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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

^ Trying to admit and digest the fact that the biggest enemy is within the country is not easy for general people. See, when we were kids we used to fear the monster in the closet but as we grew up we realized it was within us.

Pakistani people has yet to realize the monster within the country. And worst case scenario is if this monster turns out to be like Hydra. More you cut its head, more heads will grow.
Despite the fact that Taliban Spokesman has been issuing claims and justifications for attack on Malala, I can quote you posts by members of this august forum who have firm belief that it is all a hoax. Taliban never attacked Malala; media is doing all this to malign Muslim Taliban and the name of Islam.

How could one expect Mufti Naeem of Binori Madrasah to condemn Taliban openly? Many of the Taliban leaders have been students there.

We keep blaming the West for double standards with some justification. It is a great shame but one cannot deny the truth; we are a nation full of hypocrites and double standards as well.

How can you condemn and unknown entity?
Do we know who is "Taliban"?
Do we know exactly where they reside,what’s their address? who is their leader? so much for the death of OBl and nothing changes..
Its about as confusing as it gets..
You cannot catch or fight an enemy as unknown as Taliban....
Too much time has been spent in condemning the unknown...I am happy the Scholar did not waste his time in the useless..
wasnt recently USA was saying they are about to enter negotiations with Taliban?
AM - USA organises talks with Taliban 20/06/2011
^ Trying to admit and digest the fact that the biggest enemy is within the country is not easy for general people. See, when we were kids we used to fear the monster in the closet but as we grew up we realized it was within us.

Pakistani people has yet to realize the monster within the country. And worst case scenario is if this monster turns out to be like Hydra. More you cut its head, more heads will grow.

^ Trying to admit and digest the fact that the biggest enemy is within the country is not easy for general people. See, when we were kids we used to fear the monster in the closet but as we grew up we realized it was within us.

Pakistani people has yet to realize the monster within the country. And worst case scenario is if this monster turns out to be like Hydra. More you cut its head, more heads will grow.

More than 5000 jehadi madrasas brain washing millions of young stundents inside Pakistan near Afghan boarder , we need to change their idealogy to treat the cancer of talabanization.

Being think thanker you should have information of root cause of problem .
More than 5000 jehadi madrasas brain washing millions of young stundents inside Pakistan near Afghan boarder , we need to change their idealogy to treat the cancer of talabanization.

Being think thanker you should have information of root cause of problem .
By looking at the mindset people have on this forum, not all, but in general, they blame external forces for their problem. If we look at your media, people often put blame on India, US and god knows what. I have seen so many news channel videos all blaming India and people/ students studying in Universities clapping on Zaid Hamid's lecture. If a buffoon like him gets the air time and address the students studying in universities, then there is something wrong with intellectual class too.

The Talibanization of security personals and educated class is as dangerous as these tribal people. Tribals can be controlled as they can be out-witted but the general populace especially the educated one, you need hell lot of work to change their stance.
More than 5000 jehadi madrasas brain washing millions of young stundents inside Pakistan near Afghan boarder , we need to change their idealogy to treat the cancer of talabanization.

Being think thanker you should have information of root cause of problem .
You cannot stop people from Learning religion and painting all madrisahs as cradles of terrorism is bigotry at is best or worst...
Go on Shut down the 5000 madrisahs and provide boarding lodging to all those residing there for free...
We as nation can point out problems but we are a nation with no solutions what so ever or solution which are ludicrous and impractical...
i dont know which planet you guys live on but i have years of experience interacting with madrissahas,madrissah students and teachers..they are as normal as anybody else..
You wont ask to shut down schools because some school students become murderers...
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3496765 said:
but taliban doesnt fear a woman in skirt at peshawar fashion weak??

and yet we fail to get the hint...
Oh really----how pathetic does that sound----has the nation reached the level of being totally disgusting where the conscience has completely died---.

Pak millitary needs to do what Gnaeus Pompey Magnus did to the spartans---. The nation is behind the millitary---take the al qaeda and taliban out and take anyone who gives them protection out.

Pak millitary made the mistake of listening to the public years ago and got into negotiations with the terrorists----and both paid a very heavy price---.

Malala don't need anyone's prayersd---Malala needss justice---the weak su'ck pakistani can neither provide justice nor do they have any character left in them to do the things their so called ancestors did---.

Where is Hajjaj Bin Yusuf---where is his Bin Qasim---.
Please. This operation will bring more harm than peace and security.

While I have my doubts about the effectiveness of any bombing campaign, given that the terrorists will simply run away and come back later, wouldn't you agree that a campaign to eradicate their recruitment centers and propaganda infrastructure is long overdue?

How on earth can this radio mullah continue broadcasting his trash on the airwaves? Every person connected with this assassination attempt needs to be hunted down and killed.
While I have my doubts about the effectiveness of any bombing campaign, given that the terrorists will simply run away and come back later, wouldn't you agree that a campaign to eradicate their recruitment centers and propaganda infrastructure is long overdue?

How on earth can this radio mullah continue broadcasting his trash on the airwaves? Every person connected with this assassination attempt needs to be hunted down and killed.

Take out those tribes who have given them refuge and take them out completely----don't involve the 'jirga' anymore---start the job and finish it off---.
Take out those tribes who have given them refuge and take them out completely----don't involve the 'jirga' anymore---start the job and finish it off---.

We have to target specific individuals, not engage in indiscriminate slaughter of whole tribes.

No country would engage in wanton slaughter of its own citizens on such a massive scale. America doesn't mind killing so many Pakistani civilians by drones because these are not American citizens and they don't give a damn about collateral damage or blowback. Pakistan can not afford to be so callous about civilian deaths; otherwise the military operation will create more problems than it solves.

Once again, Imran Khan has the balanced solution: kill the hardcore fanatics, stop their recruitment/propaganda, and bring the rest back into civilized society.
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