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Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

Lux de Veritas, “Nam Tien” or March to the South of the Viets had nothing to do with Chinese immigrating to South East Asia. The Viets wanted to escape China´s shadow by expanding her territory to the South, while Chinese (mostly merchants) wanted to escape prosecution from China´s emperors.

The Malay want trouble and today their race is closest to the Hitler type in terms of rhetoric. This is just tip of the iceberg. I can give more example. And worse of it, they try very hard to convert others and make it impossible for apostasy. They promote radical Islamism. Anyone who speak up against the radicalization is accused by Malay to be Islamophobia.

These Malay are now in a very dangerous mindset. They are now even self-victimizing and masturbate their brain using Champa of Vietnam, and mixing Chinese with Vietnamese and Thai, to show that Chinese are genocidal. People will not understand the feeling of living beside such crazy neighbors.
The Malay want trouble and today their race is closest to the Hitler type in terms of rhetoric. This is just tip of the iceberg. I can give more example. And worse of it, they try very hard to convert others and make it impossible for apostasy. They promote radical Islamism. Anyone who speak up against the radicalization is accused by Malay to be Islamophobia.

These Malay are now in a very dangerous mindset. They are now even self-victimizing and masturbate their brain using Champa of Vietnam, and mixing Chinese with Vietnamese and Thai, to show that Chinese are genocidal. People will not understand the feeling of living beside such crazy neighbors.
everything if it turns to radicalism is dangerrous. but I don´t think that the radical Malays are able to start a hate war against the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. Not because they don´t want to do, but they fear a possible reaction of the People Republic of China. The days when China was weak is over. Simple as that.

I visited Malaysia many times and understand why the ethnic Malays hate you. Chinese merchants dominate totally Malaysian economy. Similar picture in Indonesia and Thailand. It is hard for them to accept, especially for the muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia.
everything if it turns to radicalism is dangerrous. but I don´t think that the radical Malays are able to start a hate war against the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. Not because they don´t want to do, but they fear a possible reaction of the People Republic of China. The days when China was weak is over. Simple as that.

I visited Malaysia many times and understand why the ethnic Malays hate you. Chinese merchants dominate totally Malaysian economy. Similar picture in Indonesia and Thailand. It is hard for them to accept, especially for the muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Thank you for your post. Even though I knew that, but for someone to remind this to me will certainly make me more forgiving and less angry.

Thank you for your post. Even though I knew that, but for someone to remind this to me will certainly make me more forgiving and less angry.


Let's hope the race roits and killing of Chinese businessmen during the 90s will never happen again... I met an Chinese girl who faced the horrors of the 1997 Indonesia riot. Will the PRC respond if Chinese merchants/communities are attacked in SE Asia?
Let's hope the race roits and killing of Chinese businessmen during the 90s will never happen again... I met an Chinese girl who faced the horrors of the 1997 Indonesia riot. Will the PRC respond if Chinese merchants/communities are attacked in SE Asia?

PRC always sell out oversea Chinese. She may not response. PRC sell out Chinese in Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam is the main reason many local Chinese allow themselves to assimilate and want nothing to do with China.

Anyway, in Singapore, it is extremely maddening listening crazy Malay yelling all kinds of stupid and racist sermon on roof top. You never seen such race after the death of Hitler. Only groups like Al Qaeda and Taliban did.

If such trend continues, hopefully not, the Malay people will be a band of derange in future generation. They are already more radicalize compared to their parents.
PRC always sell out oversea Chinese. She may not response. PRC sell out Chinese in Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam is the main reason many local Chinese allow themselves to assimilate and want nothing to do with China.

Anyway, in Singapore, it is extremely maddening listening crazy Malay yelling all kinds of stupid and racist sermon on roof top. You never seen such race after the death of Hitler. Only groups like Al Qaeda and Taliban did.

If such trend continues, hopefully not, the Malay people will be a band of derange in future generation. They are already more radicalize compared to their parents.

