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Man fined, jailed over second marriage without first wife’s permission

No one said they are. My post was not a comment but merely a realization of obvious consequence. This might be considered bad but some and for few it won't matter.
No, I know you didn’t say they are (probably bad choice of wording on my side). I was just trying to say in todays day and age it’s unexplainable, in history it used to happen due to a shortage of men as many would loose their lives fighting in battles and wars. The ratio of men to women are fairly equal now.

What's your name bro because it cannot be Maarkhor..I mean normally parents in Pakistan do not name their kids after animals like Bakra, Billa etc :)
Hahahaha! Just reading that actually made me LOL!
@Garfield is your real name Billa or Chota Sher?
Hahahaha! Just reading that actually made me LOL!
@Garfield is your real name Billa or Chota Sher?
I hope he does not mind it :-)

Yeah im sindhi nd i live in quetta .
Balochistan doesnt only have balochis.

Sindhis are also good. Every Pakistani is good. They have different culture and I like the diversity at a celebration level but of course we need homogenisation for progress.
No, I know you didn’t say they are (probably bad choice of wording on my side). I was just trying to say in todays day and age it’s unexplainable, in history it used to happen due to a shortage of men as many would loose their lives fighting in battles and wars. The ratio of men to women are fairly equal now.

Hahahaha! Just reading that actually made me LOL!
@Garfield is your real name Billa or Chota Sher?

His name is chooza .
I hope he does not mind it :-)

Sindhis are also good. Every Pakistani is good. They have different culture and I like the diversity at a celebration level but of course we need homogenisation for progress.

Thnx dude
Quran permits polygamy not as a practice but as a necessity, any permission granted is strictly to be observed keeping in view rights of the other humans and society. How hard should it be for any of sensible people to understand this? Why people marry again another woman in today's time? Are the second wives in all cases widows with orphan children? helpless poor orphan girls? Disabled women? Women that don't get accepted in society? .......... lets be honest, most of the second marriages are purely result of men's curiosity hormone, "Oh she's got the eyes", "Oh that damn waist", "Oh that figure", "Oh she is rich", "The result of ignoring all rights of wife and getting attracted to another woman". Now seriously do you think this is what Quran permitted us as a society?

I asked Zarvan "for how many years Muhammad Peace be upon kept Khadeeja (May ALLAH be pleased with her) in his nikah? And during all that time how many other wives Muhammad Peace be upon him married? I asked him if he understands why Muhammad Peace be upon him married Ayesha (May ALLAH be pleased with her)? I asked him if the intent and purpose of all marriages of Muhammad Peace be upon him can be compared with today's polygamy? He failed to answer (you can see his reply).

If there is a situation like 1 male : 4 females in our society yes by all means polygamy is the solution to save society from collapsing and immoral practices, but if the situation is 1:1, by marrying multiple women you would be responsible for keeping many other males single for their lives ...... your decision would have serious affect on personality of all of your children .......

In simple plain words ......... unless there is dire need (to help a dependent, helpless poor woman and her orphan children) for a male to marry a second wife (except his curiosity hormone) he by all means should not only seek permission from his first wife but all his children as well. Anyone who wants me to label infidel for this .......... well I am not worried ........ I will be more than satisfied to stand with right against a society rich on curiosity hormone.

I don't know about any punishments, but a believing Muslim will never go against his promise. Quran has very clearly advised about the promises we make and Muslim Caliphs and companions have preferred losses than to break the promises they made with non Muslim populations.

Now I realise that this law is incomplete .......... for normal situations it should make the male seek permission from his children as well. And the case where the male wishes to marry a helpless woman in need he shouldn't require permission but decision by a family court.

Western puppets need ......... stubborn, extremists to justify their existence. Have you ever considered that?
I asked you How many wives RASOOL SAW had at one time you failed to answer. How many wives Sahabas used to have at one time you fail to answer and I can tell you one thing not all of the women Sahaba married were widows in fact many only married virgins. The permission in Islam is not conditional at all. If the person thinks he can do justice he is allowed to marry up to 4 and the 2nd or third or 4th wife doesn't have to be widow or in some serious trouble only than you can marry to rescue her no Sir this is not the case. Islam remains the same I have answered all your questions. You want to make excuses to defend a law which is exactly opposite to what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said your choice but in Islam no first wife permission is needed and this law is totally Haram. And this Haram law is only resulting bigger Haram of Murder and women getting divorced and many times ending up on roads
I asked you How many wives RASOOL SAW had at one time you failed to answer. How many wives Sahabas used to have at one time you fail to answer and I can tell you one thing not all of the women Sahaba married were widows in fact many only married virgins. The permission in Islam is not conditional at all. If the person thinks he can do justice he is allowed to marry up to 4 and the 2nd or third or 4th wife doesn't have to be widow or in some serious trouble only than you can marry to rescue her no Sir this is not the case. Islam remains the same I have answered all your questions. You want to make excuses to defend a law which is exactly opposite to what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said your choice but in Islam no first wife permission is needed and this law is totally Haram. And this Haram law is only resulting bigger Haram of Murder and women getting divorced and many times ending up on roads

"Haram law" lmao. That's a new one. And the person who made this is a murtad I'm guessing.
I asked you How many wives RASOOL SAW had at one time you failed to answer. How many wives Sahabas used to have at one time you fail to answer and I can tell you one thing not all of the women Sahaba married were widows in fact many only married virgins. The permission in Islam is not conditional at all. If the person thinks he can do justice he is allowed to marry up to 4 and the 2nd or third or 4th wife doesn't have to be widow or in some serious trouble only than you can marry to rescue her no Sir this is not the case. Islam remains the same I have answered all your questions. You want to make excuses to defend a law which is exactly opposite to what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said your choice but in Islam no first wife permission is needed and this law is totally Haram. And this Haram law is only resulting bigger Haram of Murder and women getting divorced and many times ending up on roads
Candid and honest post. Totally concur. I really hate the apologetic justifications. WTH... If Allah has given the permission and our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) practiced and his companions followed it without any ifs and buts; why should we be coy about it?

