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Malaysia attacks armed Filipino clan in Sabah

Just because they're Muslim, they are not Flips? That's funny.

They are. But ask them what were they doing in Malaysia with arms. Something that average hard working filipino does not do.
Nope, even Mexicans get better jobs than that. Philippinos are good for being maids and floor cleaners, and that's about it.

Really man so way off Majority of Filipinos are Teachers, Nurses, Mariners you dont live in Canada if you think that way majority of Our Overseas workers are University Graduates one of the most ask for Professional jobs. One of my own kin lives in Canada as Nurse on Emergency Room in Canada so tell please who are you tell tell us that majority of chinese works on red light districts all over the world and china is the only sources of fake goods in the world and those are as true in life as the Sun in the sky so insulting us? Oh please were did you get your Info Mao guild to the morons ?
Just because they're Muslim, they are not Flips? That's funny.

By this i say your have no humanity at all one you even drag people work in small $hity jobs who are just doing their jobs beside nationality which explain the inhuman superiority complex of the majority of the chinese troll bags here who's relatives and forefathers have been going for centuries you people are really something. Makunhinsiya na man kayo! (Have some moral Consciousness) you people are just cruel.
Nope, even Mexicans get better jobs than that. Philippinos are good for being maids and floor cleaners, and that's about it.

Update your knowlegde of Philippines! the country makes good progress on economy and reducing of poverty. Overall pictures look good, too. Not long ago, Chinese were poor immigrants in America and faced racist discrimination such as Chinese Exclusion Act.

Like would like to compare myself to your people? Jesus because there is no comparison to begin with am human your not! How can there be a comparison between us? See i have response to your nazi style attacks so please do it more or get back to the topic or else!

Heh, if Philippines get destroyed tomorrow, no one in the world will notice any difference. That's how irrelevant they are as a country and as a people.

Truth is by its very nature, cruel.

So with that are you saying your people are evil by nature this great A material folks
@ Viet

People don't generally understood the situation and only say what they want to say because they are either agnostic narcissist or just a yokel hillbilly.

To say those Terrorist represent the true value of Philippine is the same as saying Hezbollah or PLO represent the people of Palestine.

Some people gone crazy and think the land is there's and get the shiite out of it, in the end it is a cold solemn reminder to EVERYONE invasion and incursion is not a way to go for Terriorities Dispute, anyone threaten to take land back by force will be beaten back. No exception

Good call on the malaysia government.

The goverment of Philippines condemns such terroristic attack on Malaysian soil. These gunmen damaged the picture of Philippines and do not present the majority of the people. No, they are terrorists.
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We're just better than you in every possible way. In fact, even comparing ourselves to you is a disgrace.

It's sad that your insulting Filipino people. I look up to other Asian countries like China and Japan. Not all Filipino people are like that disgraced Zero_wing. Just don't mind him.
It's sad that your insulting Filipino people. I look up to other Asian countries like China and Japan. Not all Filipino people are like that disgraced Zero_wing. Just don't mind him.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha :omghaha:

I would say these gunmen from the Philippines are terrorists, hence Malaysia has the right and authority on their side to handle the attack as a terroristic act.

I wonder why Malaysia forces have been too passive and soft?

Some Malaysian friends told me that the government is trying to find a way to burn the back door of oppositions by taking advantage of this issue, but I really doubt it.


I am. Working for Xinhua.

Kirams insist: P70K is rent for Sabah not cession fee

Why is it keep saying you are a "false flagger"? Can you speak Filipino?
sure sure and the chinese are all knowing I think i am in batter position to know this things better than you troll i am a filipino and this as been the topic of Political Academics in the Philippines for years since 1963 so why are saying am not qualified and since when did you people became judges to this issue? your out of your trolling area you trolls go back to the West Philippine Sea Issue and stay there you people don't know your head from your own @$$ in this Issue.

Anyway the Royal Army is on the run but they know the place since most them train there at height of the Moro Rebellion so it would be pretty hard for them to catch them.
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