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Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

They could choose who they want to identify themselves with. The Thai Chinese have a lot of Thai blood, but they identify themselves with both Chinese and Thai. Some Singapore Peranakan identify with China, because at that time, even though China was weak. These Peranakan refuses all the suduction of white man and serve China.

Below Robert Kho Seng Lim is a Singaporean Peranakan, he identify with China. He was the father of China's Western Medicine and the first Chinese fellow of USA academy of Science. He was the top medical scientist and top doctor at his time. He was a general in the China's army.

Below is Gu Hongming, another Peranakan, No 1 expert in western classics of China, a genius. He is a Chinese + white woman bastard. Today, such people will identify with white. Then the oversea Chinese are so patriotic that he identify with China.


Mao harm oversea Chinese. Also, Mao destroyed Chinese culture in a barbaric way. Today, oversea Chinese visit China and see a bunch of wolves who like to backstab one another. We also see low moral values, and a lot of sexualization of society, We get really quite disappointed.

The thing oversea Chinese can look up to China is probably shinny buildings. Without that, oversea chinese may despise china like what oversea indians despise india. Nevertheless I would like to say China has indeed build up a lot of respect and prestige in recent years, because of her growth in many areas.
Mao can't destroy a culture(5000 years history),he harm the traditinal culture,but after he gone away from history,the Chinese are still Chinese,they still speak Chinese,they still have Chinese surnames,they still have Chinese way of thinking,they still keep Chinese values.Let's make it clear,only China can promote the Chinese culture,if China fails,then Chinese culture will fall.
Exactly the point I was arguing. Singapore was run by english speaking chinese elite, hence the policy is based on their ethos. Not because they wanted to kill chinese education. His sons were sent to well known chinese clan school
He banned it because he wants to promote Mandarin Chinese as standard. He is well known for being draconian about things, like chewing gums.

Lee Kuan Yaw is a Christian.

If I said this, you should already understand.
Malays in Malaysia never cease fanning hate against Chinese, up to the point of fabricating histories or interpreting histories in the most crazy ways. The Malay hate monger never fail to tell the Malay that Chinese kill Malays and Malays are victim. In the recently demise of communist Chin Peng give Malay one more opportunities to enjoy in their wet dream by remembering one another that Chinese communist kill Malay.

The perpetual themes of Malay rubbishes are Malay are gentle and moderate sitting idly while Chinese conduct exploitation, racism and even killings -- despite the fact that Malays themselves are big bully. The Malay propaganda is getting dangerous close to Nazi lines.


Malays nationalism is a BIG JOKE.

Before asking about how great their people and culture are...and how they love it so much, bla bla bla...

Ask them first about their current religion.

A bunch of hypocrite traitors! :omghaha:

Their nationalism movement is not came from the pure heart of loving Malays Civilization, but just a childish rant, borrowing words here and there, without understand anything. They just boring ignorant people looking for troubles.

Before looking a trouble with other people, try to fix your modern Malays first.

I can't blame Malays too for their misfortune. Chinese people also have a problem with the communism and foreign worshiper traitors too.
Mao can't destroy a culture(5000 years history),he harm the traditinal culture,but after he gone away from history,the Chinese are still Chinese,they still speak Chinese,they still have Chinese surnames,they still have Chinese way of thinking,they still keep Chinese values.Let's make it clear,only China can promote the Chinese culture,if China fails,then Chinese culture will fall.

There are things that have been lost that most of mainlanders didn't see it. After a hundred years of chaos, Christian elites oppression and Mao's cultural revolution, it is hard to say if China didn't lost anything. The lost is REAL and A LOT.

Yes, it's true that only China can promote Chinese culture. If China fall, then Chinese culture will fall and extinct forever.

Mainlanders should understand how importance the China position to all Chinese people worldwide and the continuation of Chinese civilization. There's still a bunch of old communist Chinese officials sit in importance position in the government. But once the old communist officials die, young people like us should take over the power and restore Chinese civilization as it should be.
After all these writings, I wish to talk good things about Malay. I would say the average Malay people are innocent and they prefer to treat Chinese good. I have studied SE Asia history. Malaysia Malay is the few tribe that do not have much hate against Chinese until Japanese came. The Malay welcome everyone until the point that fake Malays, control their country

We are sabotage by Japanese. What happened then was, the Japs used Malay as gendarme, the Chinese went into forest to wage insurgency. Chinese communist kill a lot of Malay collaborators, and these collaborators are Malay elites. Malay elites then started hate Chinese. When Jap surrender, the commie took revenge on all the walking dogs, like Jap mistresses, gendarme, civil servant, whom they deemed as collaborators. But the Malay grassroot hate collaborators also, given that these folks help Japs to recruit slave laborers and many work themselves to death.

Not only Malay, the Chinese and Indians traitors got shitt from the communist.

