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Man fined, jailed over second marriage without first wife’s permission

In world liberalism = equality regardless of religion (religion is a personal matter for them)
But in Pakistan liberals thinks aestheticism is they key point to be liberal and to hate and criticize is the moral duty for them.

I am liberal but religion is a separate thing......
If you know someone Kindly expose it to public forum, every body is hiding their names but not me.
What's your name bro because it cannot be Maarkhor..I mean normally parents in Pakistan do not name their kids after animals like Bakra, Billa etc :)
So, let it... Women are not objects, they have feelings aswell...
No one said they are. My post was not a comment but merely a realization of obvious consequence. This might be considered bad but some and for few it won't matter.
I would suggest you quote, either the Quran or Sahih Hadith, where it explicitly states, "permission of wife number one is required, to marry another woman." OR an example form the Prophet SAWS, or the 1st four rightly guided caliphs.

Quran permits polygamy not as a practice but as a necessity, any permission granted is strictly to be observed keeping in view rights of the other humans and society. How hard should it be for any of sensible people to understand this? Why people marry again another woman in today's time? Are the second wives in all cases widows with orphan children? helpless poor orphan girls? Disabled women? Women that don't get accepted in society? .......... lets be honest, most of the second marriages are purely result of men's curiosity hormone, "Oh she's got the eyes", "Oh that damn waist", "Oh that figure", "Oh she is rich", "The result of ignoring all rights of wife and getting attracted to another woman". Now seriously do you think this is what Quran permitted us as a society?

I asked Zarvan "for how many years Muhammad Peace be upon kept Khadeeja (May ALLAH be pleased with her) in his nikah? And during all that time how many other wives Muhammad Peace be upon him married? I asked him if he understands why Muhammad Peace be upon him married Ayesha (May ALLAH be pleased with her)? I asked him if the intent and purpose of all marriages of Muhammad Peace be upon him can be compared with today's polygamy? He failed to answer (you can see his reply).

If there is a situation like 1 male : 4 females in our society yes by all means polygamy is the solution to save society from collapsing and immoral practices, but if the situation is 1:1, by marrying multiple women you would be responsible for keeping many other males single for their lives ...... your decision would have serious affect on personality of all of your children .......

In simple plain words ......... unless there is dire need (to help a dependent, helpless poor woman and her orphan children) for a male to marry a second wife (except his curiosity hormone) he by all means should not only seek permission from his first wife but all his children as well. Anyone who wants me to label infidel for this .......... well I am not worried ........ I will be more than satisfied to stand with right against a society rich on curiosity hormone.

If a wife doesn't give consent, and the man marries, should he be fined and put in jail?

What's your view according to your islamic knowledge? Has Quran or Sunnah advised any such punishment?

I don't know about any punishments, but a believing Muslim will never go against his promise. Quran has very clearly advised about the promises we make and Muslim Caliphs and companions have preferred losses than to break the promises they made with non Muslim populations.

Now I realise that this law is incomplete .......... for normal situations it should make the male seek permission from his children as well. And the case where the male wishes to marry a helpless woman in need he shouldn't require permission but decision by a family court.

I was quite secular guy known for dance and party when I came to Islam I tried my best to justify the life style I was in but realized soon Islam is what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW not what I want and specially not what some western puppets want.

Western puppets need ......... stubborn, extremists to justify their existence. Have you ever considered that?
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