein(Iran) - YouTube

Oh, I forgot all of them are hysterically crying. :lol:

The savage Safavid thought he could get away with his disrespectful act:

Lashings in Iran:

Lashings in KSA:

Iranian pilgrim lashed in public in Makkah:

@Yzd Khalifa bro do you still have that video of that Iranian pilgrim that was lightly lashed in public in Makkah or Madinah? Can't find the video.

When will the fake wannabe-Arab Grand Ayatollah Mullah's and holy divine sheep ever get lashed for all their crimes?

I mean do they lash themselves like other Shias in Iran do? What about hitting themselves with those swords?

Shia Imam Proudly Shows Off Little Baby "Mourning" Imam Hussein(Iran) - YouTube

Oh, I forgot all of them are hysterically crying. :lol:

I have a serious question. Why are Saudi men still living in stone ages? Genetic problem? This country is a shame for this civilized world. That's why I am asking.


Seriously? Former Houstonian faces lashing in Saudi Arabia for daring to drive

The Arab Spring has mostly sidestepped Saudi Arabia, but there is a protest movement going on in the Middle Eastern country, and one former Houstonian is caught in the crossfire.

Shaima Jastaniah lived in Houston from 2000 until 2010, earning a master's degree from the University of St. Thomas with a focus on international studies before returning to Saudi Arabia.

"Shaima fit right into Houston society. Texans are larger than life, and so is she," writes Nivien Saleh, Jastaniah's former professor, in The Atlantic. "Discard your images of the veiled female Arab: Her dedication to Islam is sincere — she recently completed the hajj to Mecca — but she is not demure and does not attempt to fade into the background. When she enters a room, you notice."

Jastaniah and Saleh are hoping revived international attention and pressure can change the verdict or force the system to recognize the pardon.

Jastaniah brought her BMW X5 with her back to Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that her homeland is the only country in the world to ban women from driving. She was required to hire a male chauffeur to go about her daily life.

This rule (which is not an official state law but is given authority by a religious fatwa) came under attack by Saudi women in May, with activists organizing the Women2Drive campaign and committing acts of civil disobedience simply by getting in their own cars and driving. Between May and July of 2011, several women were arrested for driving, including Jastaniah.

According to Saleh, Jastaniah wasn't behind the wheel to make a political statement — she just wanted a little freedom.

"She had spent 10 years in Houston, and she had to a certain extent culture shock," Saleh told CultureMap. "She was used to values of the United States, like individualism, and she came back to Jeddah and there were all these things she couldn't do anymore. There's no privacy because you're always chaperoned. One day she decided she needed to be by herself and she thought that it was her car and she wanted to drive it. She didn't do it with the goal of being arrested."

Unlike the other women, Jastaniah was sentenced to 10 lashes. As Saleh explains,

In Saudi Arabia, when a woman is caught driving, the typical police response is to extract a signed pledge not to "misbehave" a second time and let her go. There are a few women who broke the prohibition against driving several times and pledged betterment again and again. Shaima's case, however, never went through that stage. The matter was immediately referred to the country's conservative shariah court system, which is controlled by the Kingdom's religious establishment.

The judge happened to pass his verdict on the heels of a government announcement that, five years from now, women will receive the right to vote and run for public office. Possibly to register his disapproval, possibly to discourage the other women who had recently taken to the road, or maybe for some other reason, the judge assigned the unusually harsh sentence of flogging. Shaima was shocked. "What I did was a misdemeanor. The court could have fined me, and I would have been happy to pay up," she told me. "Instead, they decided to criminalize me. I am not a criminal!"

The sentence received international media attention over the summer, and in September it appeared Jastaniah would be spared when a Saudi princess tweeted that the king had decided to pardon her. But the courts never recognized an official pardon, and Jastaniah's sentence will be carried out unless she can successfully appeal the ruling.

However Saleh says that under the Saudi system, even a successful appeal won't make the verdict go away — it can only send the matter back to the original court for a modified sentence. Jastaniah and Saleh are hoping revived international attention and pressure can change the verdict or force the system to recognize the pardon.

