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Malaysia attacks armed Filipino clan in Sabah

extremely>? really were have you been living in a cave? we are only second to china on the economic front and we are one of the best preforming economies in the world as of 2012 and even now 2013 oh please Malaysia has not even cut ties with us in fact both agree this people are wrong so why are you B$#%ing about?
extremely>? really were have you been living in a cave? we are only second to china on the economic front and we are one of the best preforming economies in the world as of 2012 and even now 2013 oh please Malaysia has not even cut ties with us in fact both agree this people are wrong so why are you B$#%ing about?

Why celebrate now? Too early. Anyway, our economy is still small and our economic growth was like that of 2007.
extremely>? really were have you been living in a cave? we are only second to china on the economic front and we are one of the best preforming economies in the world as of 2012 and even now 2013 oh please Malaysia has not even cut ties with us in fact both agree this people are wrong so why are you B$#%ing about?

Yup yup yup keep selling your greatest local product maid to us.
Free Moro.
Long live Malaysia.
Go away murderers.

Philippines and Philippinos are pretty pathetic in general, and nothing of value is lost when Malaysia whacks them.
Sulu intruders are now running like away from battle, what happen to their brave words of fighting to last man?

The self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu is asking for cease fire now after more than 52 of his invading gunman are dead. Our Prime Minister rejected his plea for cease fire and said only way out is to surrender or else be killed or captured.

These invaders do not represent Phillipines government thus they will be considered as terrorists and will face murder charges, they will not be war prisoners enjoying rights of Generva Convention.
Yup very to for the chinese trolls this trolling sore your dong is not helping your stupid cause at all
Oh please fre tibet uyger and iner mongolia from chinese terrorist state

first try to spell out those places properly housemaid````

Hahahahaha oh please this people acted on their own why are you people dragging my country on this and please china as killed more people than anyone starting from your country's founding so please your stupid twist on this issue is as stupid as your claims.

so these people are not philipinos? lol, gotta like your line of thinking``no wonder, the maid superpower
The illiterate Pinoy can only repeat the "oh please" or "spare me" phrase these days. Still no progress made at the kindergarten eh little boy. Malaysian forces should wipe these pinoy killers and send them back to this macaca as a souvenir.
The illiterate Pinoy can only repeat the "oh please" or "spare me" phrase these days. Still no progress made at the kindergarten eh little boy. Malaysian forces should wipe these pinoy killers and send them back to this macaca as a souvenir.

Lol, that Zero_wing kid does not represent all Filipino people. He just is illiterate.
first try to spell out those places properly housemaid````

so these people are not philipinos? lol, gotta like your line of thinking``no wonder, the maid superpower

first of all its Filipino! Moron not philipinos or any other just Filipino the deference is between the country and the people and second can you supply us with ho's here since china is the largest supplier of prostitutes in the world along with fake poorly made products very dangerous to humans use or consumption see i can do the stereotypes attack too.
Zero_wing needs to stick to topic. Why does he derail the thread?
The illiterate Pinoy can only repeat the "oh please" or "spare me" phrase these days. Still no progress made at the kindergarten eh little boy. Malaysian forces should wipe these pinoy killers and send them back to this macaca as a souvenir.

So its not really the Philippines attack unlike Chinese horde its a group of idiots who took it upon themselves to do stupid things so again please spare the trolling chinese $hi^t bags because this people even though stupid and wrong are saints compare to your stupidity but it does not change the fact that what they did is wrong. So the Malaysians should take care of that and besides its ironic it was the Libyans and the Malaysians who trained and armed them now well that's history for you!
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