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China is fighting a proxy war against us using you.

The stakes are way too high between them and us for a hot war. So Karate.

And between you and us the hot war never ceases. Beheadings.

So ....

China will fight India until the last Pakistani.
Ah, I was under the impression that a ban meant you are out of here forever. Okay bro.

Nah, timeframe. Trust me Indian members have also benefited from this. We are quite forgiving here.
Keep going

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill

Utilise the hindutva extremism and divisions amongst Indians to further our anti Indian aims

As the hindutva spreads and continue to spread poison within India
We need to use that to enlighten Indian Muslims and to target India abroad on a consistent and continual basis

China will fight India until the last Pakistani.

It's not like we wouldn't hate India without China
Bhartis always need someone’s shoulder to sit on so they can fire.

On the other hand, Pakistan is dead set on destroying India, whether we have to burn the entire planet along with it.

India is the elder incompetent jealous brother that needs to be killed so that he can find some sort of inner peace.
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Here is little comparison in the European context -

  • Germany ~ 80 milliion
  • Belgium ~ 11 million

This is about the same 7:1 disparity between India and Pakistan. You will know from European history every war the Germans had they treated Belgium as a doormat on their way to France. The notion that the 'doormat' would hold the Germans back was simply laughable given the population resource Germany enjoyed viz Belgium.

Yet Pakistan has held India back for 70 years. Indeed mostly it has been Pakistan that has been the aggressor. The only defeat was in 1971 and even that was because those traitors the Banglas turned on on our boys and India used that opportunity to defeat our forces in what is now Bangladesh. Which is 1,200 miles distant from Pakistan. This is like Turkish army of 60k posted to garrison Poland finds itself fighting rebel Poles and the Russians take advantage to march in.

I know you are just trying to make a point here, but comparing only the populations of two a countries is kind of silly. Germany's military resources were probably greater then the whole Europe combined. Belgium wasnt a doormate because of their smaller population, but because Germany's military machine was simply too advanced and big. You are comparing the population of the two countries, and obviously germany has bigger population, but would you say indias military resources dwars pkaistans, the way germanys dwarfed belgiums? Historically there are plenty of examples where a lot smaller countries dominated much bigger countries, simply because of superior military resources. Just look at the british who dominated the whole world, or the spanish conquistadors who took down the whole aztec empire with a few men with superior weapons. More recent example are the israelis against its arab neighbours in '67.

Yeah, so india has a bigger population then pakistan, but both countries still have huge militaries. Indias military is still larger, but historically pakistans has been more advanced because of your close relationship with the most advanced military power in the world (similar to the advantage the israelis had over the arabs in 67). Maybe thats changing, but pakistan still has technical advantage in some fields (long range missiles, february 2019) so military speaking both countries are a lot more evenly matched even though the populations arent. Wouldnt you say?

And come on bro, giving the example of Belgium, pakistan is like the 5th most populated country in the world. You are not a small country, not by any standards. 200mil is huge! Thats like endless solidiars for the short wars typically fought between ind/pak.
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My god, what a poorly written article.
Gave me a headache just trying to read it.

Well, can't really expect much more from the eastern border.
Sureee old man.....
You metric of measurement is oversimplified and idiotic at best. Compare China with India and see how stark is the contrast of geopolitical relevance and Economic prowess. Better yet compare Germany with India and see how pitiful india looks.
War's are complex and the only frontline combat western border will ever see is skirmishes.

I think you should read the "old mans" post again and then take a look at what you wrote. Hopefully you will realise that quoting him, and writing what you did, does not make any sense.
So is Turkey lying?:-

The reintroduction of internment camps in the XXIst century and the policy of systematic assimilation against the Uighur Turks carried out by the authorities of China is a great shame for humanity.


You can twist anything the way you want. Let me show you: UAE didnt endorse India but rebuffed Pakistan plans on technical ground. Had it been really a good (pakistan standard) Muslim country, it would've supported Pakistan irrespective of technicality like Turkey.
See ?

No other option bro. No other option.

Your link says this:

President Erdogan of Turkey has backed Beijing’s de-radicalisation scheme for Muslim Uighur minorities, according to Chinese state media.

Now I'm not too sure if Chinese state media is trustworthy.
Not your "bro".

I presented an article from The Times, the single most respected broadsheet in UK - they believe Chinese state media. Why shouldn't I? Here's CNN with a variation of the same subject..


I will agree that at times the rhetoric has been more severe but in the last year or so, after Erdogan actually visited Xinjiang, the whole issue is more moderate and appears to have a line drawn under it, despite the continued protests of Indian Hindus in particular.

As for what UAE did do, we can only speculate and infer, but the one thing they didn't do was say "India please carry on vilifying 10% of your people because we would do the same". Your assertion that UAE shoulda woulda coulda because they're Muslims is meaningless. Since when do Pakistanis expect or assume every country that is Muslim majority to support its view? This is the bizarrest sanghee simplification of reality ever put forward for public consumption. I imagine your whatsapp groups are full of similar nonsense. Pakistan concerns itself with Pakistani interests - that is all.

As for "no other option", was China always a superpower? Pakistan supported China in the 50s and 60s when they were nobodies. Folks who have been around a while know about this period. India underestimated China early on and is now regretting that mistake. Pakistan has always chosen to support China in all spheres, just as China does the same in reverse. Your assumptions that Pakistan is forced to do x, y and z are part and parcel of Delhi's perpetual underestimation of Pakistan.