No matter what happens to Jastaniah, Saudi women still have a significant battle ahead of them for the right to drive. Despite recent concessions that will allow Saudi women to vote and run for office by 2015, conservative clerics are still the dominant voice in Saudi society, and the highest religious council in the country declared last week that if women were allowed to drive, it would "provoke a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce," and that soon there would be "no more virgins" in Saudi Arabia.

Seriously? Former Houstonian faces lashing in Saudi Arabia for dari... - CultureMap Houston


Zoos are better man. In all seriousness. At least more quit.

Is this a joke or genuine? I mean one can't know whether they are really crying or just all laughing.

The savage Safavid thought he could get away with his disrespectful act:

Thanks. I think that any comparison is now out of the way.
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Cults stink.


Zoos are better man. In all seriousness. At least more quit.

Thanks. I think that any comparison is now out of the way.

You - Awamist - are born genetically inferior my friend:

Protests against Women's Human Rights :lol:

I have a serious question. Why are Saudi men still living in stone ages? Genetic problem? This country is a shame for this civilized world. That's why I am asking.


Seriously? Former Houstonian faces lashing in Saudi Arabia for daring to drive

The Arab Spring has mostly sidestepped Saudi Arabia, but there is a protest movement going on in the Middle Eastern country, and one former Houstonian is caught in the crossfire.

Shaima Jastaniah lived in Houston from 2000 until 2010, earning a master's degree from the University of St. Thomas with a focus on international studies before returning to Saudi Arabia.

"Shaima fit right into Houston society. Texans are larger than life, and so is she," writes Nivien Saleh, Jastaniah's former professor, in The Atlantic. "Discard your images of the veiled female Arab: Her dedication to Islam is sincere — she recently completed the hajj to Mecca — but she is not demure and does not attempt to fade into the background. When she enters a room, you notice."

Jastaniah and Saleh are hoping revived international attention and pressure can change the verdict or force the system to recognize the pardon.

Jastaniah brought her BMW X5 with her back to Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that her homeland is the only country in the world to ban women from driving. She was required to hire a male chauffeur to go about her daily life.

This rule (which is not an official state law but is given authority by a religious fatwa) came under attack by Saudi women in May, with activists organizing the Women2Drive campaign and committing acts of civil disobedience simply by getting in their own cars and driving. Between May and July of 2011, several women were arrested for driving, including Jastaniah.

According to Saleh, Jastaniah wasn't behind the wheel to make a political statement — she just wanted a little freedom.

"She had spent 10 years in Houston, and she had to a certain extent culture shock," Saleh told CultureMap. "She was used to values of the United States, like individualism, and she came back to Jeddah and there were all these things she couldn't do anymore. There's no privacy because you're always chaperoned. One day she decided she needed to be by herself and she thought that it was her car and she wanted to drive it. She didn't do it with the goal of being arrested."

Unlike the other women, Jastaniah was sentenced to 10 lashes. As Saleh explains,

In Saudi Arabia, when a woman is caught driving, the typical police response is to extract a signed pledge not to "misbehave" a second time and let her go. There are a few women who broke the prohibition against driving several times and pledged betterment again and again. Shaima's case, however, never went through that stage. The matter was immediately referred to the country's conservative shariah court system, which is controlled by the Kingdom's religious establishment.

The judge happened to pass his verdict on the heels of a government announcement that, five years from now, women will receive the right to vote and run for public office. Possibly to register his disapproval, possibly to discourage the other women who had recently taken to the road, or maybe for some other reason, the judge assigned the unusually harsh sentence of flogging. Shaima was shocked. "What I did was a misdemeanor. The court could have fined me, and I would have been happy to pay up," she told me. "Instead, they decided to criminalize me. I am not a criminal!"

The sentence received international media attention over the summer, and in September it appeared Jastaniah would be spared when a Saudi princess tweeted that the king had decided to pardon her. But the courts never recognized an official pardon, and Jastaniah's sentence will be carried out unless she can successfully appeal the ruling.

