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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

Isn't this incident being blown out of proportion? I mean just yesterday the US drones murdered over 18 and injured over 15 in Orakzai Agency and the whole country is crying over 1 girl??? A girl who might have been better off living diplomatically amongst those who do not understand civilized ways of arguments on top of that!

Ssshhhhh! Dont talk about drone victims, their deaths are a consequence of so called "collateral damage" so their deaths are justified......... let us all praise COAS for calling her attackers "cowards" but embracing the drone warriors.
While a military offensive will achieve some good and I appreciate the work of our soldiers, I am less concerned about it because the animals will simply run across the border and come back in a few months.

What needs to happen -- and this is 100% the media's job -- is to make sure everyone in the region understands what kind of barbarians these people are and no one is willing to help them in any way.

Ultimately, as Imran Khan keeps pointing out, the solution is to change the mindset of the people, and this tragedy is the kind of emotional event that can get the point across.

The question is..will the ISAF guarantee border closure when pak army is launching operation?
Hell they are known to fly away terrorists in their helicopters when pak army is nearing to capture them.
The only thing Pak army will acheive is further alienation of locals,colateral damage,loss of soldiers and equipment.
All previoys requests to ISAF in Afghanistan to seal their side of border has fell on deaf ears..
They are not fighting this war to end it.
They are there to prolong it,so that their presence remains justified.
Ssshhhhh! Dont talk about drone victims, their deaths are a consequence of so called "collateral damage" so their deaths are justified......... let us all praise COAS for calling her attackers "cowards" but embracing the drone warriors.

Or maybe its just that we should keep discussions of drones on the (sticky) drone thread, and keep this thread for discussing the attack on this girl. You know, the point of having threads arranged by topic.
Very Sad , May Allah give her health soon . Who ever is responsible is not human .
The usual writer bash .. without reading the content or the context of the issue based on various events

Exactly what he written in the article. So true. ......

Anyway its great to see atleast some people supporting this great child and talking about the issue rather than the usual verbal exercises..

ESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - One of the Taliban's most feared commanders, Maulana Fazlullah, carefully briefed two killers from his special hit squad on their next target.
The gunmen weren't going after any army officer, politician or Western diplomat. Their target was a 14-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl who had angered the Taliban by speaking out for "Western"-style girls' education.
Tuesday's shooting of Malala Yousufzai was the culmination of years of campaigning that had pitted the fearless, smiling young girl against one of Pakistan's most ruthless Taliban commanders.
Their story began in 2009, when Fazlullah, known as Radio Mullah for his fiery radio broadcasts, took over Swat Valley, and ordered the closure of girls' schools, including Yousufzai's.
Outraged, the then-11-year-old kept a blog for the BBC under a pen name and later launched a campaign for girls' education. It won her Pakistan's highest civilian honour and death threats from the Taliban.
Yousufzai was not blind to the dangers. In her hometown of Mingora, Fazlullah's Taliban fighters dumped bodies near where her family lived.
"I heard my father talking about another three bodies lying at Green Chowk," she wrote in her diary, referring to a nearby roundabout.
A military offensive pushed Fazlullah out of Swat in 2009, but his men simply melted away across the border to Afghanistan. Earlier this year, they kidnapped and beheaded 17 Pakistani soldiers in one of several cross border raids.
Yousufzai continued speaking out despite the danger. As her fame grew, Fazlullah tried everything he could to silence her. The Taliban published death threats in the newspapers and slipped them under her door. But she ignored them.
The Taliban say that's why they sent assassins, despite a tribal code forbidding the killing of women.
"We had no intentions to kill her but were forced when she would not stop (speaking against us)," said Sirajuddin Ahmad, a spokesman of Swat Taliban now based in Afghanistan's Kunar province.
He said the Taliban held a meeting a few months ago at which they unanimously agreed to kill her. The task was then given to military commanders to carry out.
The militia has a force of around 100 men specialised in targeted killing, fighters said. They chose two men, aged between 20-30, who were locals from Swat Valley.
The gunmen had proved their worth in previous assassinations, killing an opposition politician and attacking a leading hotelier for "obscenity" in promoting tourism.
Their trademark is to kill by shots to the head.
Such hits, although dangerous, are also a badge of honour among the Taliban. The fighters who carry them out often receive personal calls of congratulations from senior leaders and may also get cash or guns.
Now it was Yousufzai's turn.
"Before the attack, the two fighters personally collected information about Malala's route to school, timing, the vehicle she used and her security," Ahmad said.
They decided to shoot her near a military checkpoint to make the point they could strike anywhere, he said.
On Tuesday, the two men stopped the bus she was riding home in. They asked for Yousufzai by name. Although the frightened girls said she wasn't there, the men fired at her and also hit two other girls in the van. One of them remains in critical condition.
Shot in the head and the neck, Yousufzai still lies unconscious in hospital, unaware that world leaders from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to U.S. President Barack Obama have pledged support. Schoolchildren in Swat prayed for her recovery.
"The American people are shocked by this deplorable shooting of a girl who was targeted because she dared to attend school," a statement from the White House said.
On Wednesday, the singer Madonna dedicated a song to Yousufzai during a L.A. concert. In a gesture that bemused many Pakistanis, she performed a striptease that revealed Yousufzai's first name, Malala, written across her back.
Her would-be killers said they had no idea their attack would propel their victim, already a national hero, into a global icon.
"Actually the media gave it so much importance and now even Ban Ki-moon used dirty language against us," Ahmad said. The international community stayed silent when the Pakistani security forces killed women during a crackdown, he complained.
Now that they had failed to kill Yousufzai, they would target her father, Ahmad said.
Ziauddin Yousufzai, the headmaster of a girls' school, is on their hit list for speaking against them, his activities to promote peace in the region and for encouraging his daughter.
"We have a clear-cut stance. Anyone who takes side with the government against us will have to die at our hands," Ahmad warned. "You will see. Other important people will soon become victims."

Taliban's "Radio Mullah" sent hit squad after Pakistani schoolgirl - Yahoo! News UK

kill all these rats starting with this ahmad idiot :angry:
Here comes the Liberal Jerk who always talk crap against Islam this man is a drug addict and can't tolerate the fact that we destroyed his masters known as USSR these are the biggest reasons why people become Taliban

ahaha love NFP he only questions stupid extreme mulahs and their extremists ideas , your replies are proof he is doing some thing right.
After the attack on Malala Yousufzai, the way Media is unfolding things are ejecting the idea of large-scale military operation in North Waziristan. This idea has been picked up National Assembly and Rehman Malik boosting for it.

Talking to friends this afternoon, a serving Major and a PDF member, more facts have been unveiled to my knowledge. This attack on the innocent victim was a mere attempt to engage army in N.Waziristan, which I may mention here the army has been trying to avoid lately. Therefore, they targeted Malala to force Pakistani citizens in sympathy and anger, asking military for this operation, which leaves army no choice but to act upon it, hence the attack on Malala would be labelled 'successful' by those who were behind it.

I URGE EVERYONE to keep a cool mind. Yes, Malala's incident is a tragedy and she needs our prayers, but don't fall prey to this plan (or the Media) and call for large-scale operation against the attackers. Keep your emotions attached to the girl, and not go beyond that taking uncalled actions with haste.

Please. This operation will bring more harm than peace and security. When people like Rehman Malik ask for operation, you must know that something is seriously wrong and whatever they promote, must be avoided.
We Are All Malala

Why can't Pakistanis condemn the Taliban for shooting a 14-year-old girl?