The people who have objection on that should rather worry about their faith. I'm proud be Muslim and I embrace whole of it, no cherry picking.
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The same people wanting blasphemy law abolished claiming no Ayats support this law, are now asking for Ayats that oppose this law.

Oh the irony!
"Haram law" lmao. That's a new one. And the person who made this is a murtad I'm guessing.
nahi bhai aisa nahin hai... this law is wrong because our parliamentarians have no knowledge of the religion. Most of them cannot recite even the short surahs (chapters of Holy Quran) without mistake.
I get the points made by both side ... but the constitution has so many flaws in it anyways. This is all patchwork of sorts to avoid radical reforms that do not favour the powerful.

Q: If the legal option for Khula is open, then why close this option for man? I get the 'it is logical and Islam is logical' argument, but isn't it logical for the woman to apply for khula if her husband wants to marry another and she doesn't agree? And then, isn't it logical for man to divorce the 1st wife first if she doesn't agree to 2nd?

In our society and in many families the man giving divorce is really frowned upon and the same kind of pressure is on women too who want out. Man ends up marrying another and goes to jail, and the woman murders 17 and goes to jail!! Our society is messed up in so many ways and this is one, and then we have legislators who think that such a law can fix this backward jahil social pressure sickness. If a couple can't get on and can't make it work themselves, respect that and let them part ways instead of doing what we are all witnessing.

Older generation with their warped mindset imposing cultural norms (discarding religion) and the same older generation legislating!

@Sher Shah Awan

@war&peace @PakSword @El Sidd
I asked you How many wives RASOOL SAW had at one time you failed to answer.

Muhammad Peace be upon him married Khadija May ALLAH be pleased with her, when he was 25 years old. The marriage lasted 25 years and throughout this relation it was monogamous ........ and they two had six children together.

Main points to note for the stubborn headed extremist mullahs

  • Khadija was a widow with children at that time and older than Muhammad Peace be upon him
  • Khadija sent a proposal to Muhammad Peace be upon him after witnessing his honesty, truthfulness and success in handling her business
  • Khadija was known as Ameerat-Quraysh (Princess of Quraysh), Muhammad initially showed reluctance but when he was assured that Khadija is financially stable and could take care of herself he agreed.
  • Ali Ibn Talib was also amongst other children who were being raised in their house
The virgin argument and keeping women chained in houses ..... well.

Muhammad Peace be upon married Ayesha May ALLAH be pleased with her, at the time when He peace be upon him had no one to take care of his household, because nearly all the other women he married were widows and elderly. Ayesha on her own will presented herself to share the burden of Muhammad Peace be upon him. Those were the times when numbers of believers was picking pace and most of Muhammad's peace be upon him time was spent training and educating those people. These newly converted people included a significant number of women who also needed education about Islam, and Ayesha at that time took this responsibility to educate those women ....... and no she wasn't 9 years old contrary to some ignorant shameless hearsay reporting that, she was minimum 19 years old and according to some accounts she was already a widow and aged 42 years. However, this much is confirmed that she was already engaged when she wished to marry Muhammad Peace be upon him for the sake of sharing the burden and duties. And her intelligence proved that she was the best person for that role. There are no accounts to confirm if Muhammad and Ayesha had any children together.

Kuch khauf kar molvi ............ virgin aurto say shadia richanay ka koi aur bahana dhoond.

How many wives Sahabas used to have at one time you fail to answer and I can tell you one thing not all of the women Sahaba married were widows in fact many only married virgins.

I have no logic to argue with well wisher and savior of virgin women .......... for me its the perverted mentality high on curiosity hormone. No wonder children get sexually abused in places like madressa. I won't blame you because the material you read and consult is full of this.

The permission in Islam is not conditional at all.

Every permission in Islam is conditional ......... I think you haven't understood the phrase "Aur hud say guzar jany walo may say hargiz na ho jana" (don't be the people who transgress and cross limits) ........ repeated again and again in Quran. But again who am I trying to fool, if you had your way, you would implement Qital and argue its permission is not conditional.

Islam remains the same I have answered all your questions.

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎

You think ................ buddy most probably you have no idea of how a parallel religion to Islam, guised as Islam was raised and propagated, and how most of the Muslims strictly believe in that ridiculous illogical religion ......... despite Quran being present in their homes.

You want to make excuses to defend a law which is exactly opposite to what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said your choice but in Islam no first wife permission is needed and this law is totally Haram. And this Haram law is only resulting bigger Haram of Murder and women getting divorced and many times ending up on roads

My excuse is just treatment for every human including women ......... what is your excuse? stubbornness?

I can just wish that you and others like you don't propagate these ideas on social media sites and in real life, not that I am afraid this brings bad name to Muslims or Islam ......... just that this thinking scares away the people who are looking for true message of Islam.

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