Also these malay elites are mostly fake malay of Indians or arab origins. The Malay elites knowing their stain started to preach nationalism and islamism until today. They know they get trouble if someone expose them. That is how Malay got radicalized. Unfortunately most people cannot see that. Even though I am fully aware of the issue but I often let my emotions take control of me when I see malay radical spew shitt.

I should remember more that the Malay treated our fathers kindly. They were hospitable. They give us a land when we flee from China. They did not persecute us. Their hatred us being stirred by fake Malay.
There are things that have been lost that most of mainlanders didn't see it. After a hundred years of chaos, Christian elites oppression and Mao's cultural revolution, it is hard to say if China didn't lost anything. The lost is REAL and A LOT.

Yes, it's true that only China can promote Chinese culture. If China fall, then Chinese culture will fall and extinct forever.

Mainlanders should understand how importance the China position to all Chinese people worldwide and the continuation of Chinese civilization. There's still a bunch of old communist Chinese officials sit in importance position in the government. But once the old communist officials die, young people like us should take over the power and restore Chinese civilization as it should be.

The oversea Chinese have no problem with one another. The Thai Chinese, Indonesian Chinese and Singaporean ...etc can mix immediately. The HK and Taiwan are just as similar. The vietnamese are similar enough. Singaporean Chinese can sense PRC immediately. There is some differences. But generally, the kids of PRC Chinese raised in Singapore behave entirely like us.
The SE Asian Chinese already knew that. China will do us a favor by just watching us get slaughter. In fact, China went one step further by exporting revolution, or by supporting anti Chinese regime, making us enemies of the natives.

It will be good if China does not backstab us. We have bad experience with China, as China supported Cambodia Pot who massacre Chinese. China clap and cheers when Chinese got butchered. And the people who bail us out is Vietnam. For that China punish Vietnam by invading North Vietnam.

We know long time ago Mao China was a gangster state. A lot of us do not identify with China anymore for that. Even many Vietnamese I knew are phoney Vietnamese, whose ancestors came from China. They hate China.

Nevertheless, a lot of SE Asian are still poisoned by Stockholm syndrome, including myself more or less, supporting China's cause. Only President Benigno Aquino have a lot of guts. He being a Chinese hate China and conspire with all China's enemies such as USA and Vietnam to harm China.

Today Malaysian Chinese already stooge like a dog in front of Malay, silently brooding the curses hurled by radicals.

If China further harm oversea Chinese interest, many more will become Benigno Aquino. Not too long ago, before 1960s, most Pinoy Chinese support China. Now its getting less and less. The top Commie general Ye Fei 叶飞 is a Pinoy whose family still in Philippines. You will not find a Pinoy Ye Fei today. You find Chinese like Aquinos all anti China.

China supporting Cambodia butcher Pol Pot who killed a lot of Chinese. Below Pot and Ieng Sary. Thank you Vietnam for ridding them.
If I am right, the majority of overseas Chinese are children from Southern Chinese, who were mostly merchants fleeing the country centuries ago. Tradionally China was ruled by Northern Chinese, who always looked down on their counterparts in the South. Moreover Chinese merchants were seen as scum, and stood at the bottom in social ladder. They were always subject of prosecution in ancient China.

Overseas Chinese were hunted and killed in mass many times as we have seen in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia...and surprisingly the Chinese central goverment just stood aside and did nothing. Why?

because the overseas Chinese were hated as well in China. If someone bothers and reads China´s 4,000 years history, it is full of regimes of terrors, Mao Zedong is not a single event.

I think, the best way the overseas Chinese can do is avoid politics, not identify themselves with China, but always be loyal to their host country. The last 40 years have seen one of the best periods in the Chinese history, but overseas Chinese should be wary as they used to be.
If I am right the majority of overseas Chinese are children from Southern Chinese, who were mostly merchants fleeing the country centuries ago. Tradionally China was ruled by Northern Chinese, who always looked down on their counterparts in the South. Moreover Chinese merchants were seen as scum, and stood at the bottom in social ladder. They were always subject of prosecution in ancient China.

Overseas Chinese were hunted and killed in mass many times as we have seen in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia...the Chinese central goverment just stood aside and did nothing. Why? because the overseas Chinese were hated as well in China. If someone bothers and read China´s 4,000 years history, it is full of regimes of terrors, Mao Zedong is not a single event.

I think the best way is the overseas Chinese should avoid politics, not identify themselves with China, but always be loyal to their host country. The last 40 years have seen one of the best periods in the Chinese history, but overseas Chinese should be wary as they used to be.

Not very true on domestic racial relationship in China. The Southern Chinese and Northern Chinese are different but I do not feel any discrimination. I do not about how others feel. In fact, there was a time where HK people discriminate China. Also northern Chinese are fully aware that Southern Chinese aces all exams in China, and they impose a positive affirmation on college admission against Southern Chinese. But Southern Chinese do not really care.