He is blind if he don't see the support of Pakistani for brave and courageous young girl malala. She is source of inspiration for many youngster
Taliban is not about people or bunch of terrist....but it is the concept that has been radicalized Pak society and in partcular North Western Part since start of Afgan war....It is a gradual and long term process that US has sown the seed...Pak president Zia has nurtured with great case and above all the hate towards India...acted as a stimulant to transform the society to such a situation...
But in this process, the leader of pakistan forget about the consequence that will happen in the dangerous process....The result is that now if any one opposes this concept, in most of the cases they will be treated as RAW agent or CIA and Mossad Agent....What a tragedy of such a beautiful nation that they forget that RAW/MOSSAD/CIA really don't need to operate in Pakistan if people and cocept like Jihad,Taliban and all these concept are plenty available in Pakistan itself....These people are more dangerous and they can do the job of RAW/MOSSAD so easily that no one can even think about it...
Taliban is not about people or bunch of terrist....but it is the concept that has been radicalized Pak society and in partcular North Western Part since start of Afgan war....It is a gradual and long term process that US has sown the seed...Pak president Zia has nurtured with great case and above all the hate towards India...acted as a stimulant to transform the society to such a situation...
But in this process, the leader of pakistan forget about the consequence that will happen in the dangerous process....The result is that now if any one opposes this concept, in most of the cases they will be treated as RAW agent or CIA and Mossad Agent....What a tragedy of such a beautiful nation that they forget that RAW/MOSSAD/CIA really don't need to operate in Pakistan if people and cocept like Jihad,Taliban and all these concept are plenty available in Pakistan itself....These people are more dangerous and they can do the job of RAW/MOSSAD so easily that no one can even think about it...

Concept of jihad is being misinterpreted here ..Jihad is not terrorism/suicide bombing or killing of children or women ..Its all bout some illiterate mullahs preaching and brainwashing illiterate followers who don't have ability to think and kill everyone who oppose their ideologies
Ssshhhhh! Dont talk about drone victims, their deaths are a consequence of so called "collateral damage" so their deaths are justified......... let us all praise COAS for calling her attackers "cowards" but embracing the drone warriors.

Death of unarmed civilians whether as collateral damage of otherwise, is a crime and should be condemned unreservedly. However, there is a great deal of difference between the children killed in drone attacks and this incidence. After the elimination of OBL; whom US blamed for causing death of thousands of American; there is no justification whatsoever of continued drone attacks and GOP must use all means at her disposal to stop these.

Prime target of the drones is the Afghan Taliban; women and children killed in drone attack are indeed collateral damage as they happened to be there. Closest comparison would be the Pakistani citizens killed in roadside bombings and suicide attacks by the TTP in bazars and crowded public places. For examples being bombings at Data Durbar in Lahore and at Abdulla Shah Ghazi Dragah in Karachi. In both places there were women and young among the victims.

Target killing is nothing new to TTP though until now it has been limited to killing of Shias and security personnel. In case you may have forgotten, the following incident happened on August 25, this year.

“Three buses were travelling from Rawalpindi, Punjab to Gilgit, Baltistan. On a section of the Karakoram Highway (KKH), in Mansehra district (an area dominated by Sunni tribes), 10 to 12 gunmen in military uniform flagged the buses for stopping. After the bus halted, the gunmen climbed on board and asked passengers for identification. They checked the identity cards of all the passengers. After which the gunmen dragged a group of Shia men. They were then sprayed with bullets from AK-47 Assault rifle”.

In this particular incident the school van was stopped. The killers inquired about the identity of Malala and then fired.

One can understand revenge attacks on US & ISAF forces in Afghanistan and on NATO supply trucks. Even though GOP has no control over drone attacks; if by some twisted logic TTP blames GOP; then targeting Pak military installations could possibly be explained.

But to target a young school girl and people rationalizing the same with drones indicates nothing but callousness towards shedding of innocent blood.

If you care to google, you would notice that in the 9 months of 2012 there have been more than 100 attacks by TTP and sectarian parties in Pakistan killing hundreds of Pakistanis as a result. How many more Pakistanis have to die before you start condemning TTP and their allies?
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