As someone more important than me once said, we will surprise you.
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Yet Pakistan has held India back for 70 years. Indeed mostly it has been Pakistan that has been the aggressor. The only defeat was in 1971 and even that was because those traitors the Banglas turned on on our boys and India used that opportunity to defeat our forces in what is now Bangladesh.
Wars are not just fought using militaries on the field. The loss of East Pakistan was because of West Pakistan's own myopic vision of who is a better Muslim, which language is superior to be a better Muslim, which race is stronger, who should influence Pakistan's narrative, etc. Where India was celebrating its diversity, you guys were suppressing it in your quest for a homogeneous nation and trying to ape the European countries.

I hear a lot of these silly reasons like East Pakistan was 1000 miles away from West Pakistan, etc. It basically goes to show that even then you were considering East Pakistan as some occupied country. Another complaint is that we had just 90000 soldiers and the Indians outnumbered us. Well, who stopped you from posting more troops in East Pakistan? Didn't you anticipate that India will take advantage of the situation? Why didn't you invade aggressively in Kashmir or on India's western border when Indian launched the assault in East Pakistan? Just like we attacked your Eastern border when you launched attacks in Kashmir in 1965? I just see poor strategy and planning of the Pakistanis. You guys considered this as some silly game with the 'chalta hai' attitude and before you even knew it, you were cut in half. I saw the video in which even your Army general after the surrender said 'It's just part of the game.'

Just accept that it was a crushing defeat where India was superior strategically, intent wise and leadership wise. We went for the kill, not silly half-hearted attempts.
Not that Imran would do it but when will Pakistan walk away from this useless organisation? It's time to call quits and just turn your back on them. Turkey will walk as well which has massive ramifications.

All the best to them. The organisation is dead.
Not that Imran would do it but when will Pakistan walk away from this useless organisation? It's time to call quits and just turn your back on them. Turkey will walk as well which has massive ramifications.

All the best to them. The organisation is dead.
Thats true, when everytime country's individual interests are given priority over muslim organisational interests and OIC never achieved anything contructive in any regards, all they do are releasing void statements in the end. So why to be the part of any of such uninfluentual and non-productive organisation which always failed to serve the interest of muslim, if its all about individual country's interest then that can be achieved with independent diplomacy but we don't need to embarass ourselves by being the part of such useless organisations.
In that case its time to leave OIC and let India to join in and get them the reputation of unholy OIC. Why leave it at as a mouth piece let them have India to have a seat too as suggested by UAE previously. Make an organisation of OIC of our own and name it OIC with out frills and see how many countries from this traitorous organization of good for nothing countries will leave.
That would be great idea to have India as a member of OIC- This would be a check mate to the RSS/Modi led government as now they will need to answer directly to the OIC member states- NO.
That would be great idea to have India as a member of OIC- This would be a check mate to the RSS/Modi led government as now they will need to answer directly to the OIC member states- NO.

There is no need for this fascist son of b***h Modi to answer to anyone he might as run the OIC and instead they will be answerable to him. Then he can decide for their domiciles too and who is eligible to live in those GCC countries and when to put them under lock down and when to send them to open prisons. When these over fed natives of GCC decide to protest he can import RSS goons from super power of black arses India to set on them too, to put them right. He may improve and go one step further and send them into exiles as Israeli's did to poor Palestinians as he is a holder of masters degree from open university of Israel which specialises in torture, terrorism and how to kill Muslims.
He has done his graduation project by massacring Muslims in Gujrat and now he has completed his Masters degree project with flying colours in Kashmir. Those flying colours were so dazzling OIC started doing flash dancing with Modi. Rumours have it he wants to be called Dr Modi mass murderer so he may do his thesis to complete Ph.D. on the remaining Muslims around the world. Highness fascist Modi welcome to the OIC presidency.
Can we stop the abusive posts please. Several were involved.

As for this, I crossed off the Maldives from my holiday list forever. No surprise about dear brothers UAE and Saudi (sarcasm mode off), they can't help themselves let along speak up for others. It's just me, me, me etc.
Malaysia has gone back to its normal relations with India, the good Dr drove the whole pro-Pakistan drive and well that's ended with the old guard back.

Face it, aside Turkey and China there is no one. In actual fact Pakistan is fortunate to have such allies, the vast majority of nations have no one.

You wont be missing much. Maldives has often been described as an enhancement of coral reefs and beauty. Today the "no longer hidden secret" suggests its a dumping tip and rubbish burning land fast disappearing off the worldly map.

That gin-clear water lapping at sunbathers ankles is predicted to submerge the archipelago by the end of the century. At least 90 islands have disappeared so far, due to natural erosion and rising sea levels caused by global warming.

I have to agree Pakistan has limits of associates that put their neck on the line and we must as a nation remember who assisted us in our hour of need. Those that have backed us will see the fruits of the labour and the turning of the tide will allow Pakistan to return those favours taken.

One last point. Its almost facepalming embarrassing that a nation of 1.2 billion look for support from tiny minnows such as Maldives and always raise a glass to the 4 million Israelis like a poodle wanting to glorify their link and friendship. In reality if India was on fire they wouldn't urinate on them. That is an honest down to earth realization of the facts....
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