Northern Chinese know southern Chinese are smarter base on school results. The richest province are in the South like Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang. Nevertheless we do not look down on one another.

The oversea Chinese got massacre mainly by white man. 20th century we got sabotage by Mao export of communism. We got slaughtered by Pot and Indonesia for that. The problem of oversea identification is if we do not identify with China, who can we identify with? White man?

Or Malay Islam?

We got no problem to identify with Thai, Laos or Vietnam, because it is much similar.
There are things that have been lost that most of mainlanders didn't see it. After a hundred years of chaos, Christian elites oppression and Mao's cultural revolution, it is hard to say if China didn't lost anything. The lost is REAL and A LOT.

Yes, it's true that only China can promote Chinese culture. If China fall, then Chinese culture will fall and extinct forever.

Mainlanders should understand how importance the China position to all Chinese people worldwide and the continuation of Chinese civilization. There's still a bunch of old communist Chinese officials sit in importance position in the government. But once the old communist officials die, young people like us should take over the power and restore Chinese civilization as it should be.
are you sure?

How many times China came under the rule of foreigners and eased to exist? do you forget the Turks, the Mongols, the Manchus, and the Japanese, all the babarians Western Powers who came and humiliated China? China cultures and custom do not depend on China as a state but rather on the people.

But no wory. Imagine even China stops to exist, you still have Vietnam, who holds the banner of China´s civilization. :cool:
The oversea Chinese have no problem with one another. The Thai Chinese, Indonesian Chinese and Singaporean ...etc can mix immediately. The HK and Taiwan are just as similar. The vietnamese are similar enough. Singaporean Chinese can sense PRC immediately. There is some differences. But generally, the kids of PRC Chinese raised in Singapore behave entirely like us.

Yeah, I notice that differences.

I wonder, Can mainland Chinese members here explain it to us the reason?
If I am right, the majority of overseas Chinese are children from Southern Chinese, who were mostly merchants fleeing the country centuries ago. Tradionally China was ruled by Northern Chinese, who always looked down on their counterparts in the South. Moreover Chinese merchants were seen as scum, and stood at the bottom in social ladder. They were always subject of prosecution in ancient China.
I see you're carrying a big chip over your shoulder. Northern Vietnam was not part of Southern China. Our subjugation of Vietnam does not = southern China.
Southern Han came from the North. Southern cities of Suzhou, Hangzhou... aka Jiangnan region was the intellectual capital of ancient China. Quanzhou and Guangzhou were important trading port. And many of our political leaders were from the south, including Mao and Deng.

are you sure?

How many times China came under the rule of foreigners and eased to exist? do you forget the Turks, the Mongols, the Manchus, and the Japanese, all the babarians Western Powers who came and humiliated China? China cultures and custom do not depend on China as a state but rather on the people.

Looks like you've some beef against China. Well, at least learn some history before you speak. Only Mongolians (lasted 90 yrs) and Manchu gained control of China, but they both adopted Chinese culture. For a civilization that's over 4000 years, that's pretty impressive. The one that truly got humiliated was Vietnam, we ruled you for a 1000 years.
No, I don't because you've no idea what you're talking about. He is atheist/agnostic.

He is a Christian as his whole family members.

Had he ever visit Chinese temple and praying there?

Had he promote Mandarin over English?

Had he promote Chinese value into Singapore society over the Western Christian value?

Had he build more Chinese temples and schools over Christian ones?

How much Singaporean minimum salary standard compare with US and Japan?
He is a Christian as his whole family members.

Had he ever visit Chinese temple and praying there?

Had he promote Mandarin over English?

Had he promote Chinese value into Singapore society over the Western Christian value?

Had he build more Chinese temples and schools over Christian ones?

How much Singaporean minimum salary standard compare with US and Japan?

Stop embarrassing yourself.
Agnostic and pragmatic in his approach to life, he spoke with something like envy of people who find strength and solace in religion. “How do I comfort myself?” he asked. “Well, I say, ‘Life is just like that.’ ” “What is next, I do not know,” he said. “Nobody has ever come back.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/11/world/asia/11lee.html?pagewanted=all

As to the rest of your questions, the answer is mostly Yes, but they're quite irrelevant to the subject matter.
I read about the glory of the Malays Empire of Srivijaya in internet.

Well, it's not the British and Chinese Malaysian who destroyed it, and make Malays people as lowly as the article said. The religion who destroyed Srivijaya Empire and made Malays people of today is not came from the British and Chinese Malaysian.

It has nothing to do with BRITISH and CHINESE MALAYSIAN.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

I'm not the unlucky Singaporean, why should I embarrass myself?

As an ethnic Chinese, Yes, I feel shame with the behavior of Singaporean government toward his own Chinese people.
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