However Saleh says that under the Saudi system, even a successful appeal won't make the verdict go away — it can only send the matter back to the original court for a modified sentence. Jastaniah and Saleh are hoping revived international attention and pressure can change the verdict or force the system to recognize the pardon.

No matter what happens to Jastaniah, Saudi women still have a significant battle ahead of them for the right to drive. Despite recent concessions that will allow Saudi women to vote and run for office by 2015, conservative clerics are still the dominant voice in Saudi society, and the highest religious council in the country declared last week that if women were allowed to drive, it would "provoke a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce," and that soon there would be "no more virgins" in Saudi Arabia.

Seriously? Former Houstonian faces lashing in Saudi Arabia for dari... - CultureMap Houston
Whatever crime he has committed, you gotta respect his driving skills!! He could have made a formula1 career if you ask me...
Did you ever read the article redneck?

This individual killed another person, put the life of several hundred innocent drivers into jeopardy, committed hundreds of traffic violations, was guilty of forgery, drug crimes, using machine guns in public while driving and thus endangering the life's of innocents. For that he got a 10 year prison sentences and 1000 lashes. Lashes in KSA are very mild and they are given over the duration of the entire prison sentence. Meaning 1 lash every 3 day's or so.

The crime levels in KSA are one of the lowest in the world. The judicial system in England is laughable. Mass-murderers get pampered like hardly anywhere else.

For an supposed English Defence League member you sound like a really big sissy. Maybe you are overcompensating for something. Who knows?:lol:
Redneck? Lol.
1000 lashes, why not execution? Lashes are just stupid are primitive much like stoning.
English and Welsh judicial system is one of the most efficient in the world unlike your Shariah mess.
The funny thing is there hasn't been a mass murder here for 11 years and the perpetrator has been handed a life sentence. Don't pull facts out your rear you primitive person.

Not as much as the savagery carried out by your kin for centuries against BILLIONS OF PEOPLE.

Have you sold one of your organs yet, mate? :omghaha: ...
Arabs are in no place to talk about historical atrocities.:lol:

False flagger or a real EDL member?:cool:
Not EDL member but admirer. :)
Redneck? Lol.
1000 lashes, why not execution? Lashes are just stupid are primitive much like stoning.
English and Welsh judicial system is one of the most efficient in the world unlike your Shariah mess.
The funny thing is there hasn't been a mass murder here for 11 years and the perpetrator has been handed a life sentence. Don't pull facts out your rear you primitive person.

You are with all due probability your average Johnson, Smith or Jackson redneck that is overcompensating for something by joining the rednecks of the English Defence League.

Crime rates are higher in your country. Murderers and hardcore criminals are rarely punished as they should be. I don't recall any serial killers in KSA. Ever.

You don't even have a clue about what a lashing looks like in KSA. Those are light lashes. It serves as an additional punishment.

Sorry to tell you this but there is no stoning in KSA. Stoning is a ancient form of punishment mentioned in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an btw.

The judicial system is harsh in KSA and has a zero policy for murderous, drug smugglers, rapists etc. It works as it should be although the laws are evolving.

KSA uses civil law as well. Far from all the laws are taken from Shari'ah and those that are work as they should.

Please educate this ignorant, @Yzd Khalifa

Have to go. CL coming up in 30 minutes.
Redneck? Lol.
1000 lashes, why not execution? Lashes are just stupid are primitive much like stoning.
English and Welsh judicial system is one of the most efficient in the world unlike your Shariah mess.
The funny thing is there hasn't been a mass murder here for 11 years and the perpetrator has been handed a life sentence. Don't pull facts out your rear you primitive person.

Arabs are in no place to talk about historical atrocities.:lol:

Not EDL member but admirer. :)

Given the fact that we didn't do a thing close to the crimes the Brits committed, I think we reserve the right to counter your bigoted claim!
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