The Singapore Armed forces can deal with Malaysia if attacked. What I would be concerned about would be mass Chinese refugees fleeing to an already crowed Singapore in the hundreds of thousands because of Malays want an Wahabi like state. I think the main reason why the PRC did not respond to the Massacres of Chinese diaspora is because it's naval and military capability to go overseas was limited. They did attack Vietnam! I doubt the PLA will do nothing if those attacks happened now.. there would be too much pressure of the PRC government because, unlike the 90s, it's the 2nd largest economy and the Chinese people are more confident.
The Singapore Armed forces can deal with Malaysia if attacked. What I would be concerned about would be mass Chinese refugees fleeing to an already crowed Singapore in the hundreds of thousands because of Malays want an Wahabi like state. I think the main reason why the PRC did not respond to the Massacres of Chinese diaspora is because it's naval and military capability to go overseas was limited. They did attack Vietnam! I doubt the PLA will do nothing if those attacks happened now.. there would be too much pressure of the PRC government because, unlike the 90s, it's the 2nd largest economy and the Chinese people are more confident.

you don't know what a wahabi is.

Malays are Sunni Muslims and all state scholars are young and old Shafii Sunnis trained from 600 year old schools spiritualist schools.
The Singapore Armed forces can deal with Malaysia if attacked. What I would be concerned about would be mass Chinese refugees fleeing to an already crowed Singapore in the hundreds of thousands because of Malays want an Wahabi like state. I think the main reason why the PRC did not respond to the Massacres of Chinese diaspora is because it's naval and military capability to go overseas was limited. They did attack Vietnam! I doubt the PLA will do nothing if those attacks happened now.. there would be too much pressure of the PRC government because, unlike the 90s, it's the 2nd largest economy and the Chinese people are more confident.

The Chinese intellects in SE Asia know Mao supported Pot which massacre a lot of Chinese. And one reason for Deng to attack Vietnam is Vietnam overthrow Pot. But the act of Vietnam actually saved a lot of Chinese.

Anyway PRC was really a gangster during Mao's time. Her action injured a lot of SE Asia Chinese.
The Chinese intellects in SE Asia know Mao supported Pot which massacre a lot of Chinese. And one reason for Deng to attack Vietnam is Vietnam overthrow Pot. But the act of Vietnam actually saved a lot of Chinese.

Anyway PRC was really a gangster during Mao's time. Her action injured a lot of SE Asia Chinese.

But the PRC is not under Mao anymore ;) And China today will look after her people, I'm sure of it. But I'm not Chinese, so you would know better then me.
China will only take care their citizens,we have warm wishes to overseas Chinese,but we can't take care you.You should take care yourself.And don't hate one group of People,maybe some Malay nationalists are bad,but not all Malays are bad,most are just ordinary people like others.Also you should know,you should live with Malays forever,so you should built a relation with respect to each other,I don't want Hutu-Tutsi things happened in Southeast Asia
Thank you for your post. Even though I knew that, but for someone to remind this to me will certainly make me more forgiving and less angry.

Many native Malaysians see Chinese as foreigners, as guests, even you have been living in the country since centuries. Though, I think only few Malaysians listen to the Radicals. Can´t predict the future, but I guess the more all Malaysians enjoy the prosperity, the less the Radicals have chance to ignite hatred.

Kuala Lumpur is a good example where many races live side by side peacefully.
China will only take care their citizens,we have warm wishes to overseas Chinese,but we can't take care you.You should take care yourself.And don't hate one group of People,maybe some Malay nationalists are bad,but not all Malays are bad,most are just ordinary people like others.Also you should know,you should live with Malays forever,so you should built a relation with respect to each other,I don't want Hutu-Tutsi things happened in Southeast Asia

The SE Asian Chinese already knew that. China will do us a favor by just watching us get slaughter. In fact, China went one step further by exporting revolution, or by supporting anti Chinese regime, making us enemies of the natives.

It will be good if China does not backstab us. We have bad experience with China, as China supported Cambodia Pot who massacre Chinese. China clap and cheers when Chinese got butchered. And the people who bail us out is Vietnam. For that China punish Vietnam by invading North Vietnam.

We know long time ago Mao China was a gangster state. A lot of us do not identify with China anymore for that. Even many Vietnamese I knew are phoney Vietnamese, whose ancestors came from China. They hate China.

Nevertheless, a lot of SE Asian are still poisoned by Stockholm syndrome, including myself more or less, supporting China's cause. Only President Benigno Aquino have a lot of guts. He being a Chinese hate China and conspire with all China's enemies such as USA and Vietnam to harm China.

Today Malaysian Chinese already stooge like a dog in front of Malay, silently brooding the curses hurled by radicals.

If China further harm oversea Chinese interest, many more will become Benigno Aquino. Not too long ago, before 1960s, most Pinoy Chinese support China. Now its getting less and less. The top Commie general Ye Fei 叶飞 is a Pinoy whose family still in Philippines. You will not find a Pinoy Ye Fei today. You find Chinese like Aquinos all anti China.


China supporting Cambodia butcher Pol Pot who killed a lot of Chinese. Below Pot and Ieng Sary. Thank you Vietnam for ridding them.
The SE Asian Chinese already knew that. China will do us a favor by just watching us get slaughter. In fact, China went one step further supporting a lot of anti Chinese regime in SE Asia.

It will be good if China does not backstab us. We have bad experience with China, as China supported Cambodia Pot who massacre Chinese. China clap and cheers when Chinese got butchered. And the people who bail us out is Vietnam. For that China punish Vietnam by invading North Vietnam.

We know long time ago Mao China was a gangster state. A lot of us do not identify with China anymore for that. Even many Vietnamese I knew are phoney Vietnamese, whose ancestors came from China. They hate China.

Nevertheless, a lot of SE Asian are still poisoned by Stockholm syndrome, including myself more or less, supporting China's cause. Only President Benigno Aquino have a lot of guts. He being a Chinese hate China and conspire with all China's enemies such as USA and Vietnam to harm China.

Today Malaysian Chinese already stooge like a dog in front of Malay, silently brooding the curses hurled by radicals.

If China further harm oversea Chinese interest, many more will become Benigno Aquino.

China supporting Cambodia butcher Pol Pot who killed a lot of Chinese. Below Pot and Ieng Sary. Thank you Vietnam for ridding them.
A strong China will only benefit the overseas Chinese population,a strong and powerful China will promote the Chinese language,and language is most important thing for an ethnic group.And overseas Chinese can be bridge between China and their countries,because of their cultural backgroud,they will be easier than others do buissness with China.
I don't consider people like Benigno Aquino as Chinese,they are just southeast asians with Chinsese ancestry,just like Pol Pot also had Chinese blood,but no one consider him as the Chinese
A strong China will only benefit the overseas Chinese population,a strong and powerful China will promote the Chinese language,and language is most important thing for an ethnic group.And overseas Chinese can be bridge between China and their countries,because of their cultural backgroud,they will be easier than others do buissness with China.
I don't consider people like Benigno Aquino as Chinese,they are just southeast asians with Chinsese ancestry,just like Pol Pot also had Chinese blood,but no one consider him as the Chinese

They could choose who they want to identify themselves with. The Thai Chinese have a lot of Thai blood, but they identify themselves with both Chinese and Thai. Some Singapore Peranakan identify with China, because at that time, even though China was weak. These Peranakan refuses all the suduction of white man and serve China.

Below Robert Kho Seng Lim is a Singaporean Peranakan, he identify with China. He was the father of China's Western Medicine and the first Chinese fellow of USA academy of Science. He was the top medical scientist and top doctor at his time. He was a general in the China's army.

Below is Gu Hongming, another Peranakan, No 1 expert in western classics of China, a genius. He is a Chinese + white woman bastard. Today, such people will identify with white. Then the oversea Chinese are so patriotic that he identify with China.


Mao harm oversea Chinese. Also, Mao destroyed Chinese culture in a barbaric way. Today, oversea Chinese visit China and see a bunch of wolves who like to backstab one another. We also see low moral values, and a lot of sexualization of society, We get really quite disappointed.

The thing oversea Chinese can look up to China is probably shinny buildings. Without that, oversea chinese may despise china like what oversea indians despise india. Nevertheless I would like to say China has indeed build up a lot of respect and prestige in recent years, because of her growth in many areas.
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